Swinging Keys

To The Stage

Mayla thanked the crowd one last time before leaving the stage, searching her breath. She fist bumped the rest of her bandmates and smiled, making her way back to the band's green room. She fell a hand grabbing her arm and pulling her in a dark room.

"we have 30 minutes before I go on stage" growled a voice. Mayla smirked, recognizing James' voice. Since the little overprotective stunt that pulled Kellin, the 2 lovebirds decided to separate and be completely free until the end of each other's tour. That fitted perfectly with Mayla as she crushed hard on the British droomer.

Patting her way in the dark, she found a couch where she pushed james before taking off her jeans and panties. 15 minutes after, they were done and Mayla was joining her bandmates to go back to the hotel and take a much needed shower.

"I'd love to get my way with her as well" Commented Ben, as he saw the blonde girl pass in front of Asking Alexandria's green room.

"Who wouldn't" smirked Sam, downing the rest of his beer "Have you seen her boobs?"

The comments kept flowing as James entered the room

"I better not hear any of you wankers got with her!"
"It's not like you're dating her anyways!" laughed Danny, the others chimming in agreement
"Yeah, but we're official fuck friends. no funny business other than between us" said James, taking the beer Sam had just opened from his hands.
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I know, I know. it's awfully short! I'm completely over occupied with work which caused my creativity to leave. For now this will do... I hope? Comment my minions!
