I Don't Love You


Mikey frowned up at the bullies who shoved him down. The one who pushed him laughed and looked to his buddies for laughs. Only one person didn’t laugh, he had a frown on his face. Mikey knew the boy, he was in his first and last classes. Frank Iero.

“Come on, this loser’s nothing,” The main man said, turning to leave. Frank left, not saying a thing. Mikey gathered his books and got up, slowly, only to be kicked back down. His glasses fell off and he couldn’t see. He heard a crushing noise, which he assumed was the noise of his glasses breaking. They all laughed some more before leaving.

“I gotta take a piss, I’ll catch up with ya,” He heard someone say as he tried to get his things again. “When they knock you down and out, it’s where you oughta stay,” He heard an angelic voice. He looked up to see a blurry Frank, or who he hoped was Frank. Frank was the only one who didn’t hurt him. “You still got an extra pair of those, right?” He asked.

Mikey nodded and stood up with his books. He couldn’t see worth shit, but he would rather stumble to his locker and open the preset lock than have Frank escort him anywhere. He walked away, fallowing the trail of blurry lockers.

“Wait-” He heard, making him stop. He turned around to see Frank walking to him. “Here, I’ll help you to your locker… It’s upstairs and you can’t see…”

Mikey glared. “I don’t need help,” He told the older boy before turning back around. He almost fell, but he caught himself and walked away, pride filling his head. He took his phone from his pocket, not caring if teachers saw, and pushed the speed-dial number for his brother.

“You okay, Mikes??” The older boy asked, instantly. Mikey was a good kid and rarely broke rules, so Gerard getting a call from his brother during school worried him.

“Come get me, please. Say I have a doctors appointment, say I have a mental illness, I don’t care. I can’t stay longer,” He told his brother, tears threatening to fall.

Gerard nodded, getting up. “I’ll be right there, Mikes.” He didn’t care if the comic he was doing was due today, family always came first to the Ways. He drove to the school he went to a few years prior and walked to the front office, putting his charm on for the secretary who knew him.

She was an older woman who didn’t think Gerard could hurt a fly, regardless of his record. “Gerard Way, well to what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked, smiling.

Gerard smiled back. “My kid brother has an appointment today. Glasses.” Gerard rolled his eyes, thanking drama classes for his acting skills. “He keeps breaking them, the klutz he is,” He laughed. “We’re going to get some more and the eye-doctor wants to do a check up on his prescription. Mind if I go get him?”

The old woman smiled. “Not at all. I’ll have you sign him out now.” She gave him the clipboard and he signed through it, knowing just what it said. He flashed her a grin and walked to Mikey’s locker, presuming that’s where he’d be. He walked down the hall and saw a group of boys laughing. He frowned and walked over, knowing that was where Mikey’s locker was at.

“What a stupid fag,” One laughed as Gerard walked up.

“Are you looking in a mirror, by chance?” He asked, scowling. “Get away from my brother or I’ll have to kick your asses and don’t think I won’t.”

Frank looked at his “friends” with hate in his eyes. “Come on, guys. This is Psycho Way, he’s the one who put David in the hospital with two broken legs.”

“Damn straight, now get lost.” Gerard glared. The group left and Gerard glared at Frank. Little to Mikey’s knowledge, Frank was Gerard’s friend, sorta. Gerard was keeping it in Frank’s best interest to keep his brother safe. To Gerard, the younger wasn’t doing the best job. “What happened to your glasses, Mikes?” Gerard asked, helping the younger up.

“Broken, again,” Mikey muttered, scowling. “I have a pair in my locker…”

Gerard nodded and helped the younger gather his things and glasses before taking him home, having intents on having a long and serious talk with Frank about his job.


Frank groaned as he walked up to his house. Gerard’s car was in his driveway, so he knew he was in trouble, since the older didn’t socialize too often with him. “Honey, Gerard’s here,” Frank’s mom called, smiling at the adult. He was a nice boy.

“We’re gonna go hang in my room,” Frank told his mom, giving her a hug. She nodded and they walked to Frank’s room. “I’m sorry, really, Gee.”

“Cut the shit, Frank,” He growled. “I want my brother to be happy…He’s at home and he cried himself to sleep. I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like he’s happy to me.”

Frank sighed. “I’m trying, Gerard. I am, despite what you think, I am trying.”

Gerard glared. “Try harder. Now, Mikey better start cheering up and not hating school or I’ll rip you a new one, got it?” Gerard clarified.

Frank nodded and Gerard was done, he left the younger’s room and left the house, after saying goodbye to Linda.
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I'm messing with their ages a bit for this...