The Hunt

The Hunt

I could smell the blood running through its veins as I stalked the rabbit. I could imagine my sharp teeth puncturing its jugular and I could see myself shaking it from side to side to make sure, that it was dead.

Mine all mine.

My first kill would be a lot bigger than Lucky's or Golden's. My first kill would be a rabbit. I could imagine the look on everybody's faces, as they saw me, Lux the runt, carrying a rabbit back to the kennels. Dad would finally accept me and our humans would eat their words about my lack of strength.

"Lux! Stop day dreaming and continue with the hunt!" My uncle Dagger snapped at me
Startled out of my dream, I rushed forward and tripped over some roots. I let out a yelp as I tumbled into the rabbits den.

A fierce blow was delivered to the side of my head and I opened my eyes to see the furry face of an angry rabbit. More blows were dealt and I squeaked helplessly as I could not get out of the hole.

Finally Dagger managed to grab hold of my scruff and yank me back onto the path. He glowered at me and shook his head.

"Let's get back to the kennels."

So much for impressing everyone.