‹ Prequel: Love Bites

Bittersweet Memories

Time Can Tear You Apart, But It Won't Break Anything That You Are

"Please, explain to me, what's the point of this?"

I was currently in mine and Klaus' shared bedroom getting dressed for school. I figured I might as well go. The whole town thinks I never left and it is my senior year after all. Bonnie and Caroline were still talking to me and I also had Rebekah. I would of had Kelly as a friend also, if Rebekah hadn't killed her. Good riddance, too. I probably would of killed her myself, she was so damn annoying. I also didn't have any use for her anymore, I had Caroline back.

"I already told you, Nik." I said, currently standing in a pair of jeans and a bra as I searched for a cute top to wear. "It's my senior year, I'm going to enjoy it. Besides, it's the only place I can think of to get my sister to talk to me."

"Ya know, I could always compel her to forgive you or forget, your choice."

"Absolutely not!" I yelled from the closet. "Not my family. I shouldn't have to compel my sister to forgive me and you're not doing it either."

"Fine fine." I returned to the room with a shirt in-hand. Before I could slip it on, Klaus grabbed my hips and pulled me close. "But what the hell am I supposed to do all day, love?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Find more potential hybrids, assemble some evil, diabolical plan, bond with your brothers. I'm sure you can think of something to fill your day."

"But Mystic Falls is so boring!"

I grinned, slipping my shirt over my head. "Not when the Mikaelson's are in town."

I grabbed my purse and Klaus followed me downstairs. I walked into the living room where the other family members were sitting, aside from Rebekah. I wonder where she went off to? We were supposed to go to school together.

"Couldn't help but overhearing your conversation. If you're bored today, we should do some brotherly bonding." Kol suggested to Klaus. "It's the least you could do for stabbing a dagger in my back."

"Fine." Nik agreed.

I was about to leave for school, but Rebekah walked into the house. She looked tired and had sex hair, Kol was the first to start poking fun at her. "Rough night with the Salvatore boy, Bec?"

"Oh shut up, you miserable twat!" She yelled. I was beyond confused. Salvatore boy? "Sorry, love. Slept with Damon, hope you don't mind."

All eyes in the room darted to me, waiting for my reaction, waiting for me to blow up or something. Honestly, I just laughed. I could care less about Rebekah sleeping with Damon. "Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself. Now hurry up, we're gonna be late!"

"Give me ten minutes."


Rebekah and I walked into Mystic Falls High right on time. We still had about fifteen minutes to spare before first period class. We walked around the halls. I looked for my friends while she looked for some gullible cheerleaders to latch onto. We spotted Elena talking to Jeremy. We made our way over to them, careful not to be too obvious.

"So, how was the sex?" I laughed while I opened my old locker. I still knew the combination and it wasn't reassigned to anybody else, thank god.

"Eh, I'm still trying to figure out which Salvatore brother was better." Rebekah replied, looking straight at Elena. I didn't look at her, but I assumed her expression was priceless.

"Wait! You had sex with Stefan, too?!" I asked, actually surprised.

"Yeah, love. In the twenties, when he was still fun and not completely hung up over some stupid mortal girl." She laughed loudly, drawing attention to the two of us. Elena stormed off with her brother following closely behind her and Rebekah went off to meet with some of the cheerleaders.

Once I finished taking all the old photos of Damon and I out of my locker, I slammed it shut. Startled by the face that appeared before me. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Savannah Cunningham. Back from the dead."

I grinned and crossed my arms over my chest. "Matt Donovan. Long time, no see."

I wasn't sure what to expect from him, but I sure was relieved when he pulled me in for a big hug. "It's really good to have you back."

"And you're not angry with me?"

"I have to admit. After losing Vicki and having to send my train wreck of a mother away, it was hard losing you, too. But I'm glad you're back. What are you doing at school though?" Matt asked as we started walking towards the main office.

