Status: Just a one shot for a contest

How I Almost Lost the One I Love


“I love you.” she said smiling down on me.

An awkward silence filled the air. I went to kiss her again but she pulled away. 

“Michael this is the part where you return it.” 

I didn't say anything but instead tried to kiss her again.



“Do you love me?” 

“Marie...don't do this right now.” 

She pulled back and folded her arms across her bare chest. “So I'm guessing that's a no.”


“Don't baby me Michael! I'm serious about this! We've been together for over two years and you haven't said it yet! I've said it a thousand times!” 

“What's your point?” 

“My point is if you don't love me then what's the point in us being together.” she said as she stood up and put on her bra.


“I think you should leave.” she mumbled sadly.

“Marie don't be like that--”

“Just go Michael.” she said putting on the rest of her clothes. 

As I walked out of the door, I knew that it would only be a matter of time before we made up. In the two years that we had been together this fight has been had for most of it. 

I already knew that this was gonna turn out fine.

She hasn't said a word to me in weeks. I've tried everything, gifts, apologies...none of it has worked. 

It stinks because prom is coming up and we were both pretty excited about it. By now the entire school was aware of our little spat and guys were beginning their ascent on Marie. 

Every time I saw her someone was vying for her attention and I was fucking sick of it. 

“Marie please talk to me.” I begged while she was standing at her locker 

She didn't say anything. She just got her stuff and walked away. 

I went after her and grabbed her arm. “Marie please talk to me.”

“No Michael! You made how you feel very clear.” 

She left me standing there, humiliated. I wanted to followed after her but my feet were frozen in place.  

I sighed as my friend David appeared by my side. He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards our next class.

That day at lunch, I looked for Marie.

I couldn't find her anywhere, so I assumed that she went off campus for lunch. It wasn't until algebra that I found out where she really was. 

“Well Cody Just asked her to prom.” my friend David informed me

I scoffed. “She said no right?”

“Well...she actually said yes. But I think it was to make you mad...if that helps.” 

“Yeah that's gotta be it...she can't be serious about going to prom with Cody.” 

***Prom night***

I don't understand why I was dressing to go to prom. It seemed pretty pathetic to do so since I didn't have a date. Marie was incredibly serious about going to prom with Cody. I kept trying to talk to her about it but she just continued to shut me down.

Now here I was alone at prom watching someone else dance with my girl. She wore the dress that she picked out when we were still together. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen her in. Her pearl jewelry matched it perfectly and the bracelet I gave her on our first anniversary gleamed in the light. The pearl colored corsage I got for her sat snugly on her wrist as she danced with Cody. 

I couldn't believe this was happening. All because of three stupid words. 

I tried to understand why it was so important to her. I mean yeah my relationships in the past haven't been exactly great. 

I'm not afraid to admit that I was a bit of a man whore but when I met Marie, it all just changed. She was skeptical at first but I did any and everything to prove that I was a changed man...why couldn't that be enough for her? In my eyes saying I love you won't change much but she seemed to think differently...

I got up and got another cup of punch and a shrimp puff. 

Cody led her onto the dance floor yet again as they danced to the pop song playing blaring from the speakers. 

David came over to me with his date right by his side. She kissed him and scurried away to dance with her friends leaving him to sit down next to me. 

“She looks so beautiful in the dress.” I sighed 

A slow song played and at that point it became too much for me. I couldn't watch her wrapped in someone else's arms. 

I got up and headed outside where the cool air soothed the radiating waves of anger pouring from me. 

Within a few seconds he appeared beside me remaining silent. 

“I can't stand in there and watch that shit. He dancing with my girl. She makes my heart skip a beat. She makes me smile just thinking about her. Not him. He doesn't feel for her the way I do and he never will! That asshole's in there dancing with the woman that I love!” 

David raised his eyebrows. “What?”


“You said he's dancing with the woman that you what?” 

The second I realised what I said I ran back into the gym. I scanned the dance floor for Marie but couldn't find her. 

Exploring every part of the gym, I became frustrated when I didn't find her. So I found her closest friend Kayla. 

“Where is Marie?” 

“I-I don't know.”

“Don't lie to me Kayla. I know you know.” 

“He's taking her to the hotel at the end of town.” she said biting her lip 

“What are they going there to do?” I knew the answer I just....I don't know I felt the need to confirm it.

“You and I both know what they're going to do.” she said sadly 

“So soon? She barely knows him?” 

“They've been on some dates before tonight Michael.”

I couldn't hear anymore of it. My legs kicked into full speed, carrying me to the parking lot. 

Of course with my luck, the parking lot was full of cars which boxed my car in. Desperate to find a ride I spotted the school bus that escorted our performers for the night and jumped inside. 

I was pulling out my pocket knife to hot wire the car when someone shouted at me. 

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!” shouted the driver. 

