Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

I Don't Wanna Dance

"MAAAAAT!" Alex cried in a whiny voice pulling on the tour managers hand. Matt was sitting up in his bunk, typing away at an email, or trying to. Alex was standing outside the bunk annoying the shit out of Flyzik.

"Alex go annoy Jack. I don't want to go to Cassadee's birthday party! Since I didn't do any work for the past few days I have a shit load to do now." Flyzik said, shaking off Alex's hand, going back to the email. "Besides," he said a little sadder than than the previous sentence, hanging his head lower, "I'm not exactly in the party mood."

"Matty!" Alex whined again, sounding like an impatient four year old. "Come on. Let's party and turn that frown upside down." When Alex said that, he put his fingers on the corners of Flyzik's mouth and pushed up, forcing a smile out of him.

"Fine, just let me work for an hour, that way you might just have enough time to do your hair," Flyzik said pushing Alex's hands away from his face.

"Hey! It takes time to make all this look fucking gorgeous," Alex said as he combed his hand through his hair dramatically. He walked away from Flyzik's bunk and into the bathroom.

It took about forty-five minutes to finish up the work that piled up from previous days, before Matt got out of his bunk, stretched his legs, and walked out to the front lounge.

"How do I look?" Rian asked as he stepped out of the bathroom wearing a light blue button-up shirt, and dark blue jeans.

"Fine," everyone the front lounge groaned.

"God, you're such a girl. That's the third outfit you showed us. Just fucking pick something," Jack complained, as he sat upside down on the couch.

"Fuck you. I'm just trying to look nice for my girlfriend," Rian replied to Jack, from the bathroom checking his reflection again.

"Fuck, let's just go! I'm tired of sitting here!" Alex groaned who was sitting on the floor playing with Jack's hair.

"Well, now we're just waiting for Flyzik." Grieco said as he downed the last of his beer.

"Guys, just go without me. I decided I'd rather stay here," Flyzik said feeling bad that he was holding up his friends from going out.


"Come on man."

"Flyzik, we'll wait for you."

Were some of the things that his friends said to him after they found out that Flyzik didn't want to go party with them.

"Cass hasn't seen us in forever! She wants to see her favorite pedophile," Rian said jokingly.

Matt couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not a pedophile! It's a hobby."

"It's creepy. Now get your ass up Mickey Man and get ready. We're not leaving until you've got your party clothes on," Zack said, who was sitting next to Jack.

"Fine," Matt said as he walked to his bunk to get some clothes.


"Matt you've been sitting at the bar all night. Come dance." Cassadee said pulling on Matt's hand.

"It's ok. I'll stay here. Happy Birthday by the way." Matt said, taking another sip of his drink.

"Thanks." Cassadee said and then gave Matt a hug.

"Hey don't go stealing my girlfriend, Flyzik." Rian slurred slightly. "Come on man, you're missing all the fun."

"It's fine. You guys go dance. I'm happy just sitting here." Flyzik said and the happy couple walked away, back to the dance floor.

"Flyzik!" Alex yelled as he sat down next to Matt at the bar. "We brought you here to have fun, not for you to sit at a bar and watch us all dance."

"It's fine!" Flyzik said, now getting annoyed that no one would leave him alone at the bar.

"Come and-," Alex stopped talking when he realized who was at the club with them. "Uh Matt. Don't freak out, but someone here looks A LOT like Jess. Was she supposed to be in Florida?"

Matt just stared at Alex. He didn't want to leave the bus because he didn't want to see a girl that reminded him of Jess, but there she was in the same club as him.

"What?" Flyzik asked with little expression, just staring at Alex, hoping that the singing was playing some fucking sick joke.

"I think Jess just walked into the club," Alex said, regretting that he even brought it up.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Flyzik said, trying to hide his face by staring into his drink.

"I have no fucking clue. Does she have any family or friends here?" Alex asked.

