Night Terrors

Night Terrors (cont.)

He’s mocking me. It’s as if he knows that I am making more speculations towards him and in doing so somehow he has learned more about me. He continues to find weaknesses of mine and I of his. Last night, the night after my bed stranger, I slept mildly okay. No dreams and so I thought I was safe. About 4 hours ago I had another night terror. This one was not like the rest yet it had a few similarities. 4 hours of thinking and I still don’t know what to make of it.

Like the others I have waken up in the same position as I am in real life. My door is wide open and my room and hallway are both filled with a dimmed like. Something about this dream doesn’t feel like the rest. Everything felt as if it were in fish eye the whole time. I was able to get up and walk around as if it was real life. I think this is why I believed that it was real life. As I walked around my room it was as if something there was making me nervous. Much like I do in real life, when I am waiting for something to happen, like a friend picking me up or a trip I try to straighten up my room. The over all mood of the dream was a nervous feeling. I grabbed a few things from my room that I wanted to take downstairs and proceeded to walk into the hallway. The first time that I had ever left my room in these dreams. He surely didn’t want me to leave. I only made it to my sister’s room (which is right next to mine) when I only glanced in and saw two figures in her bed. One is supposed to be her but those eyes aren’t hers and she has no color. The other I have no clue but she seemed fine with having it there. I dropped the items and ran back to my room and laid down. Then I hear foot steps walking up the stairs. I’m still can’t even tell this is a dream. He is getting crafty. Soon my father approaches my room and leans near my bed. He really looks like my father except the color is a lot lighter than real life, and my father can’t walk that well and his eye’s just weren’t right. They were just black and lifeless. I started to talk to my “father” and we talked about a lot of things. The conversation went from sports to school to food. Still all the sounds were like waves going back and forth and none were consistent enough to remember everything we said. The part that confused me and even typing this right now is at one point I began to have time lapses. Things would just cut out and pick back up randomly, which is another reason I don’t remember all of what me and my “father” spoke of. We continued out conversation a little bit longer and I started to feel my whole right side go numb. I started to get the pins and needles and soon my “father” left. But as he left I screamed “MOM! DAD! I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH. NEVER FORGET THAT. PLEASE DON’T FORGET IT. I LOVE YOU ALL!!” I just kept repeating it and repeating it even when I knew my “father” was downstairs and probably couldn’t hear me. I started to feel very sleepy and started to black out. I heard whispers much like before with my friendly visit. Like a voice trying to peer through radio static. That’s when I knew that it was another visit from him. Somehow he was trying to pull me down, I could just feel time slipping and darkness creep over me more. Knowing how to get out of this situation I did what I normally did. I just trying to push my way out of the darkness. Once I started to come to I just screamed. “WAKE UP!” Then, I woke up.

Now it’s 6:49 a.m. and I haven’t gone back to sleep yet. I believe the thing with this dream that scared me that most is that I lost a sense of time and reality. Now I will do whatever I need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen again. I realize that he is learning fast but so am I. Next time that he decides to visit I will be prepared. I have sat here and thought about all of the weakness he probably knows of mine. Now that I think about it, he has had since the first visit my Junior year up until now to take note. I have changed tremendously since then so some of his tactics might not work as well as he thinks. I have been taking note on a lot of the similarities that he has and made my own speculations also. From what I have taken note on myself, he also has weaknesses too. One in particular he has that could be one to completely destroy him. Until another night then.