‹ Prequel: Head in the Clouds
Status: On Hold at the Moment

Down to Earth


"Father!" I screamed and he looked down at me in rage.

"Don't you dare scream at me!" He said slapping me across the face.

I gently placed my hand over the cheek he slapped and held back tears.

"I am your Father, you will listen to me!" He yelled before slamming the door to his office.

"GAHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I ran down the halls and out the door of the building.

Why was Father so stubborn to see that Counsel is right?! They know what is best for us and the other Supers! Whatever, I wasn't going to let it stop me.

Minx, yeah, that's my name… got a problem with it? I'm part of the Crimson Clan of Assassins. More like Hunters.

My hair was chrome colored and long, all the way down my back to be exact. I had sun-kissed skin due to long training hours on the roof. I stood with confidence and pride. My eyes were a wicked green, most people avoided eye contact in order to not piss me off.

I continued to walk my way out to the park that I found myself at quite a bit. I quickly went to the most secluded bench there and sat.

I hated my father with a burning fiery passion. He was an asshole. A stubborn one at that. He never listened to anyone, even my mother. Mother though has learned to deal with it and just never suggest anything to him anymore.

Mother was a kind and caring old bag. I'm shocked that she is still with Father after all those painful years, but I guess that she has to be due to the whole, may start a war within the Assassins if she leaves him.

The Assassins have two major clans; the Knights and the Crimsons. The Crimsons are stronger than the Knights due to their traditions that they kept alive, even in the modern day. Knights lightened up their traditions, not going to the same extremes. From there, there are other clans within the two, but they all are weaker than both Knights and Crimsons.

As far as the books go, I'm the first Knight and Crimson child. Mother has the Crimson blood and Father has the Knight blood. I take Crimson because Mother is stronger than Father, but steps back most of the time for him so that he can lead the people and she doesn't really have to do anything. Back in the day she led more than Father, but something happened where she stepped down so her husband could take her place. I've always questioned this, but never really dug deep to find what happened.

The Assassins have been at peace with humans and other species, but only kill when there is a bounty placed either by the Counsel or someone else. That's another reason I don't understand Father's little rebellion. We work with the Counsel, they give us targets to kill and exterminate, yet Father wants to rebel against our own employer.

Personally I think Father wants more power, that would be him. He always has wanted more power, always training or trying to find more followers to his stupid rebellion. I mean honestly, who the hell cares! It's how we get money and the supplies we need from the Supers, is all through the Counsel.

I could slightly understand if he wanted the seat of Overseer, but even that's a stretch. Overseer needs to go to someone who is compassionate and can lead with mercy yet still be able to kill. Seer Valentine is exactly what the Counsel needs from what I've heard. She is revered by all species because of her skills and talents along with her personality. Even her mate, Paul, is revered. I don't see what's so wrong!

I just… I wish I was born into a different family. One that didn't fight, one that didn't want to rule the world. A normal family. I just want that in life. My father wants to rule the world most likely one day, Mother just stands at his side not doing anything. I'm supposed to take the position that my father is in once he grows old, issue is… I don't want it. I really don't. All I see coming from the position is more heartbreak and tyranny. If I do get the position, it's going to take one hell of a time to convince the Rebels that I'm not weak, it's just another way of leading.

I looked across the water to see a boy sitting there. He seemed to be in a similar position as me. Sitting on the ground, thinking, pondering, waiting. Waiting for the future. I watched the boy get up and then dust himself off before jumping off of the ground into the air. Seraph. Six grey wings were spread out in the sky as he noticed me before shooting off in the sky.

Was he a Seraph? He had the wings, but his wings were grey, wouldn't they be white? Maybe he's a mix… yeah, he would have to be. With my luck, he would be one Angel that the Assassins were hunting and then he recognized me and now rushed off to tell his leaders. Then Father would have more of a reason to hate Supers. Wouldn't that be lovely.

But maybe that Angel was my knight in shining armor. Maybe he will come back for me. Maybe he's just as scared as I am with all this business. He was a good looking Angel from what I saw, and as long as he agreed with the rebellion and all… Father would enjoy his company somewhat. Mother would love him no matter what he was or what his views were, she is that type of woman.

I wish I could be like Mother. Kind and caring but harsh and strong when I have to be. That would be my ideal me. It would be way too awesome for me then. But I don't think that will ever happen.
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Alright, yes it is in a different point of view.

Hope you enjoyed

Sorry for it being late... I got caught up in life and well... Karma bit me in the ass for the blunt version.
