Status: Complete

When Worlds Collide: Book Two, Earth


/////Sam's POV\\\\\

After the drill incident, we had to take a train-like thing to get to the city. We were all tired, so none of us said much as the earthbenders started pushing the city bus type thing into the city. Toph sat between Sokka and I, while Aang and Katara sat opposite us.

City bus. That's what I'll call it.

"Look, the inner wall!" Katara suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the giant, grey wall. "I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece."

"Hey, don't jinx it!" Sokka warned. "We could still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged by an ocean full of killer shrimp."

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asked, petting Momo.

"I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us," he answered, waving his arms.

"Weird, but not that weird," I chuckled, reaching over Toph to pull his ponytail lightly. He glared, and swatted my hand away.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could, a man plopped himself down in between Toph and Sokka. The blind girl looked startled, and I scooted over to let her have more room. I glanced out the window, and my jaw dropped.

"Whoa," I gasped.

"What?" Toph asked, looking at me.

"The city," I said. "It's... huge."

Buildings seemed to stretch on for miles, and the wall on the other end of the massive city still looked huge, even with it being so far away. The city bus/train came to a sudden stop, and we all clambered out.

Toph stepped onto the glossy floors, and huffed. "Back in the city. Great."

"What's the problem?" Sokka asked. "It's amazing!"

"Just a bunch of walls and rules," Toph groaned. "Just wait. You'll get sick of it in a couple days."

"There are rules everywhere you go," I told her. "That doesn't mean you have to follow them. Haven't you ever heard 'f...'" I trailed off, looking at the curious eyes of my friends. Dang it. This was a kids' show, I couldn't swear in front of them.

"Heard of what?" Sokka asked.

"Erm - forget the police," I rushed. "That's what I was going to say."

"Right..." Sokka said, drawing out the word. "Hey, look." He pointed to the other side of the tracks, where a lady with long, brown hair was standing.

Her smile seemed plastered to her face, and she had a long, light green kimono looking dress. Her eyes sparkled in a weird way, and I unconsiously took a step back. She walked over to us, that smile still painted on. "Hello," she greeted. "My name is Joo Dee, and I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, Sam and Toph." She looked at us in turn, her arms behind her back. "Welcome to our beautiful city. Shall we get started?"

"Yes," Sokka declared, clutching his bag. "We have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King immediately."

"Great!" Joo Dee exclaimed, smiling wider. "Let's begin with our tour. Then I can show you to your new home here. I think you'll like it." She nodded before walking away.

"She seems... off," I observed, glancing at Sokka, who looked dumbfounded.

"Maybe you missed what I said," Sokka called, dragging his bag on the ground as he chased after our 'guide'. "We need to talk to the king about the war. It's important."

"You're in Ba Sing Se now," Joo Dee said, as if we had forgotten. "Everyone is safe here."

We all gave each other weird looks, and I took a step closer to Toph. "I say we don't seperate, no matter what," I told them, as we followed the crazy lady. "Something's... weird."

"I second that," Aang muttered, studying Joo Dee, who led us to a buggy.

"Is that an ostrich?" I asked, staring at the creature.

"An ostrich horse, yeah," Sokka answered, like it was no biggy.

I raised my eyebrow, but said nothing. Another world, new animals. I should've known that, anyway. I had seen the show plenty of times. I just... can't remember.

"This is the Lower Ring," Joo Dee told us, once the buggy had started to move.

"What's that wall for?" Katara asked, pointing out the window.

"Oh, Ba Sing Se has many walls," the female Joker explained. "The ones outside, protecting us, and the ones inside, that help maintain order. This is where our new arrivals live, as well as our craftsmen and artisans. People that work with their hands. It's so quaint, and lively."

I tuned out of the conversation, stared out the window. We turned a corner, and I saw two males walking along the road. One of them was much taller, with dark hair, and the other seemed more elderly, with a long, grey beard. The older one was holding a vase, full of beautiful yellow flowers, and walked with what looked like joy. The taller of the two turned, and for a second, we made eye contact, before I quickly turned away.

His eyes. They were golden. And on the side of his face, was a scar that I knew all too well. Why was he here? How could he have known that Aang was here?

Maybe he doesn't know, I thought. His ponytail was gone. That struck a chord, something that I should know, but couldn't seem to remember. And that man beside him, it had to be Iroh. Perhaps they have no clue that Aang is here.

