‹ Prequel: Head in the Clouds
Status: On Hold at the Moment

Down to Earth


I love my mama. I love my papa. I always want them to be happy. I love Wint and Spri too! They are the best brother and sister anyone could ever have! I love Grandpa and all of my Uncles and Aunts! Especially Auntie Ivy and Uncle Vincent. They are the best! The ocean is my favorite thing to watch. It's so calming.

That's what I say to everyone. I act like the little child that everyone expects me to be. Or maybe it is me… maybe another me. Grandpa warned me that it could easily happen because of my parents species and such and such. Mother and Father both watch for the signs of multiple personalities, but I hide well. I hide behind the child façade that Shadow had set up so beautifully for me. We work together as a team. Shadow is the tender-hearted Angel, as most are. I'm the Demon in the situation. I go by Zane.

Of course, there has to be a Shifter in this too… looking at Shadow and I's blood. But he is only there if we shift. We call him Bear. Shadow and I have always wanted a pet… kind of like humans do, but obviously we couldn't, so we call our Shifter's mind Bear. We turn into a Wolf though, just like Father.

I really don't know what else there is to say about me. I have white hair like Mother and brown eyes from Father, but I can change my hair and eyes if I wanted to. I am already stronger than most others of different species, with only being ten years old. Father says that I'm growing swiftly and soon I will be stronger than him. Mother would always slap him for that and then says that I will be stronger than Father if I imprint on someone.

Shadow and I both don't really want to imprint. We have given that information to Father and he laughed and smiled.

"You are exactly like I was before I met your mother. I was always out with a different girl before I saw her. She was the most beautiful girl that I ever saw, and her eyes were the kicker. Once I looked into those, I knew it had to be." He said, brown eyes twinkling in the memory.

I remember this clearly, I didn't want to be tied down. That would be terrible. Especially if it was a prude Angel… or worse, a human. Wint and Spri both had Shifters as mates, why I must I be the one that has to pass down the Demon/Angel heritage.

Mother assured me that Father and her would be having more children, so I wouldn't have to feel the weight of passing down the name or whatever. I didn't care, Shadow sometimes does, but even then, he has the slight bit of hesitation. Is anyone really going to argue with us? No, why would they, we are the child of Valentine Light Lahote, Overseer and creator of the Counsel of Supers. No one would question Shadow's motives.

And here Zane goes, trying to sound like we are starting a rebellion. I assure everyone all the time that I am not going to start a rebellion with my cute voice and charming personality. I may act like a child around the island, but I can assure those outside of the island that the rumors of me being tender-hearted and being a child are false, with women I like to show them.

As life continues on, so do the Supers. Mother and Father have no expiration date, nor does Grandfather or any of the Representatives. While the humans are trying to use us to find ways to become immortal, we will continue living our lives like any other Super. I know of the Rebellion, and I know of its goal. But I will thwart their goals before I get killed.

Whether anyone can stop me or not, we shall see.
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Woo!! Prologue out!

Hope you guys enjoy this first chunk!

Thanks to TheDoctor for posting the first comment before this was even up!

Read, Comment, Rec, Sub, and repeat!
