Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Twelve: The Pagie Protection Program and a Little Love

She pulls me into a spine breaking hug and a gasp for air. "I. Can't. Breathe." I say in bits and pieces. She lets me go and holds me by the shoulders. Tears in her olive green eyes. "Oh god. I've missed you so much," she gasps. "And Ryan! You're so big now! You still have that adorable baby face, though," she nearly cries. She invites us inside and offers us cookies, well, she offers them cookies and hands me an unopened can of Nutella and a brand new box of Teddy Grahms. Ah, Mom, how I love you so.

"Wow. I can't believe how long it's been." Mom sighs. "Why don't you ever come and visit me?" she crosses her arms as she plops down in the armchair. "Well, I have work and I'm always bussy." I murmur. "Too bussy for your mom?" Ryan nudges me. "You never visit me, either, Ryan." Mom giggles. "And who might this handsome young man be? Your boyfriend, I presume?" Mom asks, gesturing to Brendon. "Gah! Mom, no, He's just a friend! Nothing more." I say, my cheeks burning a bit. Mom laughs. I take a Teddy Grahm and dip it into my Nutella and stand up.

"I have to go to the rest room. I'll be right back," I smile and set the treat down on the old, wooden coffee table. "So, tell me about yourself..." I can hear my mother say before I'm completely out of ear shot. I walk up the stairs and past my mothers room and into the bathroom. Everything was the same. It still had that brown and egg-white color scheme. I run the faucet water and splash my flushed face a few times. The cool wettness felt great on my face.

After patting my face dry, I walk out of the bathroom and towards my room. My old room, any way. Everything was as I'd left it. The walls were still blue and the music notes Mom and I had cut out and colored were still scattered about on the wall. My bed was neatly made like it would be when I got home from school. My closet was infested with dresses, shoes, and old outfits from when I lived here. It was all still the same. I walk into the room and to a corner. That corner was my hiding place. I was safe there.

The little stuffed bunny that Mom had given me when I had my first bad dream. The ear was still torn at the tip and the little bunny head I'd drawn on the foor was still there too. I pick it up and breath in the smell. It smelled like cheep perfume and had a hint of 5-year-old tears. Just like before. I sigh and sit him down back in the litle safe area. I turn around only for someone to put their hand over my mouth and push me against the wall. A pair of familiar brown eyes stare me down as he muffles my screams. "Shh, it's alright," he soothes me.

Once I get a good glimps of who was holding me captive was Brendon. I sigh and he realeases me. "Don't do that," I scoff. He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I just got a little worried about you." he smiles. I shake my head. "I'm fine, Urie. Hows my mom?" I ask. "She told me some things...about you. About...him." I stop in my tracks, my body freezing up. My mucles tence up and I can barely hear my own heavy breathing.

"Him? Him as in-" "Jeffery," he answers. I turn slowly to look at him. His warming brown eyes now holding sympathy. Maybe even pitty. I storm out of my room to confront my mother. She and Ryan stand when I enter the room. "Mom! What the hell is your problem?!" I spat. "Paige-" "No, Ryan! She, you, Mom! Who told you to tell him?! How the hell would you know if I was ready to let anyone know about what happened?!" I scream at her. "Paige, honey, I'm sorry. I can't let you go around unprotected and-" "Unprotected? You dropped me in a foster home with nothing but clothes, and a ring, mom. It's a little too late for protection, don't cha think? Whatever. I'm leaving." I brush past Ryan and leave the house, slamming the door behind me.

Once inside the car, I smash on the horn for Ryan and Brendon to hurry up. Why would she tell him that? Ryan had known already. But Brendon? Are you shitting me? What if I didn't want him to know? I would have told him when I was ready or not at all. Pissed off, I continue to smash down on the horn until I see Ryan and Brendon saying their goodbyes to my mom. Smiling and hugging like what just happened never even happened.

They finally bring themselves in the car, Ryan walks over to my side and opens the door. He leans down and pops his head in. "I'm driving. I know how you get when you're pissed off. I grumble a few swear words and take the back seat, away from Brendon and stare out the window at the still cenery. "Paige," ryan starts. "You can't stay mad at her forever," he tries to tell me. "Who says I can't?" I mutter.

"She did it for the better of you. She wasn't trying to upset you. She wanted to keep you safe. And by letting more people know, that can be accomplished." I always hated talking to Ryan about things. He's like Yoda: wise and mature. "She didn't mean any harm, Paige. What happened happened. You were gonna tell me sometime," Brendon says.

Actually, I never planned on telling him. I wanted to keep my past behind me. Never to bring it up again. I wanted to forget. I wanted to keep it pushed to the back of my mind, in a dark place where I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. I didn't want to have to be protected becuase I didn't want to be afraid. I know how to take care of myself! I know how to be my own protector. I can take care of myself!

With all the thinking, I hadn't realized we arrived at the beach. Joey and Cassidie were making their way towards us with the swimming bag at hand. "If you're gonna be mad, then can you be upset after we have a little fun? If you stay mad like this Joey and Cassidie'll figure out there's something wrong. So ease up, Bunny. Let it go. It happened. Now it's over," Ryan says, looking back at me.

He was wrong. It wasn't over. It was far from over. He knew my secret. He knew something that on'y 3 people in this entire world knew about me. Tha's like power. He can use it against me whenever he wants. You can never be too careful...