Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Guests and Even More Unexpected Situations

"Yeah! You do!" Brendon laughs at me. "I huff into my hand and sniff after it. That yummy Nutella smell. "Alright. So? I have Nutalla breath. Deal with it," I fold my arms and poke out my lip. Brendon chuckles. "It smells great. And it tastes good too." Is he refering back to our kiss? Probably, since his brows are dancing again. "I can't help it. Nutella is my...crack!" I say. "With a side of Teddy Grahms. Oh god, that's amazing!" I hum, letting my body fall backwards onto the bunk. Brendon lays next to me and we stare at the bottom of the bunk above us.

"You know, Paige, you never answered my question from earlier," he says. I look over at him, but he eyes are locked onto the bunk above us. "What question?" I roll my head over to immitate what he was doing. "Why didn't you let me hold you when you got scared? Why'd you run to Ryan?" he asks intently. I stay quiet and try to think of a reasonable answer, but nothing comes to mind. That's when I started to speak before I thought it out.

"Well, I've known Ryan for a very long time now. He's been there for me since, well, forever. I guess I just trust him." I shrug. "You know you can trust me too," he smiles. No. I didn't know I could trust him. With what's happened to me before, I didn't know who I could trust, honestly. I stay quiet, not being able to fully agree with what he'd said. "Paige," Brendon starts. "Yeah?" I look up at him and he's looking down at me. "Why does Ryan call you Bunny?" he snickers. I roll my eyes, groan, and turn my back to him. "I refuse to say," I pout. "If you tell me, I'll tell you why my science teacher called Ryan Toaden for a while." he bargains. [Not a real story about Ryan! Just made it up]

"Since he's never told me that story, I guess I'll let you in on it," I say. I turn around to face him again. "When I was younger, I was always afraid of scary movies. Never a fan. Ryan was spending the night over my house one day and he decided to watch some random scary movie that was playing in the living room. After the movie, I went outside to take out the garbage for my mom. When I got back inside, Ryan decides to scaare the shit out of me, causing me to jump over the couch and onto the dining room table. Ever since then, he and some of my other friends have called me Bunny."

Brendon laughs a bit. "That's adorable," he pinches my cheek. I slap his hand away and demands that he tells me Ryan's story. "Well, one day we had to dicect a live frog - shittiest day for Ryan. Ever. Litteraly. Just as he was about to slice the little hopper open, the frog leaps at his face and shits in his lap, gaining the name Toaden from his teachers and Shit-Face from his friends." Brendon smiles proudly. Aww, poor Ryan. I laugh.

Afterwords, we tell other little weird stories. And in the midst of one of Brendon's I began to doze off and before I could even realize it, I was taking a trip to dream land... (yeah, that was cheesey, leave me alone!)

- - -

I woke up, curled up into a ball. My face was slightly wet. I'd cried again... The alarm on my phone was sounding. I look at the little dancing frog that was telling me it was time to wake up. The bus had stopped moving. I sit up and open my eyes. It took me a while to realize where I was and what I was doing. Then it hit me. I stayed up with Brendon. When I noticed he wasn't next to me last night, I felt a bit of relief, but oddly lonely.

Drowsily, I drag myself up and out of the bunk and over to the booth where Joey and Cassidie sit, wide awake. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty. How was bed with Brendon last night? Were you crying?" Cassidie asks, her smile slowly fading. "We didn't sleep together. He switched bunks before bed. And I probably was. I was asleep, so I can't remember." I rub my eyes and wipe my face with the back of my hand. "You two stayed up almost all night with each other after making out! Something must've happened." Joey concludes. "Nope. We just talked," I shrug.

"Well, we're here. San Diego. We just stopped for some gas so we could get to the hotel without having to stop soon," Cassidie says. I nod and yawn. San Deigo. My birthtown. Oh, how I hated this place. Everything that went wrong in my life happened here. It was the place my mother got sick. The place where my dad dropped us with nothing. The place where my mother married him. I never would have thought I'd be back here again. Nope. Never would have thought.

"When we get to the hotel, we'll have to get the boys breakfast and all that good stuff so they can hurry and do their sound check." Joey informs me as if I didn't already know. But I don't say anything. I just nod and take a seat next to Cassidie.

- - -

"You should show me around," Brendon suggests as we finally make it back from the sound check. "Show you around? Here? Nah. I think I'll pass," I say. He stares me down with thoes big browm puppy dog eyes and that poked out lip. "Please! We only get one day here," he begs. "Alright. Fine," I sigh, giving in to that adorable look on his face. He jumps up and smiles. "Great! I'm gonna go and get ready," he perks up and zooms to his room. I sigh again and shake my head. What a sad little boy, he is.

"Bunny!" Ryan calls from down the hall. The nick name is already embarrassing enough, is telling the world about it gonna make it any better? Really? Is it, Ryan? "What's up, Ry?"

"You're going to go and visit your mom? Aren't you? If you were, I was wondering if you wanted me to come," he rubs his arm nervously. Mom. I missed her. Ever snice that fateful day... I haven't seen her in years! 9 years, actually. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should stop by for a surprise visit. Maybe she'll be happy to see me. Maybe...

"That's a good idea. Brendon's gonna come too. I kinda agreed to let him tag along," I smile innocently. Ryan didn't seem to mind. We walked together up to his room - surprisingly no fan girls managed to get to their room. Tough security, maybe?

After 15 minutes of waiting at the front entrance, Ryan, Spencer, Jon, Joey, Brendon, and Cassidie met me. "We're all going somewhere?" I raise a brow. Brendon looks at me through his sunglasses. "We're going to see your parents. Then we're gonna meet them at the beach." Brendon explains. Joey and Cassidie had on their bathing suits under their skirts and tops. "But I didn't bring a-" "We got cha covered." Cassidie smiles, holding up a bag stuffed with clothes and beach toys. "You guys are crazy. Alright. I guess we'll see you there," I shrug.

We hurry to the rental cars and drive off before anyone could actually tell who they were. I decided to drive to Mom's house. I couldn't help but to be bothered by this nagging feeling in my gut that constantly told me to go straight for the beach. But I was looking forward to seeing my mother. I love her. And I want to know if she's doing alright. Especially now with that dick of a husband put away and her living on her own. Great. Now I feel even worse about not seeing her.

After only a short while of driving, we pulled up to a house I knew a little too well. It's build was still perfect and the grass was still a dark green. Mom's car was parked in the drive. But there was no sign of his car. I sigh with releaf before opening the door and sliding out of the car. Brendon and Ryan follow my lead. A voice screamed at me to turn around and go to the beach; another voice spoke in barely a whisper, telling me that Mom wanted to see me. I listened to the quieter voice and walked up the stairs to the large house.

With a few deep breaths, I ring the doorbell. I can feel Ryan's hand slip into mine. "Nervous?" he asks. I nod and wait for the door to open. The door nob twists and it opens with a creek. There she was, in that same pink robe I'd gotten her for her birthday. Her brown hair resting in loose curls on her shoulders and her green eyes sparkling brightly. Her pink lips curl up into a bright smile as she happily says my name.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well! Soon you will find out who this "him"/Jeffery guy she's continuously talking about is and as to why she hates him so much. So, don't worry, lovies.