Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

I Found Out Finding Out Isn't the Worst Part

Alex noticed that Flyzik was just staring at his phone for five minutes without pressing any buttons, so he decided to say something. "Uh Matt? Are you sure you want to look at all this stuff? I mean it might make you feel worse" Alex had no idea what to say, but he had to say something. Right?

"No I need to know why Jess broke up with me or else I'll never move past this." Flyzik said with tears already starting to well up in his eyes.

"Ok Matty. Remember we're all here for you" Alex said giving Flyzik a quick hug. Alex quickly realized that he kept calling Flyzik 'Matty' and he didn't seem to mind. Usually when anyone called Flyzik Matty he'd get upset, because it was something only Mrs. Flyzik could call him. So Alex never really called J. Matthew Flyzik anything other than Flyzik or Matt. Maybe Flyzik was too upset to care but Alex kept this thought at the back of head because he realized Flyzik opened the earliest text from Jess. All it read was:

-Morning babe
XOXO Jess <3

This made Matt smile and sad all at the same time. Wanting to know why he got dumped even though he didn't nothing wrong, Flyzik went to the voice-mail Jess left on his phone. He pressed play and heard his ex-girlfriend crying while saying "M-m-matt.... tell me i-it isn't true... I-I just saw... a pi-picture... of... of you k-k-kissing... s-s-someone... else w-w-when you... you were in Vegas... for Jack's birthday. You p-promised you wouldn't cheat... I think we... need to talk" The message was barely understandable with all of the crying, but Flyzik knew what she was saying even though Alex had no idea about what he just heard. Flyzik just flipped through other texts saying:

-Matt did you cheat?



-Answer or else I know it's all true

At this point Flyzik was a complete mess again and Alex knew why. They all got so hammered at Jack's birthday party no one remembers a whole lot, so Matt couldn't even tell you honestly if he cheated or not because he didn't know. The fact that he might've cheated on his girlfriend made Flyzik so angry and upset at himself.

Alex had no fucking clue how to handle a grown man hysterically crying in a bunk, so he just sat there, channeled his inner Rian, and gave Flyzik the biggest fucking hug, and whispered "Shhh... Matty it'll be ok. Tomorrow will be all better" And they sat there with Flyzik cuddled into Alex's arms with Alex rubbing Matt's back until he heard Flyzik's breathing even out, signaling that he was asleep. There were still more messages, but Alex knew Matt has been through enough that day so he turned off the bunk light and fell asleep listening to Matt's even breathing.
♠ ♠ ♠
What are in those last messages? Did Flyzik really cheat? Is anyone ever going to give hugs as well as Rian? The world may never know.