/////Zuko's POV\\\\\

I walked down the busy street by myself, after Uncle had disappeared into some shop. Ba Sing Se seemed horrible, and I hated it here. I would much rather be on a ship than this dirty, danky place, but I guess anything is better than being found by Azula.

Uncle suddenly popped up beside me, holding a bouqet of bright, yellow-orangish flowers. Instead of saying anything, I glared at him.

"I just want our place to look nice," he eplained, "in case someone wants to bring home a lady friend." He winked, and elbowed my side, and I looked away.

"This city is a prison," I sigh. "I don't want to make a life here."

"Life happens wherever you are," Uncle exclaimed. "Whether you make it, or not." He stared at me for a few seconds. "But I understand that you don't want to bring anyone home with you. You still have eyes for Sam."

I blushed madly, and turned away. "I do not," I lied, and looked up to see a buggy go by. I made eye contact with a girl inside, and when I blinked, the carriage was already halfway down the street. I stared after it for a few seconds, and shook my head. I'm going crazy.

"Come on," Uncle chuckled. "I found us some new jobs, and we start this afternoon."

I grumbled as I followed after him.

/////Sam's POV\\\\\

Joo Dee was still talking, giving us every single detail of this huge city. I didn't even realize that the carriage had stopped until she got out.

"Is that woman deaf?" Sokka asked from beside me.

"It's called being handled," Toph muttered. "Get used to it."

Joo Dee hopped back into her seat, and we were off again. I actually tried to listen to her this time, instead of letting my mind wander to Zuko.

"The Upper Ring is home to our most important citizens," the wacko said, still grinning in that weird way of hers. "Your house is not too far from here."

"House?" I asked, perking up. "Like... an actual house?"

Joo Dee nodded, and I turned to Sokka to whisper in his ear. "I think that's the only answer we've gotten from her yet."

He nodded in agreement, and we passed a huge building made of reddish brick. "What's inside that wall?" Katara asked.

In one of the doorways, a group of men in dark green stared as we passed by. "And who are the mean looking guys in robes?" Sokka piped.

"Inside is the royal palace," Joo Dee said. "Those men are agents of the Dai Lee, the Cultural Authority of Ba Sing Se. They are the guardians of all our traditions."

"Can we see the King now?" Aang asked dryly.

"Oh, no!" she rushed. "One doesn't just 'pop in' on the Earth King!"

We all groaned, and I went back to ignoring the crazy lady until the carriage came to a halt again.

"Here we are, your new home!"

We climbed the steps, and I stopped when Sokka's arm caught mine. I turned to see an older man run up to Joo Dee, and hand her a scroll.

"And more good news!" she squealed. "Your request for an audience with the Earth King is being processed, and should be put through in about a month. Much more quickly than usual."

"A month?" Sokka asked, almost falling down the stairs.

"Six to eight weeks, actually."

Instead of answering, I stormed into the house, with the others behind me.

There was a huge room, with a small table and cushions on the floor in the middle. A small set of stairs were in the back, leading to more rooms. It looked cozy, and not at all like homes back in New York.

"Isn't it nice?" Joo Dee asked, standing in the doorway. "I think you'll really enjoy it here."

"I think we'd enjoy it more if we weren't staying so long," Sokka complained, while I sat down next to Toph and Katara. "Can't we see the Earth King any sooner?"

"The Earth King is very busy running the finest city in the world," Joo Dee explained. "But he will see you as soon as time permits."

"If we're going to be here for month, we should spend our time looking for Appa," Aang declared, staring out the window. Momo raised his head at the mention of his animal friend, and I smiled sadly at the two.

"I would be happy to escort you anywhere you'd like to go," Ju Dee said, bowing.

"We don't need a babysitter," Toph stated, standing up, and walking over to the woman.

"Oh, I won't get in the way," Ju Dee assured. "And to leave you alone would make me a bad host. Where shall we start?"

I glared at the lady in front of me. "Or, you could leave."

She chuckled, and shook her head.

Sharing a look with Katara, I finally sighed, and stood up. "Fine," I groaned. "But only because we have no idea where to go."


The next morning, there was absolutely no news of Appa. Or anything else, for that matter. I was this close to wringing that stupid Joo Dee's neck.

"I got it!" Katara exclaimed, running into the main room, and holding a scroll. "I know how we're going to see the Earth King!"

"How do you expect us to do that?" Toph asked, and suddenly sat up straighter, with a huge grin plastered to her face. "'One doesn't just pop in on the Earth King!'"

I laughed at her, and went back to my drawing I was working on. It was of Zuko's ship. Purely based off memory, but you could still tell what it was.

