Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

A Tour Manager, a Vocalist, a Voicemail, and a mouse

"FLYZIK!! Colussy needs to talk about some boring manager shit with you!!!" Rian yelled toward the bunks from the front lounge couch. "Alex go get him. I'm in the middle of a call with Cass," he ordered Alex then put the phone back to his ear.

"Fine," Alex groaned getting up from the couch that seemed to just get a hundred times more comfy in the last ten seconds. "MATT!" Alex yelled as he dragged his feet toward the bunk area. Alex go to the tour manager's bunk and warned him, "Flyzik I'm opening the curtain, so if you have your dick out put it away."

Alex counted to ten in his head, giving the manager time to obey Alex's previous orders, and opened the curtain. What Alex found wasn't a horny twenty-something year old, but a sobbing mess curled into a ball in the corner of the bunk. The grown man resembled more of a three year old. Alex was going to say something but then his eyes took notice of Matt's phone, which was open to a text message in the middle of the bed. Alex picked up the phone and read the message:

-This is what I found. Dont even bother trying to explain yourself!

At the bottom was a picture of Flyzik and another girl, who definitely wasn't Jessica. They weren't just standing next to each other or even hugging, but they were kissing. And not just a friendly peck on the lips, even in just a picture it was obvious they had their tongues down each others' throats. The worst part was that it looked like Matt took the picture himself. Alex didn't know what to say, but before he could even say anything Matt sniffled and looked up at Alex.

"There's... a voice mail too," Matt said sounding ashamed, he finished crying but Alex could tell he was stillholding back tears.

"Matt," Alex started saying, but paused so he could get himself into the bunk next to Flyzik. "sit up for a sec?"

Flyzik sat there for a while, and then reluctantly sat up with his head still hung low. He was clinging onto the same Mickey he was holding two nights ago. "Little bits of that night are starting to come back to me," he said, then fell onto Alex's shoulder crying again.

Alex gave Matt a hug and rubbed his friends back. "It's going to be OK." Alex tried to make his friend feel better but it wasn't working

"No it's not! I cheated and I don't even remember. Now Jess is gone and I can't do anything about it!" Flyzik sounded more angry than mad at this point. He pulled away from Alex and turned toward the wall.

"MATT!! Get the fuck out here!!" Rian called from the lounge again. "Colussy is fucking bugging me about you!"

"One second, Matt," Alex whispered to his friend, and then poked his head out of the bunk. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Whatever it is Colussy can handle on his own! Matt's not feeling well"

"Shit! I forgot!" Rian said followed by heavy footsteps heading toward Alex and Flyzik. In no time Rian was standing in front of the bunk apologizing, "God I'm so sorry. I'm outside screaming at you like an asshole. Listen I'm-"

Before Rian could say anymore Matt sat up and said in a hoarse voice, "It's fine. I should get ready anyway and see what Colussy wants."

"No you're not working today. I'll tell Colussy to do the work himself for the day." Rian said and bound out of the bunk area back to Colussy.

"Matt?" Alex asked in a cautious voice.

"Yeah Alex?" Flyzik didn't look at his friend, he merely started playing with the ears on the stuffed doll.

"Would you mind if I listened to the voice mail that's left? I know it's none of my business, but-" Alex was very cautious when he said this.

"It's fine go ahead. I want to hear her voice again anyway," Flyzik cutoff his friend and handed him the phone.

Alex looked at his friend, and Matt just nodded. He turned his attention to the phone Flyzik handed him and pressed play on the voice mail. At first there was nothing but crying in the background, but then Jess' voice came up on the speaker. "I-I-I just... I don-don't have any w-words... to express how hur-hurt I am. I-I th-thought you were... bet-better than this. We- We're DO-DONE... I... am go-going... on th-the bus... t-to get s-some of m-my stuff...." The voice mail cut off and Alex just sat there. He turned to Matt and noticed a tear falling down his face.

"Matt? Is that all she left?" Alex said pointing to the Mickey doll back in Flyzik's arms. He simply nodded and broke down again and buried his face into Alex's shoulder.

The two sat there in silence, until Alex noticed that Matt was sleeping and it was almost time for sound-check. So Alex slipped out from under Flyzik, hopped out of the bunk, and gave the sleeping manager a quick kiss on the forehead. "Sleep well Matty. Feel better," whispered Alex as he closed the curtain to the bunk and walked off the bus.

Behind the curtain Matt laid in his bunk, still holding the Mickey tight in his arms, with a grin across his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was Matt awake when Alex kissed him, or was he just having a dream?