‹ Prequel: Head in the Clouds
Status: On Hold at the Moment

Down to Earth


"Mama, when are we going to visit Auntie Alice again?" I asked sweetly.

It was too sweet for my tastes, but Mother loves her little baby to death and will die if anyone tries to corrupt me, even though I am fully grown and fully matured.

"I don't know, Shad, we will see." She said with a smile before walking into her study. "I love you, but I have work to do now. Do whatever and be back in time for dinner." She said and then shut the door without waiting for my response.

I felt slightly annoyed with Mother's response, I did want to see Alice again soon. She helped control my seeing abilities. Jasper helped me with my emotions as well. He was the only I confided with about Zane and Bear. He understood and told me that all of us should stay under the same façade for as long as we can get away with it.

He also tells me of Mother's worries. Like the rebellion and other things that my Mother does not want to burden my supposed innocence with. Father does the same as Mother, but I know that they get in arguments about what they will tell me and what to keep secret. They are trying to keep me innocent. Too bad it hasn't worked out for them in the end.

I walked the castle walls, at least, the Seer wing. I gazed at the grey brick walls that showed the symbol of the Seer; a black snake around a white dove. The background on the flags that were hung were grey and blended in with the walls. Only the shadows from the lights floating in the air showed the difference.

I stopped in front of the one wall that always intrigued me. It was the portrait wall. In the middle was a picture of Mother and Father, looking confident and caring. To the left was a picture of Wint, Spri, and their mates; Danica and Seth. To the right was a picture of me. I was standing in my usual childish way, with a smile that made me look more innocent. Beside me was my wolf form, also known as Bear. Bear was black and white, more like a panda. Except in wolf form.

Continuing down the line of portraits, to the left of my siblings and their mates, there was Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. I didn't like Jacob that much, but Renesmee was always so sweet. To the left of them was the rest of the Cullens, with Carlisle and his mate front and center. Then to the left once more was Vladimir, the other Vampire Representative, and his brother Stefan. The last picture on the left was of the Demons, Lucifer and Akila.

To the right of my portrait, was one of Ivy, Dark, Winter, and Spring; the Fusion Representatives and respective mates. Continuing down was each of the separate angels, Anthony and Maya. For some odd reason, they had wanted each their own portrait. Right of their two portraits was a portrait of the humans that help manage the Island of Supers and the last portrait on the right was of the entire Counsel and mates.

I sighed at the portraits. I looked at Jacob and Renesmee's portrait the most, then shifted my eyes to the one of my siblings. I wonder if they realize that Wint and Jacob look almost exactly the same, except for the eyes of course. Wait a minute. Why does Wint look like Jacob when Paul is his father? What the hell. He is my brother, my FULL brother. Not half, not step. FULL brother. Same with Spri.

Shad, it's not like it really matters in the end now does it? Zane asked me and I growled.

Zane, now is not the time for you to take over. I snarled at him.

I heard his snicker and then I felt him leave for the moment. I hated it when he took over. It sucked eggs. Especially when he would slip up and his rage would get the best of him. Mother and Father would always just blame it on Father's rage problems that he passed on to me. I personally wanted to kill Zane for those slip ups. Those slip ups have caused my parents to doubt me more, and now shelter me as much as possible.

I moved as quickly as possible from that hallway. I couldn't stand to look at that smug look that Jacob Black had on his face. He looked as if he was trying to let something out. I ran down the grey halls and then found myself outside, in the Seer gardens to be precise. I watched as the flowers bloomed as I walked passed them. I sat myself on a bench in the main part of the gardens. I looked around me and saw that there was no one else here besides me.

Well, I am here. Zane snickered in my head.

Bastard, go to sleep or something dammit. I growled.

He laughed and went on his way. I looked at the sky. Some clouds covered the lovely blue. I watched as they moved quickly and then continued to keep moving. I felt the gentle wind against my shaggy currently black hair. My coffee and cream colored skin welcomed the breeze. I smiled as I came across the fact that this was beautiful weather and decided to fly out. Mother and Father allowed it, but always wanted to know where I was going, but I never really told them.

I personally loved to go to America, or maybe Asia, but New York City always had amazed me. Between the theaters and the parks, there was always something to do. I wish that I lived there.

Sometimes there were times that I wished that Mother hadn't made the Counsel. Maybe live in La Push like Mother and Father did before, or New York, maybe even Las Vegas. I find the Counsel boring and uneventful. As much as Mother wants me to learn about it, I can't stand it. If there was a way though, to get the Rebellion just to speak out their causes instead of just trying to attack us all the time.

I felt the wind beneath my wings, all six of them. Just like Mother, Wint, and Spri. I flew the familiar winds to northern America. I landed near a small secluded lake. As much as Humans knew about us now, I didn't like to be in my true form around them, they always shied away or would ask questions.

I sat next to the lake and watched the wind ripple the water. My thoughts wanted to wander to days of my youth, when I actually was a child.

Zane never existed, it was only Bear and I. I loved him, and we worked together, always training with Mother and Father in both my forms to be as strong as possible. But once they found out from Grandfather that I was too innocent and that they should stop training me, they should just let me be a child until I chose to grow up.

Only when I found that out from Jasper was when the rage that was building against my parents was let loose in the form of Zane. Zane then became my polar opposite, showing his rage and pounding things into the ground unlike myself who would just turn away and walk it off. I was the teenager taking in life, he was the teen rebelling against it.

Zane though was also still me. Jasper explained that although he is different and we talk to each other, we are still one body. Hearing that made Zane and I both realize that we didn't need to fight each other just to get our way or to destroy the other.

So we united, both leaning towards the same goal. The goal was in the end just to survive and to become a legend in some form. So that is what we worked towards. At least… we were trying to become a legend. All in all… I don't what was happening currently with my life. So we were just chilling in the end… not really don't anything.
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Alrighty... so, well... school is starting in two weeks right... so my writing time is going to go down massively due to crazy class set up and after school activities.

I will try to write as much as possible before the summer is up so that I can keep ahead of my posting, but I am not guaranteeing anything.

I WILL post once a week, and if I don't... you guys can let me know. I would prefer that you did.


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