Status: Hope you guys like it, I'm in love with diving ;)

Diving Insane

How it all started.

About two years ago, people from my local leisure centre came to my School. They wanted to see who could be good at diving there. They wanted more kids to try out the sport, because it wasn't as popular as say football or rugby. They made us jump up and down as high as we could and sit on the floor, legs straight, and bend over as far as we could, to see how close our nose could get to our knees. When we were jumping we were put in two rows facing eachother. A TV presenter for the BBC was walking down the middle talking about the event. The cameraman was walking backwards and kept bumping into the wall, so we had to do multiple takes. We were all laughing including him, so no one cared. But we were all quite tired afterwards!

They pointed at kids from the back, showing the teachers who they thought would be good and then they wrote the names down. My nose was touching my knees when we did the flexibility excersise, but I didn't jump very well because I hurt my ankle some days earlier. The boys were laughing and not taking it seriously due to the fact they thought diving was stupid, and liked football. When the list of names was read at the end, they were all girls.

"Kris, Lizzy, Malika, Hannah and Silver" when I heard my name I thought, me, Silver, could be good at diving? I'd never really considered it before. I did sports like netball which I didn't particularly like, and I tried rugby which was alright, but it wasn't the sport for me.

That aftenoon I went home, showed my mum my certificate and told her about the day, and how cool I thought it was. I used the computer to research Tom Daley who I have heard about, obviously. He was a World Champion and competed in the Olympics at the early age of 14 which I thought was amazing. I read more and more about him and the team, and found I was quickly falling in love with the idea.

About a week after the session at school, I went swimming to the same leisure centre with my mum and sister. I looked over at the diving boards, and I know it might sound strange, but they looked awesome.

While I was swimming I was thinking about it all. Everytime I was facing the diving pool I was looking at all the divers jumping into the air doing somersaults, flips and twists. I wished one day I could dive like that. Then on my 6th length two girls went up onto 10 metre, separately they did a dive of the board. They both did th same dive, a simple dive, no somersaults or twists just a normal dive. But I found it great. I stopped at the side of the pool to watch and my mum saw me. She came over and asked if I wanted to try. I gave her a huge hug then and there, and said "yes please!".

That night all I could think about was diving. Mum said she would call in the morning and arrange my first training session. I was so excited, and my mum kept telling me to go to sleep, but I kept going on about Tom Daley and the rest if the team, and how I would love to dive like that. I couldnt sleep, I just couldn't. It was in my head the the whole night.
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This first chapter is actually true :) all of this happened to me! It was so exciting :) will update soon. Hey, and this is the first chapter of my first story, so please dont be too rude about it :/ thanks. X