"The king is having a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear!" Katara told us, reading from the paper.

"You mean... Platypus bear?" Aang asked from his perch.

"No, it just says bear." Katara looked at the paper again, confused.

"Certainly, you mean his pet skunk bear," Sokka offered, lying on the floor.

"Or his armadillo bear," Toph added.

"Gopher bear?" Aang asked.

"Just... bear." Katara shrugged, and I jumped up, clapping.

"Yes!" I shouted. "Something normal in this crazy world! A bear! A really, real... bear." I stopped jumping, and looked at the others. "You guys keep bears as pets?"

They all gave me weird looks, and I quickly sat back down.

"This place," Toph said, still staring blankly at me, "is weird."

"The palace will be packed," Katara said. "We can just sneak in with the crowd."

"Won't work," Toph stated, plopping down onto some pillows behind her.

"Why not?" Katara asked.

"Well, no offence to you simple country folk, but a real society crowd would spot you a mile away," Toph explained. "You've got no manners."

"At least I know how to grammar," I chuckled, stealing a cake from Toph's hand.

She huffed, and grabbed another one.

"Excuse me?" Katara asked, looking offended. "I've got no manners? You're not exactly Lady Fancy-Fingers."

"You guys are so lucky that I'm not a grammar nazi," I grumbled, lying back down.

Katara crossed her arms, and Toph burped before answering her. "I learned proper society behavior, and chose to leave it." She threw her unfinished cake to the side. "You peasants never learned anything. And frankly, it's a little too late."

"I'm a city girl," I protested. "Kind of. Half city, half country. But I still know how to act in society. How do you think I made it in school?"

"You learned it!" Sokka said, ignoring me. "You could teach us!"

"Yeah," Aang agreed, sitting up. "I'm mastering every element, how hard can manners be?" The monk grabbed a nearby curtain, and wrapped it around his small frame. "Good evening, Mr. Sokka-Water Tribe. Miss Katara-Water Tribe. Lord Momo, of the Momo Dynasty. Your Momo-ness."

"Avatar Aang, how you do? Go on," Sokka added, also with a curtain wrapped around himself.

Aang bowed, and Sokka bowed back. Soon, they were bowing back in forth, and I watched in amusement as they head butted each other, and fell to the floor in pain.

"Katara and Sam might be able to pull it off, but you two would be lucky to pass as bus boys," Toph told them, and I laughed.


That night, the girls and I were ready for the party. We were dressed in fancy Earth Kingdom clothes, complete with heavy makeup, and fans. We stepped out of our room, gaining the attention of the boys. We all giggled at how silly we felt, and I saw Aang pop up from his seat on the floor.

"Wow," he said, and I took it as a compliment, even though I knew he was looking at Katara. "You look beautiful."

Sokka thumped him on the head, and I hid my laughter in my fan. "Sokka, you lose brownie points for that," I teased, and he frowned.

Katara started to say something, but Toph shoved her fan in her face. "Don't talk to the commoners, Katara. First rule of society."

"So, basically, we're the popular cheerleaders, and they're the geeks who have no chance," I concluded. "Great. I thought I was done with school when I got here."

"We'll get into the party, and find a way to let you in through the side gate," Katara told them, as we made our way out.

"Wait!" Sokka called, and I turned. "What's a cheerleader?"

I chuckled and winked, before following Katara and Toph out the door. We made our way down the street in silence, all of us seemingly in our own thoughts and worlds. The palace was close by, and when we arrived a few minutes later, a long line had already formed.

It took a while, but we finally made it to the bouncer. "I think this will do," Toph said, holding up her family crest.

"No entry without invitation," the bouncer said, glaring. "Step out of line, please."

"Look," Toph stated, putting her paper into her sleeve. "The Pangs and the Yumpusongs are waiting for us in there. I'm gonna have to tell them who didn't let me in."

"Step out of line, please," the man said again, and we grudgingly did so.

"Great," I sighed. "Now what?"

Katara gasped, and before I knew it, I was being dragged to some random guy, with a moustache that looked somewhat like cat whiskers.

"Sir?" she asked. "Sorry to bother you. But our cousin lost our invitations - she's blind. Do you think you could help us?"

"Our parents are inside," I added, playing along. "I'm sure they're worried. We were suppose to be here a while ago."

The man looked us up and down, before smiling and bowing. "I would be honored. Come with me."

We bowed back, before following him to the bouncer, not even bothering to wait in line. Once past him, the three of us stopped, and stuck our tongues out at his backside.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" the man asked, looking around.

