Love I've found you

Reminders of the past

Stefan was pacing in the living room while Elena was sitting on the couch watching him. Ever since Rose’s death and Elijah showing up she could tell how on edge he had been. He had just gotten off the phone with someone but he wouldn’t tell her who it was which worried her. Stefan always told her everything.
“Stefan, please tell me what’s going on. You’re worrying me. Who did you call? Who’s Alex?” She asked trying to get him to do something besides pace.
“Alex is…..she’s an old friend. I’ve known her since before I became a vampire. She can help with all of this, she’s dealt with it before.” Stefan said almost as if he wasn’t really paying attention.
“What do you mean she’s dealt with this before?” Elena asked, “Do you she the one Rose was talking about when she said they had help getting Katherine away from Klaus?”
“Oh wow little brother, you actually called her. And I’m assuming she’s racing over here as fast as she can for you. Right?” Damon said leaning against the door frame
“She doesn’t know you’re here. I didn’t want to risk her not coming if she knew.” Stefan said watching Damon’s reaction carefully.
“Oh right, I forgot. She’s trying to forget I exist, too bad for her I’m not going anywhere.” Damon said cockily.
“I don’t understand. Can someone please explain to me who this girl is?” Elena questioned from the couch while the brothers stared at each other intently.
Not even looking away from Damon, Stefan started to explain, “We met Alex in 1864, she came a few weeks before Katherine and helped us through our transition. She has kept in contact with me ever since, Damon not so much.”
“She’s just mad at me.” Damon said as he walked up the stairs. “When she gets here let me know, until then don’t bother me.”
Elena stood up from her spot on the couch and walked towards Stefan, unsure of how to react towards what just happened.
“It will all make sense soon, I promise.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead. “Everything will be fine.”
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I know the first two chapters are super short but from now on they'll be longer.
Also this is starting around right after Rose dies from the werewolf bite but before Klaus has actually made his appearance around the daddy issues episode. I'm not really basing this off the show much though so if you want a story that follows the show exactly this is not it.

leave comments, tell me what you think :)