Status: I'll be updating every Sunday!

How to Be a Princess


While Quinn was admiring her handy work, Madame la Chairwoman was hyperventilating in the meeting room. The girls were laughing at her of course, and making bets on who they thought Quinn was going to brutally murder next.

"Does no one have a problem with this?" Madame finally screamed.

"You erased her rat friend that owed her five dollars. So..I guess you- I mean your sister kind of deserved it?" Jasmine stated

Cinderella nodded in agreement.

"She's your fairy godmother, damn it!" Madame insisted and Cinderella yawned.

"Yeah, but I always felt like I owed her for you know, getting me Prince Charming, and now that she's dead, my conscience is clear."

"Now that she's dead, we can't finish the story!" Madame snapped

"Yeah we can, all we have to do is make a dress, get some ballet flats and you can change the scene to the ball like you did with the courtyard." Pocahontas said

Madame paled and cleared her throat. "Uh yeah, about that...How about one of you guys go and do all that for me?" she suggested.

The girls rolled their eyes, and Jasmine stood up. "You are such a pussy. Fine I'll go."
* * *
Quinn was beside herself with boredom. After the fairy godmother exploded, she realized that she had no way to progress with the story. And honestly she was sick of it anyway.

"When the fuck do I get to leave this fucking story and do something else?" She growled to herself just as Jasmine poofed beside her.

"Heeey." Jasmine said dumping a bundle of clothing, and some moccasins on the bench next to the irate teen. "Great job with the godmother, and Cinderella said 'Thanks sooo much!'" she said

Quinn grinned and they high fived before she started poking at the dress that seemed to be.."Is this a combination of Belle and Aurora's dress? With Cinderella's crown? And what's up with the moccasins?" Quinn inquired and Jasmine grimaced.

"Yeah, we were all so caught up with fast forwarding you to the ball room scene, that we forgot to make a dress, so we stole the back of Aurora's dress and blackmailed Belle into giving up the front of hers."

Quinn smirked "What did you blackmail her with?" she asked

Jasmine grinned as she recounted how her and Ariel has threatened to tell Prince Adam that Belle was cheating on him.

"Wow, brutal. He would have beat her black and blue for even mentioning another dude. Awesome." Quinn said laughing as she tugged on the slightly to tight dress. "But why moccasins?"

"Ugh, we were going to give you Cinderella's glass slippers but turns out that if you wear glass for a long time, it starts to stick. Rapunzel's dumb ass was barefoot, Tiana wanted fifty thousand dollars for hers, Mulan only had weird jester boots and that bitch Ariel doesn't have any feet. Everyone elses didn't match, so Pocahontas made some moccasins out of some animals that Snow had brought in." Jasmine explained.

Quinn cocked an eyebrow in surprise. Snow White was fiercely loyal to her vicious and possibly rabid forest animals. "She let you skin her freaky woodland friends?"

"No we just distracted her with mirrors. But listen, you need to get to the ball before this story ends. Because if you don't finish it, we'll have to do it over again and I swear I'll kill myself." the Arab princess deadpanned.

Quinn grinned once again and finished pulling on the moccasins that still felt a little warm. The scene changed and she along with Jasmine were in front of the doors to the castle ball room. Two large guards stood beside the door and one of them jabbed his sword in the direction of Jasmine.

"TO THE KITCHENS WITH YOU!" he shouted and Jasmine flicked him off and disappeared.
Quinn snorted and brushed past the guard and into the ball room. As soon as she entered everyone stopped and turned to stare at her, including her step family who looked pretty damn pissed.

After a few seconds of staring, Quinn grabbed the announcer guy and hissed in his ear.
The man paled considerably and cleared his throat. "Er..Erm..The beautiful yet handsome Quinn, declares that if you motherfuckers do not cease your staring she will kill you and your inbred relatives right after this ball."

The music restarted almost immediately and people began dancing once again. Quinn leaned against the wall trying to spot the prince when someone came to stand beside her.

She turned to see a tall, black haired man with a golden sash stretching from his shoulder to his waist. He was smiling and holding out his hand, "Would you care to dance fair lady?"

Quinn was about to yell at him for calling her fair and not beautiful or sexy but remember what Jasmine said about restarting the story. So she smiled politely and did her best to curtsy without splitting her suffocating dress.

The Prince pulled her onto the dance floor and they began to do some shitty bootleg version of the waltz.

"You are simply splendid." he breathed and Quinn tittered in what she thought was a lady like way.

"Thanks- Aw shit!" she hissed as she heard a small 'ripping' sound. She glanced down at her side and saw that whoever had sewn her dress together had done a shitty job, because it was already tearing.

"What's the matter?" The Prince asked worry creasing his face.

Quinn laughed and waved her hand in the air nonchalantly "Oh nothing!"

"What's the matter?" The Prince said again, sporting the same look.

Quinn frowned. Damn is this fucker deaf? "Nothing!" she repeated a but louder this time.

"What's the matter?" he repeated, the same stupid look on his face.

"Nothing!" Quinn snapped, pulling away from him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

The Prince didn't answer and instead smiled "You are simply splendid." He said.

Fuck this shit. Quinn thought and started walking back to the banquet table. She glanced back to see the Prince following and turned to face him.

"What?!" she snapped and he held out his hand.

"Would you care to dance fair lady?"

Quinn narrowed her eyes at him but before she could drive the fork she was holding into his neck, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her into the crowd.

"Get the fuck-Cinderella, what are you doing here?" she asked

The blonde princess, pulled her into the castle courtyard before closing the curtains and taking the fork that Quinn was holding.

"Um," she said as she began to polish the fork with her dress. "Did I forget to mention that Prince Charming has short term memory loss?"

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! :D

And of course this isn't the end end. But just the end of the Cinderella part.