Swinging Keys

I've been thinking too much about you, I've been staring at the floor

"Finally, it's over." Thought Soleia, looking at her reflect in the mirror. With everyone losing interest in the crew as they all got someone from the said crew, it left alone with only a few people to decide of how she would be "punished". She sighed and rubbed her face with exfoliating soap, avoiding the flesh on her jaw and her neck.

With almost everyone leaving, her punishment ended up being Tino, Austin and Mike having their ways with her. Unsurprisingly, Mike was the roughest, without any trace of lust or passion though; "punishment" had all his sense with him. Hell, she wasn't even sure he got any pleasure. She coughed and rinsed her face before drinking some water, still feeling her throat soare from him.

Oddly enough, she hadn't mind Tino and Austin; it wasn't the first time that she had been with more than one man at a time; she even had a kick from it, the times before. She just felt horrible at how Mike acted. If even Austin tells you to slow down, it's because there's something wrong. She changed to a dress before seating at the table in the front of the tour bus she was sharing with other merch people and checked her phone, absent mindedly picking at her scone. She smiled when she received a text from Josh.

Earlier that day, she had told that she was leaving the crew; to the few that still cared, she had enough bad stuff to stop them from stopping her.

She quickly slid the message on her iphone screen to read what Josh wrote to her

"Good morning beautiful. Can you meet me soon? Our flight back to England is later tonight."

"Sure. see you in an hour by the bus, handsome!"

She knew the sadness would kick in later but now, she just felt better to know that the once-nice-and-fun-now-horrible-and-violent time with the crew was over. She threw the rest of her scone and apply some make up before going to meet her cute british boy. She smiled to herself thinking about how her and Emilie would talk about Josh and Danny while they were still in North America and they would be in Great Britain.

As she got out, she saw Josh already waiting for her, seating on a picnic table

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes..." smiled Josh, looking at Soleia
"I always try to look a bit nice when I know the guy I date has to leave... So he doesn't forget me" Said Soleia, kissing him
"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget your crazy ass, Soli" said Josh, pulling on her hand so she was seating next to him
"What did you want to talk about?" Asked Soleia, looking at him
"We grew close quickly..." started Josh
"Yeah, rather quickly! And I was the first one to say I didn't want to get involved with a band member I was working for" Cut Soleia, smiling
"Sometimes I even think it was too quick" continued Josh
"Well we'll have time to take it slow, you're going back to England today!" she shrugged
"It's like the total opposite, from always being with you to never see you in a matter of weeks"
"Yeah, well, it will just make us know what we really can expect from us dating... Oh wait, you're breaking up with me, aren't you?" asked Soleia
"I don't think we'll ever be able to find a good middle point between that..." said Josh, looking away. Soleia nodded, getting up
"So basically, you're telling me 'thanks for the fucks, now I move on with my life'?"
"Don't word it that way, baby" josh started, getting up, his hands resting on her hips
"I'm not your baby, Josh. I'm not anything that belongs to you." She spat, pushing his hands off
"And believe me it goes both way; you're just another fuck on my list" finished Soleia, going back to the bus.

She felt insulted, ridiculous and ignorant with what had just happened. She looked at her bunk wall, full of pictures from her memories of the warped tour and the people she met; with a quick hand move, she grabbed them all and tossed them in the garbage can before laying in bed, trying not to cry.


"Has anyone seen Soleia today?" asked Emilie, worried she had not seen her friend lately
"I think she was with Josh" said Danny, seating next to her at the catering. Mike grumbled at the mention of Josh's name. Everyone shrugged it off, knowing what happened at the last meeting.
"Oh would you stop, Fuentes! I heard he broke up with her" Said Kalea. She was still wearing make up over the marks on her neck; it was getting better, but it was still visible
"I don't give a shit about them" said Mike, eating his fries
"Yeah, says the guy who got her badly last night" answered Mayla, resting against Kellin
"You guys are really pissing me off today" sighed Mike, turning to talk with Tino. Mayla shrugged and kept trying to eat her lunch while Kellin was pecking her neck.
"So no one's gonna go check on her?" Asked Kalea "I will, then." She took a box of food for Soleia and left towards the bus section


"Babe, I have a show just in less than an hour, would you stop?" whined Mayla, trying to finish her bottle of coke while Kellin decided it was not enough to kiss her neck, but decided to sneak his hands up her shirt.
"But you're way more interesting than your show" smirked kellin, his head on her shoulder, looking at her by the mirror
"Well thanks. I guess we'll just have to take off our duet from my show then!" said Mayla, only half offended
"Are you really mad?" asked Kellin
"Want me to make up for it?" grinned Kellin
"I don't have time for your kind of making up, Kel" said Mayla, trying to tame her hair
"Sure. Let me take care of it." Kellin kissed her shoulder blade and unbuttoned her jeans, his hand creeping in her thong. He smiled at himself when he noticed she was already wet. He started to circle her clit, making her moan. he moved his middle finger up and down her slit and knew he had won her when she put back her brush back on the counter.

"Do what you have to do, quickly" sighed Mayla, moving against his fingers. Kellin moved her on her bunk and took off her shorts; Luckily, her bunk was the one on the floor. he spread her legs and started kissing her inner thigh, slowly.
"Kellin, I told you, my set is in 55 minutes" she said through gritted teeth. He laughed and stuck his mouth on her slit, sucking slightly her clit. As her moans started to be louder, he slid two fingers in her, moving them quickly. She grabbed her pillow and burried her face in it to cover the sound she was making; Kellin moved his mouth and replaced it by his thumb, circling her clit rapidly.
"I'm so close" gasped Mayla, moving her hips against him
"Let it go" said Kellin, replacing again his thumb by his mouth. It didn't take long before Mayla felt the orgasm wash over her. Kellin let her ride it before taking off his fingers.

"Come on." he grinned "You have a show in 30 minutes and I have to clean myself if we want to do that duet" Mayla smirked and kissed his cheek before changing her underwears
"It will be your turn after your set" she purred in his ear, before leaving Sleeping with Siren's tourbus
♠ ♠ ♠
shorter update. I know, I was M.I.A. for a long time, but I'm back!! I hope you liked it!

Title is from Trentemoller's song "Moan"