Well, it's not a high school party, or prom... So, yes!

"By the way, I'm Long Feng," the man introduced. "I'm a Cultural Minister to the King."

"I'm Kua Mei, and this is... Dung," Katara introduced, hesitating on Toph, who glared, and yanked on her hair.

"And I'm Jye Lee," I said, beating Katara.

"Where is your family?" Long Feng asked, looking around. "I'd love to meet them."

"Um... I don't see them right now, but I'm sure we'll find them soon," Katara rushed. "Thanks for all your help!" She led the way, but we were quickly stopped when we saw Long Feng in front of us.

"Don't worry," he said, with his hands behind his back. "As your escort, it would be dishonorable to abandon you ladies without finding your family first. We'll keep looking."

Without another word, he turned and walked away, with us girls giving each other worried looks.

"Wait," Toph whispered, looking around. "Twinkle Toes is here."

I glanced at Long Feng, and nodded. "You guys go. I'll keep him distracted."

They nodded before rushing off.

"Sir," I called, catching up to him.

"Just Long Feng is fine, Jye Lee," he said, smiling softly.

"Right," I muttered, looking at the ground. "Sorry. But my cousins had to... powder their nose." Do they use that espression here? "So, can we find somewhere to sit until they get back?"

"Certainly," he smiled, and led me to a table. "You and your cousins seem to be very close," he observed, and handed me a drink.

"Yeah," I said softly, smiling into my cup. "We're more like sisters, it seems."

"You look a bit pale," he stated, and stood. "Come, and we'll find you a place away from the crowd. I'll come back and find your cousins." He offered his arm, and I hesitated, before standing up also and accepting.

I glanced around, but still saw no sign of my friends. "O-okay."

He led me down a hall, and when we came to a door, he opened it, and let me go first. I bit my lip, but cautiously stepped in. It was a library, with several candles placed throughout the room. I turned to say something, but the door suddenly slammed, and Long Feng was no where to be seen.

"Hey!" I shouted, banging on the door. "Let me out!"

Several minutes passed, and finally the door opened, and Sokka, Katara, Toph and Aang stepped through, followed by the devil himself. I glared at Long Feng, but he ignored me.

"Why won't you let us talk to the king?" Sokka demanded. "We have information that could defeat the Fire Nation!"

"The Earth King has no time to get involved with political squabbles and the day to day manusha of military activities," Long Feng said, sitting down in front of us.

"He's the King," I stressed. "He should always be involved with 'political squabbles.'"

"This could be the most important thing he's ever heard," Aang added.

"What's most important to His Royal Majesty, is maintaining the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se. All of his duties relate to issuing decrees on such matters. It's my job to oversee the rest of the city's resources - including the military."

"So the King is just a figure head," Katara realized, and my eyes grew wide.

"He's your puppet!" Toph accused.

"Oh, no, no!" Long Feng rushed, holding up his hands. "His Majesty is an icon, a god to his people. He can't sully his hands with the hourly changes of an endless war."

"But we found out about a solar eclipse that will leave the Fire Nation defenseless!" Sokka argued. "You could lead an invasion-"

"Enough!" Long Feng stood abruptly, scaring Momo into hiding behind my legs. "I don't want to hear of your ridiculous plan. It is strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war to be not to be mentioned within these walls. Constant news of an escalating war could put the citizens in a panic. Our economy would be ruined. Our peaceful way of life, our tradition, would disappear. By silencing talk of conflict, Ba Sing Se remains a peaceful, orderly utopia. The last one on earth."

"You can't keep it a secret forever," I hissed.

"They have to know," Katara added.

"I'll tell them!" Aang shouted. "I'll make sure everyone knows!"

"Until now, you've been treated as our honored guests," Long Fend said, standing up. "But from now on, you will be watched every moment by Dai Lee agents. If you mention the war to anyone, you will be expelled from the city." He paused, looking at the strange green fire in the fire place. "I understand you are looking for your bison. It would be quite a shame if you were not able to complete your quest."

"Are you threatening us?" I demanded, stepping forward.

"Joo Dee will escort you back home," he said, ignoring me.

A lady walked in, who clearly wasn't Joo Dee.

"Where's Joo Dee?" Katara asked.

"I'm Joo Dee," the woman said. "I will be your host as long as you're in our wonderful city."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long, but the website I write this on has a lot of glitches lately, and kept deleting my draft :( You can kill me after I finish the story ;)