Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Nine: A Sleepover With the Most Immature People in the World. How Fun!

The stage lights dim and the screaming girls go absolutely ballistic! Even Joey and Cassidie scream, even though we're backstage and they're getting some strange looks from the other crew members that were helping out. "How are you sexy bitches doing?!" Brendon screams out into the mic. I laugh at his behavior. He was an entirely different person on the stage opposed to the real world. It was like...multi personality disorder or something. He feeds from the energy of the crowd; the more screaming girls, the better the performance. Typical Brendon. Every now and then when the lights would dim, he would shoot me a wink. Or when he came off stage to grab his guitar, he'd hug me from behind and tell me to wish him luck. It was cute.

- - -

The performance was pretty rad. I couldn't believe how much Brendon was enjoying it. He was absolutely amazing live! I'm not one to swoon over guys, but that voice... Every note he'd hit sent drove me insane. I knew I loved the band before this, but hearing it live was almost too much to handle.

"So, did you have fun?" Ryan asks as he plops down on the couch in the lounge. I hand him a water bottle and flash a smile. "Of course. You guys are amazing," I reply. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Bunny," he says. Brendon enters the lounge and smiles as he walks over to me. "Good job tonight. You were really into it," I say, handing him a Red Bull. "Of course. I wanted to impress someone tonight," he winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to Spencer, hand him a soda, and congratulates him on how well he'd done.

"So, Paige, are you spending the night on our bus again? It'll be fun." Brendon says in a sing song tone. I laugh a bit before taking a seat in a wheely chair and spinning around in circles. "I think I'll sleep with the girls tonight. They missed me last night," I glance at Joey and Cassidie. "No we didn't," Cassidie smiles. I roll my eyes and throw an empty water bottle at her. Joey and Jon laugh. "C'mon! What if it thunders on our way to San Diego? Wont you need a teddy bear?" Brendon's eye brows bounce.

"No! Last time she stayed the night, she slept with Ryan! And that's not fair!" Joey pouts. Brendon goes quiet and Ryan and I laugh sheepishly. "It wasn't like that, Jo," I say. "Alright, how about we all sleep on our bus, then! We have tons of room. Our bus has about 12 bunks. No need to fret about space," Jon suggests. The girls and I glance around the room for approval from the guys. "I'm down if you are," Joey smiles at me. All eyes land on me, burning holes through my soul. I roll my eyes.

"Sleep over at Panic's bus then." I shrug as I give in to all the eyes that burn holes thru me. Everyone smiles and cheers. I laugh at how childish they all act. For a bunch of 20-year-olds, they act pretty weird.

- - -

After a quick meet n greet with the fans and a quick clean up, the girls and I find ourselves showered, in our pj's, and on Panic's bus; laughing talking, and giggling away. "Hey, Bunny," Ryan calls out. I turn around to see him in the kitchenette, holding a brand new unopened pack of Nutella. I leap from my spot in between Spencer and Joey and nearly pounce on Ryan.

"Slow down, cowgirl," he smiles. Slow down? He knows damn well I love this stuff! It's my crack!

"Spoon?" I ask with pleading eyes. He chuckles and pulls a spoon from behind his back. I snatch that and the Nutella and find a spot next to Brendon. He watches as I open it and devoour it like no tomorrow. Ryan sits down next to me. The circle went like this: Spencer, Cassidie, Joey, Jon, Brendon, me, Ryan, and back to Spencer again. "Oh!" Joey waves her hand. "I have a game we can play," she smiles brightly. We all grant her our undivided attention.

"It's called 'Baby, if You Love Me'." Brendon groans. "That game sucks." "Shut up and let me talk," Joey scowls at him. Didn't see that coming... "I added a twist to the game! It goes like this: one person in the middle," - she pushes Cassidie and closes the circle, earning a deadly glare - "and she closes her eyes. Someone sits in front of her facing her, but she can't know who it is." Cassidie closes her eyes. Jon takes the initiative to sit on his knees in front of her. We all giggle. "Now, Cassidie say 'Baby, if you love me'." Joey says. Cassidie huffs and repeats the words. "Now, tell him to do whatever you want him to do," Joey smiles at Jon. "Baby if you love me, punch Joey in the arm," she smirks.

"Wait, no!" Joey pouts. Everyone laughs and Jon takes his spot next to Brendon, refusing to hit Joey. "After that, the person who was 'baby' stays in the middle and closes their eyes. Everyone get it?" Joey asks. We all nod and look around to make sure everyone else was nodding. "Great. I'll go first!" she says and slides herself in the center of the circle.
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Have you ever played? ^^