Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Ten: Baby, if You Love Me

"Baby, if you love me...scratch my back," Ryan groaned. Joey giggles silently before scooting behind Ryan and scratching his back. He moans as his annyoing itches are being rid of. That was one of the most normal ones we've had so far. There's been a lot of toe-kissing, finger-licking, hickey-giving (Spencer and Cassidie only), and boob-poking going around since we'd started, but no one has the courage to tell their 'baby' to kiss them...on the lips, anyway.

Joey replaced Ryan in the middle and Brendon kneels before her. She places a hand over her mouth and giggles as her eyes close. "Baby, if you love me...take off your clothes. Not including underwear and/or bras! No one wants to see that!" her face darkens into a red 10x her normal shade. We all snicker at Brendon who slowly takes his clothes off and tosses them over my head and onto his bunk. Joey opens her eyes and laughs as she moves out of the way to let Brendon take the spot in the middle.

He closes his eyes. Cassidie pushes me into him. I almost yell at her, but Joey sh's me. I regain my balance and face the grinning Brendon. "I felt boobs, so it must be a girl." he says. I blush and cover my chest, fighting the nagging urge to say something. My eyes stare at his bare chest. Damn... "Baby," he speaks slowly, as if he was trying to be delicate with his words; that didn't happen often.

"If you love me. Kiss me," he smirks. People gasp dramatically. I shoot everyone a glare. Cassidie mouths the words "do it" along with Joey. Jon and Spencer choke back their laughter and Ryan sits awkwardly, twiddling his thumbs. I stare at Brendon who was smirking deviously, like he knew it was me he was talking to.

Why, god? Why me?

I rise up on my knees. Brendon takes me by the hips, his eyes still closed. I lean slightly into him and place my hands on his bare shoulders. With me being in the position I was made me slightly taller than him. My hands slide up to his face and stare for a while. "If you love me," he says in barely a whisper. Nerves began to get the best of me. My anxiety began to boil. Am I really about to kiss him?!

Without realizing it, our faces were only mere inches away. Shit! I'm not ready! I can feel his warm breath tickling my lips and before I know it, he'd caught my lips in a sweet kiss. My eyes grow heavy and I can't help but to close them. He parts his lips slightly, only to close them again, repeating a pattern and transforming the simple kiss into something stronger. Deeper. The pissed off butterflies in my stomach taunt me, doing backflips and cartwheels all around. I follow Brendon's lead. I have to admit, it was pretty great. And I did thoroghly enjoy myself. With thoes massive lips of his, I wouldn't understand why someone wouldn't enjoy themself. Brendon slides his hands up my back and to my neck, sinking me deeper into the makeout, I mean, er, kiss.

He sets himself up on his knees and takes the back of my neck so we're both sucked in deeper into the kiss. My heart throbs, beats, and pounds within me, threatening to destroy my rib cage. The blood that once ran smoothly through my veins began to rush.

We only endulge in the kiss a bit longer before Joey claps her hands and announces that the game was over. I quickly pull away and stand to my feet, hoping he wouldn't open his eyes in time to see that it was me. But my slightly heavy breathing gave me away. The others dispurse to do whatever and he stops me, taking me by the waist and breathing down my neck. My spine quivers at the tickling sensation.

"That was cute. We'll have to play again sometime," I can hear his smile. I break out of his grasp and turn to face him. Fixing my lips to say something, he interrupts me, pulling me towards his bunk. I sit and cross my legs and he joins me, pulling the curtain. Whispers are heard from outside. "It was just a game, Urie," I say to him. He chuckles. "Of course. Of course." he rolls his brown eyes. "I'm serious," I fold my arms across my chest. "I know," he replies, a little more intently this time. "I just want to talk." he nods as he smiles. The light from the outside turns off. I take my phone from the handly dandy little pocket of my shirt and flip through it to find my flashlight app. Once it was up and running, I set it face down, so I could keep an eye on him.

"So, what do you want to know?"
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Ha! I hope you liked the little somethin I put up there for all my dearest readers! ^^