“Look man I need to borrow this. I'll give you whatever amount of money you want...just please.” I begged 

“Young man step out of the bus before I call security!” he shouted 

“Look dude I swear on my life I'm not some shit faced crazy person. My girl, the girl I love with all my heart, is at a hotel with some douche bag. It's my fault because I couldn't tell her that I love her, I love her with all my heart. I've realized that now and I need to tell her. Please let me tell her!!!” 

The man looked at me for a second before tossing me the keys. “You're lucky I've been smoking pot for the last ten minutes.”  

Chuckling, I started the giant bus and drove off.   

I know I rammed into some cars on the way out but this was a big ass bus and I was in a hurry. The entire time I drove, all I thought about was Marie. In my mind I was preparing a speech for her. Just thinking about what I was going to say and how I was going to say it.

It had to be perfect because of it wasn't then I would lose her forever. 

Finally I arrived to the hotel. Parking the extra large bus in nearly three spaces illegally, I got out and ran. 

“Hello can you tell me which room Cody Williams is staying in?”

She looked skeptical so I told her that he was my brother and he forgot his wallet. 

The lady sat there for a few minutes mulling over what I said. After a while she gave me the room number as well as instructions to get there. 

I followed them and before I knew it I was standing at her door. 

“Are you sure we should be doing this? Don't you think we should...wait?” I heard Marie say 

I could hear the growing disgust in her voice. She didn't want to do this and she was trying to talk him out of it. Rather than knock I waited patiently for his answer.

“Marie, we've waited long enough. You're so fucking hot, I can't wait any longer.” I could hear kissing sounds followed by her saying, “No. I-I don't think we should do this. I mean it hasn't been that long since Michael and I br--” 

“Michael's not here. Michael doesn't matter.” he said 

“He matters to me!” she said 

My heart skipped a beat when she said that. 

I brought my hand to the door and pounded on it. 

Marie asked who it was just as she opened the door. When her eyes connected with mine she was shocked and I knew she was wondering how much I had heard. 

“Michael. What are you doing here?” 

I stared deeply into her eyes. Seeing the longing and loneliness, matching what was inside my heart. As we stood there for a moment, I could feel myself falling for her all over again. 

My knees grew weak, my hands shook and it felt like my tongue was swelling making it difficult for me to talk. 

“Marie, I came here to tell you how sorry I am. I was being selfish and childish, that's not what you want or deserve and I see that now. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I almost didn't see that--” 

Cody appeared at the door. “Dude screw all that mushy shit. You had your chance and you blew it. Marie's with me now and she doesn't want you so you might wanna back up so the door doesn't hit your nose.” 

He slammed the door in my face before I even got the chance to move. 

The door hit the edge of my nose sending a small jolt of pain through my face. 

I sighed deeply, realising that he was right. It was too late for me. I had blown it with the woman that I love, leaving me to be lonely for the rest of my life....because I know that I will never love anyone the way that I love her. 

I walked down the hallway my shoulder dragging against the wall. My legs gave away as I slumped to the floor unable to go on.

Tears dripped from my eyes onto the carpet. A sob left my throat and echoed of the wall of the hallway. As if the hotel was mocking me. 

I just sat there crying and crying, I felt unable to do anything else. 

I hated myself for screwing this up. Marie loved me even when she knew that I wasn't exactly faithful or romantic. She showed me how to be both of those things and more. 

Marie was so perfect and I just let her walk right out of my life. 

I couldn't tell you how much I hated myself. 

I was so busying hating myself that I couldn't hear the door opening nor could I hear the clicking of high heels. 

Suddenly I felt someone trip over my outstretched leg. My arms reacted, reaching out to catch them. 

“I didn't see you there.” she said 

Suddenly I realised that it was Marie. She stared at me lovingly. Her eyes leaked tears as she looked up at me. 

“I'm sorry Michael. I'm so sorry. You don't ever have to say it if you don't want to beca--” 

“I love you.” I said 


“Marie, you don't have to apologise for anything. It was me who was being an ass. You're my everything and I love you with all my heart.” 

She sat up slowly, never breaking eye contact with me. “Say it again.” 

“I love you.” 

She launched herself at me and kissed me with this passion that felt stronger than it ever did before. Her lips felt and tasted just like how I remembered them. They fit so perfectly against mine. 

I picked her up and carried her back into open hotel room. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her all over her face and chest. 

“I love you baby. I always have.” I whispered. 

“Say it again baby.” 

She smiled. 

“I love you!” I shouted

She giggled and pulled me into another passionate kiss. “Show me.” 

Smiling I pulled our clothes off and made sweet and pure love to her. Every second we made love, I showed her how much I loved her. 
♠ ♠ ♠
So I entered this contest...this is the second time I've ever been in one of these. I know there's a small chance of me winning but I hope you guys like it. 

The song I was given was Magic Bus by The Who....I hope I did it justice :) 

Comment and recommend ;)