Messy Buns & Ponytails


I was woken up by Steven the next morning. I wasn’t in the mood right now, so I threw a pillow at him hoping he would go away, but unfortunately I didn’t even hit him. That was how tired and annoyed I was. So he decided not to get any closer, but watch me sleep like so creepy stalker.

After about ten minutes I was annoyed because I get annoyed easily and Steven knew that. So I sat up and asked “What the hell do you want?” in my grouchy morning voice. He now sat on the other side of my bed.

“I am here to apologize.” He said in a sweet tone.

“Nothing can make me forgive you.” I was being stubborn. Then he took off his shirt and I looked away so I wouldn’t be mesmerized by his amazing six pack.

“I think I got something up my sleeve.” He said moving a strand of my hair that was in front of my face to behind my ear.

“More like something down your pants.” I said biting my lip and he pulled off his pj pants as I got undressed too.

Once again I don’t like to talk about my sex life because it is the one thing that I rather not go into detail about, so let’s just say it was hot and just the way I like it. I usually don’t forgive so easily, but let’s face it Steven knew my weakness.

We both went down stairs and everybody was staring at us. Then they all made a disgusting noise because they know what went down upstairs. I sat down at the head of the table and looked at them all with a creepy grin. “Want me to give you the details because I will.” I winked at Frankie who we all believe might be gay.

Every one immediately scattered from the table except for Jessica because she knows that I would probably never talk about my sex life. It could also be the fact that she doesn’t mind hearing the details which totally sounds like Jessica.

I grabbed a piece of bacon off of Jessica’s plate because I just remembered that I was going to meet Nora to go on a hike and I don’t like to hike neither does Nora, but Chris is all for it. So she basically wants to get use to hikes before she officially goes on a hike with Chris. I think it will be nice to get out of the town for just a little while and it will be just us girls. Jessica wasn’t invited, but once I told her about it she had to come. We made a pack that if one of us told the other about plans we weren’t invited to besides a date then they have to come with.

I called Nora to give her a heads up and she didn’t really care. She actually kind of wanted to get to know Jessica a little better anyways. She thinks she does, but once she gets to actually know her she is going to regret it so much.

We arrive and everybody has these big backpacks and all we had was small bags with like three water bottles and some granola bars in them. Then I looked around and everybody was wearing tennis shoes while we were wearing converse and vans. Yes we are a little stupid, but at least we knew to bring water.

So I believe that we got off the trail somehow because we were so lost. How could anybody like to hike for fun? It’s exhausting and you can easily get lost. Then again whenever you get lost it always makes great stories because you have such an adventure trying to find your way home. “So this is so like the show Lost.” I said all excited grabbing a stick and hitting branches whenever they were in my way pretending like the stick was a sword. Jessica soon joined me and surprisingly so did Nora.

“You ladies seem lost.” A deep sexy voice came from behind us and we turned around to find a shirtless man with gorgeous blue eyes and golden blonde hair.

“What gives you that idea handsome?” Jessica asked trying to sound sexy. Lucky for her Nora and I were taken because let’s face it she would have no chance if I was single.

“Well there is the fact that you aren’t on the trail anymore and don’t feel bad a bunch of tourist always get lost.” He smiled.

“That would have made us feel so much better if we were tourist. Plus I don’t think you get a lot of tourist around here.” I said trying to sound smart since we looked stupid right now.

“You would be surprised. Anyways I am Kevin and I am here to help you get back on the trail. It’s my job.” He offered and a part of me really didn’t want to go back on the trail since we were having more fun being lost.

“Before you do that can we have sex in those bushes right over there?” Jessica asked. When she is desperate to have sex she just asks right away rather than going on a date first or getting to them at all.

“No I don’t want to get fired, but maybe if we bump into each other any other time.” I don’t know if he was just being nice or if he really meant it.

“Well here is my card so give me a call.” I am surprised Jessica actually put effort into making cards. Actually no I am not she just gets annoyed when guys ask for her number and she has to repeat it like three times in a row till they finally get it right.

After that fun little adventure we were on our way home. When we got back into town and up ahead I saw the music shop I told Nora to stop and drop me off there. It was time to catch up with an old friend that I haven’t really seen at all since I arrived. I went inside and no one was there like usual because their always in the back doing who know what.

This time I wanted to see how long it would take for someone to come out and realize there is a customer, so I decided not to play music extremely loud like I usually do. About twenty minutes of looking at CD’s I have never heard of someone finally came out, but it wasn’t the person I thought it would be.

“Where is Miller?” I asked disappointed.

I really missed Miller. He was probably the one person I missed the most when I left. I always think about him all the time. I always hated when I woke up from a dream about him. He was always there for me even though I didn’t have the same feelings for him as he had for me. After leading him on he still cared about me and was willing to comfort me. That was a good friend and I was kind of looking for one right now that didn’t have sex on their mind the whole time.

“He went on some trip he won’t be back until sometime in August.” The guy behind the counter said. He had pitch black hair and these trippy green eyes.

“Oh well if you see him or talk to him any time soon can you tell him that Kris says hi.” I asked kind of upset that I probably won’t see him again or at least for a real long time.

“You’re Kris?” He asked with such enthusiasm.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” I was trying to be cool now.

“Oh no. I’m JC I play the drums in Miller’s band. He talks about you constantly. Always saying ‘how you can spend such little time with someone yet they can change your world forever’” I smiled at that. Miller still thought of me as often as I thought of him.

“Thank you for making my day.” I said and skipped out of the store.

I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. I guess I was sort of avoiding Miller when I first got here because I could of easily asked Wes about him, but I didn’t want to hurt Miller once again. But now that I made the effort to find him I don’t feel so guilty anymore. There is one thing that I know I am definitely going to do for Miller. I am going to stay here until he comes back from his trip. I guess I am doing this for both him and myself.
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sorry it has been awhile since I posted, but I have been having major writers block and this chapter still didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to but I hope you like it.