The Man Who Couldn't Die


He shaved off all his hair and laughed at himself in the barbershop mirror, because he looked so silly. Holland didn't find it the least bit amusing. On the drive home, she had silent tears streaming down her cheeks. When she got into the house, she ran upstairs and locked the door and cried and cried and cried.

"Holland?" he knocked lightly on the door. "Hol, please don't cry. Can you please open the door?"

She opened it and he pulled her into his chest. They laid on the bed together, her crying into his chest, and him rubbing her back and letting her do so.

"Rhett?" her voice croaked. She lifted her head to up to look him straight in the eyes. "If you don't come back, I am going to kill you."

He laughed and said, "Deal."

The tears kept streaming down her face and he wiped them away with his thumb, taking her head in his hands.

"Holland? When I come back, will you promise me you'll do something?"

"Anything," she breathed.

He smiled at her and stood up. He knelt down on one knee, pulling out a tiny little box from his pocket, and said,

"Will you marry me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm updating this in hopes that your comments will make this stressful day go away. It's like 9:30 here, so the day is almost over, but I have had so much homework today. It makes up for barely having any the past 6 weeks that I've been in school (yeah yeah, my school starts in July. I get it. It sucks). I have three tests tomorrow and I want to rip my hair out. THANKFULLY, I THINK I'LL BEAST TWO OF THEM. I suck at stats, so we'll see how that goes. You guys are so fantastic with your comments. I am excited to come home from school tomorrow and read what you guys have to say :)