Swinging Keys

Water and vices

It seemed like taking a day off once in a while was the perfect way to loose of the pressure of the tour. The crew always made sure to take a day off so they wouldn't end in a full fight that even sex wouldn't calm down.

Today was another of these days; All of the crew and some other bands and people working on the warped decided to do a water fight once the site was closed. As the security left and the bands were filling a pool with balloons full of water and other guns, Soleia and Kalea came back from the liquor store with several bottles of strong alcohol.

"I call dibs on the Jack Daniels!" Shouted Jack Barakat as he took a bottle. Soleia laughed as she saw Mike's reaction and gave him another bottle of JD.
"thanks Soleia! You're the best" Said Mike, wrapping his arm around her waist to kiss her forehead.

As the sun was setting down, everyone was drinking until they could open the light spots to start the water fight. An hour later, as everyone was quite tipsy, Austin took the megaphone

"No team at all!" He pushed the siren on the megaphone and everyone started yelling and throwing water at each other.

Kalea moved away from Zack Merrick and threw him a ballon, hoping she'd have time to run away. Let's face it, he was probably the closest thing to an athlete on the tour.

Emilie was hidding behind a tree laughing, as Danny was on the other side

"You scared, baby?" Smirked Danny
"Are you gonna ask me if I need a doctor?" asked Emilie, laughing even harder

"Want to make this more fun?" Asked Danny as he ran to follow her, moving from a tree to another.
"How?" asked Emilie, holding a gun in front of her
"Date, tomorrow night. First one to give up the fight loses and the other decides of the date."
"Good for me" smiled Emilie, as she pushed on the trigger, wetting Danny
"This is war!" Yelled Danny, making Emilie laughed. She passed near a tree and swore she heard noises, but she decided to keep on running since Danny was after her.

"Wait, I think they're still there" whispered Kellin, his hand over Mayla's mouth. She moved it, only to bring his head closer and kissing him again
"You know we cant..." protested weakly Kellin, his hands on her sides
"I don't care..." whispered Mayla, keeping him close. Kellin took her hand and went a bit farther, near a big fence. He started kissing Mayla's neck, while her hands were playing in his hair. She brought him back next to her and nibbled on his ear.

She heard someone squeal Kellin's name and started to look around.
"Shit, fans." muttered Mayla. She replaced her shirt and ran away, leaving Kellin half wet by the water fight in front of a fence getting fulled by fans who recognized the singer.

As she stopped to take her breath, she noticed Emilie climbing the scale on the side of a bus, with Danny pointing his water gun at her
"are you guys alright?" asked Mayla, a puzzled look on her face. Emilie got surprised and fell on Danny, who smashed a water balloon on her head. Both of them started laughing as Mayla left.

"I guess I won" smiled Danny
"You did. At what time do I need to be ready?" Asked Emilie
"7 PM sounds right" answered Danny, helping her up.

"Gotcha!" said Zack, pushing Kalea on the ground, falling on top of her.
"Oops" smiled Kalea, looking at him "You're pretty drunk Mr the athlete" she said, moving his hair from his face
"It's because of you" said Zack, kissing her hand. He looked at her before bending and kissing her passionately. She tangled her hand in his hair, kissing him back. As it got more passionate, they heard someone clearing his throat. Zack moved away quickly when he saw Austin staring at them.
"Oh, Austin, Zack made me fall" smiled Kalea sheepishly, as Zack grabbed her by the waist to get her up.
"I'll take care of that" said Austin coldly, pushing Zack's hand away as he was picking the grass on Kalea's clothes
"I'll see you later" said Kalea to Zack, as Austin grabbed her by the arm to bring her near the tour bus.
"What do you think you were doing?" asked Austin, pushing her hard against the tour bus of his band
"I was just having fun and..." said Kalea. Austin slapped her cheek out of rage, as tears build up in her eyes
"Why" she asked, trying not to cry
"you are mine and only mine" said Austin through clenched teeth
"The crew is not about that and you know it"
"Do I look like I care?" asked Austin, almost crushing her jaw in his hand
"Austin, Austin!" yelled Alan, pushing him away "You're hurting her!" Kalea took this opportunity to run from there, pushing through the rest of the band
"I'm talking to you!" Said Alan, pushing him back, as Austin was staring at Kalea
"piss off, man" said Austin, pushing his hand away
"you, stay back" said Tino, as all the rest of the band got in the bus "You pushed too far" said Tino, staring at his lead singer
"She searched for it" said Austin, trying to go pass him. Tino grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him harder against the bus
"What you do within the crew and when it comes to sex, you can be as rough as you want. But she didn't deserve anything. Hurt her again like that, and I'm making sure Soleia's replacing you."
Austin pushed tino away and left, checking his phone.

