Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

After Midnight

When the whole group got back to the bus everyone started
singing "Happy Birthday", a bit drunk, to Cass. Zack took a cake out of the fridge and lighted some birthday candles. Everyone was off key and Cassadee was getting a piggyback ride from Rian. When the song finished, Rian walked over to the cake and Cass blew out the candles. Everyone shouted and a bunch of people took shots.

"Happy birthday babe!" Rian shouted and dropped Cass onto the couch, then falling on top of her.

Everyone was drinking large amounts of liquor and started singing, or more like shouting, "Dammit" by Blink 182. Colussy was mixing drinks and Zack was to lifting up Jack, Greico, and Vinny Vegas all at the same time. At this point, Rian and Cassadee were rounding second base right in the middle of the lounge.

"Get a fucking room!" Alex yelled as he sat right on top of Rian's
back, completely killing the mood.

"Fuck off!" Rian and Cassadee both slurred. Rian got up, making Alex fall to the floor. Rian helped Cassadee up, and then they both stumbled to try whatever strong drink Colussy was mixing up.

"Hey need a hand?" said a voice above Alex. He looked up to see Flyzik standing over him extending a hand.

"Yeah thanks," Alex said and then took Matt's hand. "Fucking Rian
decided to throw me to the ground."

"You deserved it," Matt joked.

Alex playfully punched Flyzik's arm. "Did not! They fucking getting it on right on the couch! I love porn just as much as any guy, but I don't feel like seeing Rian fuck Cass in the middle of our party."

"Hey it's her birthday party. If she wants to give all these guys a
free show I'm in." Matt said with a creepy smile.

"You're a sick fuck! Ya know that right?" Alex said, trying not to
laugh. He failed miserably.

Matt and Alex both walked over to the kitchen table/makeshift bar. There was only one seat left and Flyzik got to it first. Alex decided that he wasn't just gonna stand while everyone was sitting, so he sat down right on Matt's lap. Matt didn't seem to mind, but it might have been because he just drank something Colussy made.

"Zack! Put me down!" Jack yelled while laughing. Zack was carrying Jack on his should firefighter style.

"Fine," Zack obeyed, putting the skunk-haired boy down.

Jack was still laughing when he turned to the kitchen bench. He saw Alex sitting on Matt's lap. Alex and Flyzik were both laughing, taking shots, and Matt was starting to play with Alex's hair.

Jack tried to let it go and join the conversation that Zack and Vinny were having. They were talking about the Ravens and the upcoming season. Jack was faking smiles and just trying to get engaged into the conversation, but it was really hard.

Then Jack heard Alex and Matt explode with laughter and it pulled on his heart just enough for him to break. He got a beer and then walked off the bus, trying not to make a scene. No one really noticed that Jack left the bus, but then again some of the people on the bus were too drunk to remember their name.

Jack just sat down on the cold concrete near the bus and opened his beer. He just sat there trying to forget Alex and Flyzik. He was
looking up at the stars when he heard the bus door open.

He looked over to the door to see Zack, looking around like he was searching for something. When he spotted Jack, Zack smiled and walked over towards him.

"Hey there Jack-o. A bunch of us noticed that you left. What's up?" Zack asked, concerned for his best friend. But that was a lie. Only Zack noticed Jack left because everyone else was too drunk, or too busy sucking face. Zack noticed that Jack left the group while they were talking about the Ravens, and was disappointed. As soon as Zack got the chance he made some lame excuse about needing a signal on his phone and then went looking for Jack.

"Nothing. It's just... So nice out," Jack lied, and horribly at that.

"You are such a fucking liar. Come back inside," Zack whined while he pulled on the guitar player's calloused hand.

"It's ok. I'd rather stay here." Jack said playing with the tops of his

Zack sat down on the cold, hard sidewalk next to Jack. "Does this have to do with Alex and Flyzik?" Zack asked, putting an arm around Jack.

Jack sighed. "Yeah. We aren't as close anymore. We haven't had a 'Jack and Alex' day in so long. I guess he doesn't need me as a best friend anymore, he has Flyzik now."

Jack was holding back tears. He knew it was stupid, but ever since they were 14 Jack and Alex have always been 'Jack and Alex', or 'Alex and Jack'. Sure everyone in the band and crew were best friends, but Alex and Jack were always the closest. No one could come between the inseparable pair until now, and Jack didn't like it. Jack felt like he was getting replaced and he didn't like the feeling.

"Bro come here," Zack said, noticing Jack's eyes that were welling up, and gave Jack a hug. It killed the muscular man to see one of his best friends crying in the middle of the night on a sidewalk. "I told you. You and Alex are the closest friends I've ever seen. No one is going to come between you two, not a guy or girl. In no time Flyzik will be over Jess and Alex will never want to leave your side. He's drunk out of his mind and has no clue what he's doing."

At this Jack tried to smile, but he and Zack both knew that he was
forcing it. Zack got up and wiped off the gravel on his pants. He
turned toward Jack and said, "Besides I know a person who likes you more than a friend who isn't Alex."

Jack was really surprised and a smile grew on his face. "Really? Who? Is it a guy, a girl? I swing both ways, it doesn't matter. Come on bro tell me!" Jack was talking really fast the way he did when he got excited.

Zack just smirked. "It's someone in the band," and with that he just walked back to the bus.

Jack wanted to know who liked him, but it could be anyone. He was pretty irresistible, who wouldn't be in love with his amazing sense of humor, gorgeous hair, and all around awesomeness. He would've run back onto the bus after Zack, but Jack didn't want to see Alex and Matt together and he was really comfy where he was sitting.

After about an hour of looking at the stars, checking twitter, calling his parents, and finishing his beer, Jack realized it was about 3 and he was really tired. So he got up and walked back to the bus. Everyone was either passed out somewhere around the bus or already in their bunks. Thankfully Alex and Flyzik weren't anywhere in sight and Jack could go to sleep without having an image of the two cuddling on the couch.

Jack kicked off his sneakers and peeled off his skinny jeans and
crawled into his bunk. In only minutes, Jack was drifting off into
dreams filled with burritos, Mario Kart races, and Blink 182.

While Jack was sleeping, the bathroom door opened and Zack stepped out. As he passed Alex's bunk he whispered, "Thank you," and then jumped into his own.