Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Fourteen: I Never Intended for This to Happen PRT 1

"You WHAT?!" Allyson shouts at me through the camera on Cassidie's lap top. We'd finally made it to the hotel. I was in my pyjamas in the room. Cassidie and Joey left to hang with the guys at the arcade. I knew if I didn't talk to Allyson soon, she'd flip out and give me the silent treatment until I was old and wrinkly, sitting out on the porch in a wooden rocking chair.

"I kissed Brendon, but it was just a game! Nothing big," I smile at her. "What about the beach thing? You said he was all over you! That's got to mean something," she says. "No. It doesn't. He was just-" "Jealous! Can't you tell. He wants you, Paige." This is what I get for having a friend who is mentally unstable. "He's Brendon Urie there are pleanty of other girls out there for him. I'm just little ol' Paige, hungry for Nutella and Teddy Grahms, waiting to get back home to see my best friends again. Speaking of, where's Jake? I thought he was coming to join our little chat," I pout. "He got caught up at work, so he couldn't make it. Call him sometime. Enough with Princess Shemale, lets continue on with future Paige Urie," she bounces her eye brows.

The lap top beeps and the screan darkens. The little kangeroo jumps onto the screen and points out the sign that said "only 7% of battery left". "I'll have to talk to you later. My phone is charging and the lap top is dying. I'll talk to you soon, hun," I wink. She tries to object, but I sign off my Skpye before I can get any of her pleading.

The door swings open as soon as I take a seat on the couch, Nutella and Teddy Grahms in hand. Cassidie rushes inside. "Come on in, Bren," she giggles. Brendon follows in behind her, a smile on his face. "Cassidie? What are you doing?" I raise a brow at her strange behaviour. She skips up to me, her hands behind her back. "You wont believe what I found!" she squeals. She takes a seat on my lap and Brendon sits next to me.

"Spencer and I are now publicly known as a couple!" she flashes me a piece of paper with a picture of her and Spencer lip locking at the beach. "No! Show her the other thing!" Brendon pouts. "Fine." Cassidie flips the paper over and shows me a photo of Brendon with his arms around me, pecking my neck at the beach. "Brendon with new mystery girl?" I read the title of the paper. "Where the hell did you find this?" I ask, buck-eyed. "Joey found it on some girl's blog. The blogger snapped pleanty of photos of you two at the beach. You guys would be so cute together!" she smiles.

I push Cassidie off me and snatch the paper out of her hands. I slam the door behind me and head for the arcade, furious at the fact someone would post something like that. Although, looking at the picture in my hands gave me a gitty feeling. I mean, Brendon, yeah, I liked him, but...

"Where are you going?" Brendon holds my hand. I snatch away, a bit frightened by the sudden action. "To find out who posted that blog. We are not together," I reply a little hasrshly. "Why are you so upset about this. Does it really bother you that much to see someone that thinks we're together?" he asks. "I never said it bothered me." I murmur. "Well, you're acting like it. Why don't you like me? What's wrong? I know you. This isn't like you," his brows furrow a bit and worry burns in his eyes. "You don't know me, Brendon," I say just above a whisper.

"That's what you think," he growls. "Then what do you know about me, Brendon. Go on. I wanna hear it." "I know you love Nutella with a side of Teddy Grahms. Your friend Sam kissed a gay dude dressed as a lady at your last costume party and your best friend Allyson wont shut up about it. I know you love your family and friends more than anything. I know you're a good swimmer. I know-"

"You know things that I've told you about. But you don't know me, Brendon," I fold my arms and walk past him. Not looking back...