"Rachel isn't talking to me, I figured this is the only place I could get her attention. Plus, with everything that's happened, I just really want to be a senior. A normal 18 year old high school senior."

"We all deserve to be normal high school seniors." Matt nodded his head. "Maybe I'll see you in class."

"Hopefully you will." We parted ways and I made my way into the office. I approached the woman who has sat at that front desk since I was in 9th grade and she gave me a smile. "Hi, excuse me. I seem to have lost my class schedule."


"Savannah Cunningham."

The woman went through the filing cabinets and frowned. She then started typing away on the computer, also resulting in a frown. "Savannah, I'm sorry. We don't have any records on you past 11th grade."

I stepped a little closer and was sure to be staring into her eyes. "Check again, maybe my records were lost. I know first period is History with Mr. Saltzman. I guess you'll have to make me up a new class schedule, be sure to notify my teachers."

A perky smile appeared on the woman's face. "It looks like we're gonna have to print you out a new class schedule, it'll be available by the end of first period. Why don't you head down to History class with Mr. Saltzman?"

"Sure, I'm gonna need a late slip." I said, confident and very sure of myself. Gotta admit, I really do enjoy this compulsion thing. The woman gave me another smile before writing me up a late slip for first period. Why did I pick this class? Because I always have History with Alaric, and all my favorite people were in this class. Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, and yes, even Elena. Part of me was really hoping Rebekah was in this class as well.

I walked into Alaric's classroom and shut the door behind me, causing everyone's heads to turn my way. Alaric looked at me and his mouth almost dropped to the ground, I gave him a nice smile. I guess he didn't get the memo that I was back in town. "Savannah?"

"Sorry I'm late, Mr. S." I said sweetly. "I have a slip."

Alaric took the slip from my hand but was still staring at me. I had to clear my throat to get him to snap out of it. "Right, um, go take a seat Savannah."

I looked over to see my usual seat taken by some frizzy-haired redhead. I huffed as I walked over to her, looking down at her. "I think you're in my seat."

"Oh!" The girl said. "Savannah, I'm so sorry!"

The girl quickly got up and retreated to a seat in the back of the class. I smirked a little as I took my usual seat, next to Elena and in front of Stefan. Alaric got on with the lesson while I conjured up ways in my head to make Elena's life hell. I was finally snapped out of my thoughts when Alaric mentioned something about being put into groups of two. I looked over at Elena and smiled before turning completely around to Stefan. While leaning on his desk, I might of even flirted a little with him just to piss Elena off.

"Wanna be partners?" I asked.

"Sure." Stefan nodded his head.

"Good. I know you probably already know all of this, but I actually wanna do the work. Wanna come over tonight around 8 to work on it?"

"That's probably not a very good idea." Stefan laughed. "You do live with Klaus. Why don't you come over to my place?"

"Sounds even better, Stefan."

The bell sounded and everyone got up to switch classes. I was halfway out the door when Alaric stopped me, asking me to stay after class. Of course. Once the classroom was clear, he shut the door so we could talk in private.

"Did I miss something?" He asked

"I can't believe nobody has told you." I laughed. "Long story short. I wasn't really dead. Left town, faked my death. Now I'm back. Let's just go on like nothing happened."

"Like nothing happened? You faked your death!"

"Yes, I did, and almost everybody I care about has forgiven me, all except one person."


"No, Elena is dead to me. I'm talking about my sister. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on that."


It was gym time, which meant cheerleading practice. I wasn't a cheerleader anymore but Caroline insisted I come back to the team. I only agreed because somebody had to keep her and Rebekah from bickering every five seconds and because it was a guaranteed chance to see Rachel. I was stretching out on the field with Caroline when I saw Rachel walk up in her gym outfit. Rachel took one look at me and frowned. Maybe this wasn't the best idea, but I'm determined to have her forgiveness. I got up from the grass, brushed myself up and walked towards her. Here goes nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Savannah's school outfit

I know, I know, it's been forever!