Swinging Keys

I'll make it up

Kalea woke up next to Soleia and put on her short jeans. She left and went back to her bus, took a quick shower and looked at her schedule for the day, sending a text to Mayla so she would remember that she had a shoot for Alternative Press later that day. As she put her phone on the table, it rang again. She was surprised to see it was Austin, even more since what happened the night before.

"I want to apologize for last night" wrote Austin
"It's to Sole that you have to apologize, not me" answered Kalea
"I wouldn't know how to"
"I'm sure you'll find, Austin" said Kalea

She was on her way to meet Mayla when Austin wrote to her he had an idea of what to do.


Soleia put her toothbrush away when she heard a knock on the door, followed by footsteps. she went in the front of the bus to see Austin with Danny and a boy she never saw before.

"Can I help you with something, Autin?" Asked Soleia, crossing her arms
"I want to apologize for yesterday. I've been an ass to you and uh, yeah."
"It's alright" shrugged Soleia "why are those 2 here"
Danny was the one who talked first "With some people out of the circle, I thought I could bring Ben in it..."
"So what?" asked Soleia
"I want you to test him, if you know what I mean" said Austin. He smiled to himself when he saw a flash of lust and a devious smirk appearing on Soleia's face
"You two can leave. I'll take care of him" said Soleia, pushing Ben on the couch and making sure the two others left.


"Ch.. Chandler.. I really don't think it's a good ide... oooooh!" Tony groaned, holding Chandler's long brown hair.
"Relax, Tony... Just enjoy it" smirked Chandler, licking the tip of Tony's cock
"we're behind a bus, it's a bad idea, and if we're found, we'll have problems" said Tony, trying to control his breath
"I've caught you and Emilie together, if you don't want that to get out, you should let me have fun" said Chandler, looking at him
"You're just using this to manipulate me" said Tony, putting her up and placing himself
"I like when you're rough" smirked Chandler, as Tony was holding her arms tightly
"You're devious" said Tony, agape.
"that's what makes my charm" smiled Chandler "Oh and Tony... I'll have you one day" finished the young girl, walking from behind the bus.


The day after was a day off in New Hampshire; The bands took the opportunity to either go at the beach or at the fair. Most of the crew decided to go at the fair. Mayla dragged Kellin by the arm to a kiosk with a display of cotton candy
"I want one!!" pointed the blonde girl. Kellin couldn't resist her smile and decided to buy one for her
"thank you" smiled Mayla, giving him a sticky kiss on the cheek
"You're welcome" smiled Kellin, taking her hand
"will you also win me a teddy bear?" Asked Mayla, smiling at him
"You'll have to give me more cotton candy if you want me to win that" laughed Kellin, taking some more of the sticky candy
"Do I really have too?" Pouted Mayla, putting away the bag. Kellin laughed and walk towards the roller coaster with her.

"Ok, let's all meet for dinner alright?" Said Soleia, already pulled by Mike who wanted to try the shooting booth. Everyone was enjoying a day off, far from everything, being able to relax.

"What do you want to do, cutie?" asked Austin, his arm over Kalea's shoulders
"I thought you couldn't do rides with your hearts problems?" Asked Kalea, looking at him
"Let's just not do... intense ones" Smirked Austin, dragging her at the carousel.
"Aren't we a bit old?"
"never." smiled Austin, pulling her in one of the big seats where two persons could sit next to each others
Kalea smiled the whole time, looking at the carousel golden painted.
"Look here" smiled Austin, taking a picture of them
"I'll need it" said Kalea, getting out of the ride
"You'll see it soon" smiled Austin, as Kalea's phone rang because she had a new text message
"@AustinCarlile: Miss @KaleaNBB and I at the fair :)"
Kalea smiled and kissed Austin on the cheek "You know, you're not that much of a devious asshole when you want" smirked Kalea

"You're going down, Del Grosso" smirked Mike, holding the gun
"You forgot I used to go hunt with my dad when I was younger" smiled Soleia, putting on her glasses
"So what do I get if I win?" Asked Mike, looking at her
"You get to decide what happens tonight. If I win, I decide" Answered Soleia, placing herself on the X painted on the floor
"Fair enough" said Mike, raising his hands to get reay to shoot.

A moment after, a loud ringing echoed in the booth and the 2 friends started to fire on the target. When the cartridges were emptied, they took off their glasses and pulled the string to see who won

"Aww no, I got more bullets on the target but you have more of them centered! I guess you win" said Soleia, making a dramatic bow in front of Mike "so all you want to do, we'll do" smiled Soleia, going out of the booth, holding the big teddy bear Mike had won.
"I don't know, I already love that day" smiled Mike, he leaned and kissed her, holding her close to him.
"true, very nice day" whispered Soleia, smiling in the kiss

The crew met to eat, as the girls had made a huge picnic before leaving for the fair. Everyone laughed when Kellin decided to throw a grape in Mayla's mouth to see it land in her cleavage and Kellin trying to take it off with his mouth directly.

"As anyone seen Emilie and Danny leave?" asked Chandler, her head resting on Tony's lap. Everyone shrugged and left to do more rides.

"Tony, we have to do this!" smiled Chandler, pointing at the Big wheel.
"Then let's do it" smiled Tony, giving the employee the 4 tickets to get in. Chandler sat in front of Tony, looking at the entire site, the smile not leaving her face.
"I've never seen you like that" said Tony, looking at her
"What do you mean?" Asked Chandler, turning her head to look at Tony
"For a brief moment, I think I saw the little girl in you... not a devious crazy sex driven girl" smiled Tony shyly. Chandler laughed and sat next to him
"I just miss fairs... I used to always go to the ones in my city back in England" said Chandler, looking away
"I much, much prefer that Chandler" smiled Tony, snapping a picture of her.

"Here, let me help you" laughed Danny, going behind Emilie.
"I don't like hitting stuff" smiled Emilie, holding the hammer
"They're in plastic. you won't hurt anyone" smiled Danny, holding her hand over the machine. "ready to whack some moles?" Asked Danny. Emilie nodded and pushed the start button.
"Oh, oh, I can't get them all!" Laughed Emilie, smashing the hammer against the plastic animals
"Quicker, you'll miss 'em!" yelled Danny, holding her hand and helping her smash. The game finished and Danny moved next to her
"Ready to go against me?" Asked Danny
"You're going down, worsnop" smiled Emilie, restarting the game
"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE" growled Danny with his stage voice, gaining weird looks from other people at the fair.
"I win!!" laughed Emilie, dancing around
"Nooo! I want a revenge! That's only 5 points of difference" laughed Danny
"No time, we have to go back to the bus" said Austin from behind there. He had a big bag of teddy bears slung over his shoulder.
"Maybe you can have another type of revenge later!" smiled Kalea, next to Austin
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you guys are great, keep the comments coming <3
also, I tried to write something else than smutty stuff for that chapter. tell me what you think :)