"Uh. Shit! Her friend Caitlyn lives around here!" Matt yelled in a whispery tone. Matt looked up to see Jessica walking toward the bar with a guy that wasn't him. "Shit, shit, shit. Alex she's coming over here with another guy. Fucking shit, what to I do?" Flyzik was starting to panic and he quickly stood up, but was quickly pushed back into his seat by Alex

"Listen, just follow my lead," Alex whispered into Matt's ear and he started to comb his fingers through the tour manager's hair. Matt gave Alex a confused look but quickly caught on and plastered a fake grin on his face.

Jessica and the guy sat down next to Alex. The guy called the bartender over. "Uh. Can we get two beers?"

"Thanks Sean. You really don't have to. I know Cait made you take me out tonight," Jess said, still not realizing that Flyzik was next her.

"Don't be silly! I'm glad Caitlyn introduced us, you're really cute." Sean said. The bartender came back and handed him two beers. "Thanks man," Sean said and then handed Jess one.

Matt could see them out of the corner of his eye, Jess had her back towards him, so he could see Sean's face. Flyzik didn't want to admit it, but Jess and Sean looked like a pretty adorable couple. He was just tall enough where he wasn't too tall compared to her, but he wasn't too short. And Matt had to admit that Sean was attractive too. He had dirty-blonde hair and eyes that shined under the lights. And when he smiled, there were cute little dimples on each cheek.

"Hey buddy. What are you staring at?" Sean asked Matt. Flyzik quickly snapped back to reality. He tried to pretend that he didn't hear Sean's question and started playing with Alex's hair. But it was too late, Jess turned around to see who Sean was talking to. Her eyes shot open when she realized who was sitting next to her.

"Matt! What are you doing here?!" Jess yelled.

"Uh..." Matt was wracking his brain, but it just went blank.

"Hey Jess. We had a show around here yesterday and we're out celebrating Cassadee's birthday." Alex said as he playfully tussled Matt's hair.

"Oh," Jess said slightly thrown off by the way the singer and tour manager were acting towards each other.

"Ha. Yeah," Matt said, forcing a smile.

Alex could tell immediately that Matt was tensing up, so he leaned in and kissed Flyzik on the cheek.

This surprised Jess. Not because a guy just kissed her ex, but because he got over her so quickly. Before Flyzik dated Jess, he dated a guy named Sam for a month or so. Only Flyzik's closest family and friends, which included the whole band and Jess, knew that he was bisexual.

"Well, we better get going," Jess said harshly and then walked away, pulling Sean along with her.

"Uh. Ok." Sean said, leaving money for the beers.

Even though Jess was already gone, Alex kept playing with Flyzik's hair and then started holding Flyzik's hand. Alex was kind of a touchy, cuddly person. He always needed to be with someone else playing with their hair, holding their hand, hugging them, or just cuddling, and usually that person was Jack. Eventually fans started catching on and called the pair 'Jalex'.

Before Flyzik could tell Alex that Jess was gone and that there was no need to hold his hand, Jack walked up.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Jack yelled, making Alex jump and release Flyzik's hands.

"Jess was here and we tried to make her jealous," Alex said defensively.

"Yeah, but she left fifteen minutes ago so why the fuck were you guys still holding hands?" Jack asked, obviously pissed.

Matt and Alex both didn't realize that the time passed so quickly, they were both off in their own world.

"Shit really? Well, uh, I didn't realize she left so long ago," Flyzik said as he got up from the bar stool and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, Rian said we should go back to the bus and have cake and drinks, the bartender kinda already cutoff half of us." Jack said grumpily, and then walked away to tell the rest of the crew what the plan was.

"I should get Vinny," Alex said as he got up from his stool and walked toward the stumbling mess that was hitting on a girl.

Matt stood there, staring blankly as he thought about what just happened. He was once again snapped back to reality when Rian and Cass stumbled over leaning on each other for support. They were slurring something about the bartender (using a few too many expletives) and bus cake. Flyzik couldn't understand half the things they were sawing, and he couldn't quite focus on anything but the past hour or so.