‹ Prequel: Head in the Clouds
Status: On Hold at the Moment

Down to Earth


"Minx, there is a new mission for you." Mother said as she handed me a file.

"Thanks," I sighed before heading to my room to read the file.

When I reached my room I quickly went in and shut and locked my door. I jumped on my bed and held my face in my hands.

Who was that boy? He was so handsome. So graceful. So… perfect.

I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head before opening the file that was given to me.

I glanced at the file and sighed.

Name: Spri Clearwater
Species: Unknown
Current location: On the Island of Supers
Fighting Skills: Unknown

Job: Kidnap and bring her back to HQ… Alive

I looked at the picture and just nodded to myself before preparing for another trip out to that Island. Honestly, the folks at the Island are either stupid as hell, or are hoping that the next time I show up I won't cause trouble. You could walk right into the place and not be questioned due to the whole Overseer can basically see anything she wants to. That being said, there were only guards in front of the halls that you weren't allowed into, it wasn't that bad of a place though.

It was structured like a castle, one that looks like it's been standing there forever and not just the past 16 years, or something close to that. The island itself is beautiful as well. I mean, it wasn't all that large because they just wanted the castle on it and that's it to deter tourists from visiting. The weather when I'm there is always perfect, I have heard rumors that when Counsel is in session, the Island is surrounded by hardcore storms to scare off sailors and people from disturbing Counsel.

I smiled as I grabbed my bag of random things that I would need and I quickly ran to the roof before getting into the helicopter that was waiting for me.

"Ready?" Jack, the pilot, asked me. I nodded at him before feeling the helicopter leave the ground and leave the city.

The flight was long, I mean… we are in the Midwest and the Island is off the coast of California. We took stops so that we could refuel or do whatever Jack had to do. It wasn't that bad of a flight surprisingly enough, it usually is pretty boring and long, but today it seemed to go faster, like Time wanted me at the Island. Or maybe it was something else that wanted me at the Island.

Either way, I was prepared and itching to go by the time Jack landed the chopper. I hopped off the chopper and watched as Jack took off for the mainland to wait until my call.

I turned around and looked at the intimidating structure in front of me. To say that I was nervous was a complete joke. But this time, I felt that something else was bound to happen. I had no idea what that something else was… but I knew something was going to.

I sighed and shook off the feeling before walking into the castle and began to take in my surroundings like I usually did.

The castle on the inside was always breathtaking and always took me off guard, but I still knew that I had a job to do and had to complete it in an orderly fashion.

"Ma'am, are you Lady Minx by chance?" A human woman with black hair in a braid wearing black slacks and a white blouse with an apron over everything approached me.

"Erm… yes I am…" I managed to stutter out.

I never have been approached by any of the staff here, guards or maids, so this was a completely different experience so far.

"My name is Lucia, I am Lady Overseer, Lord Overseer, and Lord Shadow's personal assistant. Milady Overseer would like to have a word with you in the Overseer gardens before you complete your mission." Lucia explained.

"Alright, lead the way…" I said slowly as Lucia then bowed and led the way.

Now the Overseer gardens, or any of the gardens for that matter, were always under guard. Therefore, they are closed to the general public, and that being said… This was definitely somewhere new that I was going to. I memorized the hallways and what to look for to get back to the entrance where I could meet up with Jack once again, and hopefully with my victim in tow.

"You may enter, Milady and Milords are waiting for you inside." Lucia said while bowing.

I nodded in respect to her before opening the grand wooden double doors to the garden.

I have never been as awestruck as I was right then.

The Overseer gardens were something of dreams. There was no way anyone could ever capture the beauty of the garden in a photo or even trying to describe it. Everything had a mystical feel, like it wasn't of this world. The flowers glowed slightly even in the daylight and the scent they were giving off was intoxicating. How anyone could ever leave this garden I have no idea.

"Hello Minx, we have been waiting for you." I heard a melodic female voice call out from the center of the garden.

I look at the speaker. That must have been Overseer Light, there was no doubt in my mind. With her beautiful white hair and deep blue eyes. Even if you didn't see all the markings on her body or her six wings, you would be able to tell that she was not of this world, much like the rest of the garden.

I carefully stepped farther into the garden, not knowing what could come out of nowhere.

"Milady Overseer," I bowed slightly as I got near her and kept my head down until I heard her melodic laugh.

"Minx, you have no need to bow to me, and please, call me Valentine. Now, this is my mate, Paul. Our children, Spri, Wint and Shadow who is the youngest." She introduced them as I stood back up.

"Mil- I mean, Valentine… why have you summoned me again to come here?" I asked. I looked at Spri and Wint who seemed just as intrigued as I was.

"It seems that… hmmm… there was a bond forming you and my youngest son. Yes… I can feel it now although you two have not imprinted yet." She sighed and Paul looked at her.

"You so sure Light? I mean… it is Shadow…" Paul asked quietly, Valentine nodded her head sternly.

"Yes… this girl is his soul mate. I can feel their bond already… but he has not imprinted… otherwise you would be able to see it. Like how it was with us Paul." Valentine whispered back to her husband before he just nodded and then proceeded to check to see if I was good enough for his son.

I looked then to Shadow, the youngest of the children of the Overseer. He was avoiding eye contact… I didn't understand why not. But I could see that he was having an internal struggle, with his body language and how he was so concentrated on the sky.

I was so confused though. Wouldn't anyone who had the ability to imprint want to imprint? It's like finding the other half of yourself. I know people who would kill for that.

Yet here was Shadow… he could imprint on me right now, but he is avoiding it as much as possible. I didn't get it.

"Valentine, may I ask you a question?" I asked politely as I shifted my gaze from Shadow to his mother.

"Of course my dear, ask away."

"You are the one to give the Assassins their missions, correct?" She nodded simply, and stared at me a little harder as if to see where this was going.

"Why, then, did you request for your own daughters kidnap?" I saw the moment of shock on the family's faces as I finished my question.

"I never did… Oh dear…" Valentine sighed and Paul gripped her shoulder.

"It's the Rebellion… they are trying to gain more power… more leverage." Wint growled.

"The Rebellion?" I asked, I was confused… was it more than just my Father and a few Assassins?

"The Rebellion is what a group of Supers and others with them call themselves… their ultimate goal we think… to take down the Overseer and rule over the humans… use them as they can and want to." Paul explained quickly.

"My father seems to be connected to this then… I remember him speaking of a Rebellion, and also of disobeying the Counsel's orders." I recalled quietly.

"No… not the Assassins too… We can't lose them… Minx… I must ask a favor of you… one that you might not like very much." Valentine looked at me… the glint in her eyes was begging me to say yes to this favor.

"Tell me what to do Valentine." I said simply and she sighed.

"I need you to take over the Assassins."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M SO SORRY!!!!! I didn't mean to drag this out so long and not write... I just lost all inspiration for it... then I got some... so I finished this chapter for you guys... if you are still reading this...

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