

I ran, dashing back and forth along the hallways.
It was like I was swimming through mud, my mind slowly catching up to my actions. Sirens blared, the evacuation lights flashing above me, helping me escape. The sharp tang of fear laced the air around me, enveloping me like a blanket. My fear.
I didn't know where I was going, just that I had to keep moving. I kept stumbling, my hands propelling outward to catch onto the walls and push me on.

"STOP!" I risked a glance backward; my father’s face coming into view as the lights flickered past him. Blood covered the front of his uniform, the dark maroon color slowly spreading. Hot tears leaked from the corners of my wide eyes.
“You’re dead!” He screamed, jumping over the wreckage I had pushed into the way. I ran faster, knowing without a doubt, if this man got his hands on me, I would be as good as dead. My mind kept racing back to how I had pulled a knife from the counter, using my momentum to push the blade into his chest.
Memories of us kept lashing out at me. Him chasing me through the yard, my high peals of laughter echoing off the house.

I took a sharp left, letting my instincts carry me, running faster as a light spilled into my view.
My feet left the linoleum, stepping into sparse vegetation. Stopping, I placed me hand against the large door in front of me. I was trapped, the world outside a mere inch away. I could smell the earthy sent spilling through the cracks, a memory waiting to be opened. Behind me the stench of chemicals and bleach fought back.
The sound of footsteps got closer as my eyes darted across the ceiling and walls, looking for anything to stop them. My eyes caught on a metal button to my right.
“Youre stuck little girl.” One of the men lined behind my father yelled as he pulled a scalpel from his coat pocket, revenge mirrored in his eyes.
“I will kill you all.” My voice cut across the distance, making them step back.
Hope consumed me as I slammed my hand across the button. They lunged a second too late as a wall slammed to the ground in front of me, blocking their way. The look of complete shock registered in my father’s eyes as he watched his daughter behind the glass wall. I looked back at him in sadness.
He had created a monster, and let it escape.