"Did you see Soleia?" asked Mike to Austin
"Uh? No man, I was with uh, Kalea. Want me to tell her to go see you if I find her?" Offered Austin
"Nah, I'll take care of it" Smiled Mike.

He kept walking until he heard voices from one of the bonfire. He walked up there to find Soleia cuddled in Josh Franceschi's arms, talking with him. They were both under a blanket as they were still wet from the water fight. He thought he heard his name so he got closer, staying out of the sight.

"You don't love him?" Asked Josh, pushing her damp hair from her face
"Well, sex is great with him... But sometimes I just feel like a sex toy"
"A cute sextoy may I had" Smiled Josh, making Soleia laugh drunkenly
"well thanks Josh. It's just... it feels good to be in someone's arms without thinking you have to perform. And you know, Austin can be so rough..."
"Wait, Austin too?" Asked Josh; he tried to prop himself on his elbow but he almost fell, making Soleia laugh harder
"Yeah, Austin, Danny..." Soleia looked at the look of disbelief on Josh's face, which made her laugh more
"So they get the pussy and I get the cuddles? Man that's unfair" whined Josh, falling back on the chair. Soleia smiled and turned his head, kissing him
"Better now?" she asked
"Much better" Josh said, smiling in the kiss.

Mike felt the pressure leave his body. He knew it was all sex between everyone, but he couldn't help feeling jealous of the moment Josh just had with Soleia. He left the place, trying to calm down the cluster of emotions that was washing over him.

"You had a good idea" coughed Chandler, passing the joint back to Tony. The guitarist smiled and took a puff, laying down next to her.
"How are we gonna go back down?" Asked Chandler. The short silence was cut by their giggles, as they looked around. The two of them had fled the water fight and perched themself on the top of Pierce The Veil's tourbus. As they were bored after 30 minutes or so, they decided to smoke some weed, without thinking how hard it would be afterwards to go down.
"Do you think there's a death star there?" asked Tony, as Chandler cuddled herself against him
"Are you always talking about Star Wars?"
"No... but... look at all the stars" pleaded Tony, looking at her with puppy eyes. She smiled at him
"Yeah. there's probably a death star." Tony seemed happy with her answer as he stayed silent and took another puff of the joint, before passing it back to Chandler.

A short while after, they saw Mike climbing on top of the bus too, seating next to them
"Are you arriving from the death star?" Asked Tony, making Chandler laugh. She passed him the joint and sat up.
"Yeah sure. Man I can't believe it!" Said Mike between two puffs
"What now?" Asked Chandler, much more calm than the usual. She was looking at him, her hand in Tony's hair as he pushed his head on her thighs
"Soleia always pushes me away and now I found her cuddled with that fucking chav from You Me At Six" muttered Mike
"Well they're working together. And you only make her work in bed. and she's not paid for that" said Tony. Chandler smiled and bent on Tony to kiss him.
"I know. but still... dude can you stop it for a second?" Asked Mike, as Tony and Chandler were still kissing
"Sorry." said Chandler "The only thing you can do is go after her and tell her you want her. More than just her body"
"But it's hard to say no to that body" said Tony, laughing. It made chandler laugh and she laid back next to him.
"Maybe you're right." answered Mike. he laid next to Chandler, as Tony spooned her. She motioned to Mike to come closer and he executed himself. She kissed him and placed her head on his chest, as the 3 of them waited for the effects to doze off
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another kind of chapter! I need to write something else than smutt after all, right? ;)
Your comments really make me happy, keep them coming <3