Status: I'll be updating every Sunday!

How to Be a Princess

Hi Hoe

Quinn's eyes quirked in surprise. She had been under the impression that the dwarves would be sappy fucks carting around pick axes and midget stuff. She had thought wrong.

"Answer me bitch!" the one who had spoken to her first snapped.

Quinn narrowed her eyes, "Who the fuck are you calling bitch, BITCH?" she growled and the first dwarf leaned in closer then grinned.

"Hey you're kind of cute, bitch. Wanna come in? I can kick the other guys out and we can be alone all day." he wiggled his eyebrows and Quinn snorted.

"Hell no," she deadpanned, shoving past him and into the house. The other dwarves gave her a wide berth as she stalked into the 'living' room and plopped down in a chair. "The Queen, kicked me out, so I'm just gonna crash here."

A pissed looking dwarf with a red shirt and blue sock boot things stormed up to the teen. "Who in Dwarf Lord's name do you think you are?"

What the hell is Dwarf Lord? Quinn thought and it was then that she noticed that the angry dwarf was scratching his crotch furiously.

"Oh gross, why the fuck are you scratching so much?" She asked while leaning away from him.
The dwarf's face reddened even more than it already had, "FUCK YOU!"

Before any of the other dwarve's could say anything, the first dwarf came to stand beside Quinn. "Listen up bitches, this bitch is my V.I.P, so piss off and deal with it."

"What does V.I.P stand for?" A dwarf with unusually long eyelashes asked

"Very important-" another dwarf began to explain, but the first dwarf cut him off.

"Pussy. She's my very important pussy."

Quinn glowered at him and he smirked. "What? Can't a dwarf fantasize? Anyway, let's do a bit of a role call so you can get to know us better, hm?" he purred

Quinn shrugged. "Whatever."

"First of I'm Doc, I'm kind of like the boss of these bitches. The guys scratching his balls over there is Grumpy, you probably shouldn't touch him. That's Happy," he gestured to a fat dwarf, who was rolling a piece of paper between his fingers.

Quinn squinted, "Is that..Weed?"

Doc shrugged, "Nah, he had his fun with weed, now he smokes just about anything he finds in the forest. Moving on, dozing off over there is Sleepy, nothing interesting 'bout him, he just sleeps a lot. The guy with the creepy long eyelashes and lip gloss is Bashful, we're pretty sure he's gay. And last but not least there's Sneezy, he just-

"AAAaachooo! HEY!"

Quinn jumped, "The fuck?" she snapped glowering at Sneezy.

Doc shrugged, "We don't know why he does that. Anyway those are our name's so what's-

"WAIT WAIT!" Happy screamed, rushing over to them. "You forgot Dopey!" he pointed wildly at the fire place.

The others groaned. "For the last time, Happy, there are only six of us, not seven!" Doc barked.
"'S not true! Dopey's right over here! You here 'im? He said 'HI HO!' all cheery like..." and with that Happy passed out on the carpet.

"Ookay," Quinn said "Gonna act like that didn't just happen. My name's Quinn by the way."
The dwarves all nodded and began to disperse when there was a knock on the door. All the men froze, and Quinn frowned.

"What's you guy's problem? It's just the door." she said

"No one knows our location though," Sleepy whispered from his spot near the door. He was wide awake now, and there was no trace of tiredness on him at all. Quinn narrowed her eyes at him.
He seems way too nervous. she thought.

Sleepy caught her gaze and laughed quickly before yawning and laying his head down on the table. "I guess I'll just go back to sleep now..hehehe..."

There was another knock, this one louder then before. The dwarves all retreated to the other side of the room and Quinn groaned in exasperation.

"Fine, I'll open it. Fucking pussies." she grumbled before flinging open the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter but I promise the next one shall be longer.
Anyway here's a poll:

Who should be on the other side of the door?
-The sassy gay Prince
-The Queen in disguise
-The mail man *

Comment or Pm me with your choice.