Fall Like Raindrops

"We can run away before you have to move, Stella."

"I can't, Andy."

"Why not?"

"Because my father will send the police after me."

"I can fight them."


Stella Waters knew she would regret leaving Andrew Biersack behind. There was nothing more she could do, though. Her father worked for the mob, and when things got tough, they moved states to keep themselves safe. Andy was her only friend that didn't shun her because of who she was; the daughter to a wealthy man. Arriving to elementary school in a limo, looking pretty and as perfect as money spent could get, most of the Cincinnati school kids turned their noses up at her. Except for Andy.

Andy saw her for her.

Now nearly 10 years later, 21 year old Stella has graduated from the mob pet, to mob princess. She's steps away from making potentially the best or the worst mistake in her life.

With the law crashing down on her and her ex-fiance on the move to kill her, will Stella take a chance and reach out to Andy? Or will her ex find her, and kill her?


A non-BVB fic; Andy was never in the band. Hopefully this one gets some attention! <3