Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Sixteen: I Never Intended for This to Happen PRT 3

The door smacks against the back wall as we enter. Brendon guids me as I stammer backwards, our lips barely parting as we manouver around the furnature of the hotel room.

Somehow, we end up in the kitchen. My leg slowly slides up and wraps around his waist. Unexpectedly, he hoists me up onto the kitchen counter and stands in between my parted legs. He leaves my lips to company my neck, kissing lightly and delicately as he searches for my-oh, sweet Nutella and crackers, he found it. My sweet spot.

I run my hand through his hair and to the back of his neck, making him kiss a little harder on my sweet spot. I bite my lip to contain the moans that taunted me, begging to be heard. He breaks the contact with my neck and and trails kisses to my jaw line and back to my lonely lips. Oh how sweet it felt to have his lips cover me the way they did.

I reach for the bottom of his shirt and he helps me completely rid of it. Brendon picks me up again and carries me to the couch in the living area. Carefully, he sets me down and climbs on top of me, desperately trying to keep the closure between our lips. He slides my shirt up and over my head and tosses it to the side. I can barely make out the sound of it hitting the gorund. Brendon leaves kisses down to my neck again, but only kisses me once before inching down to my stomach. I giggle at the sudden contact. "Brendon, that tickles," I say. He looks up at me and smiles. "You're adorable."

"I try," I shrug. He sits up and kisses my forehead. I pull him back down so we could engage in more...arousing pleasures, I guess you could say. He opens his mouth and glides his tounge across my bottom lip: his way of asking for entry. But before I could respond, he tugs on my shorts, earning a harty shove to the chest. He grips onto the back of the couch to catch his balance. I cover my hands with my mouth. I completely ruined the mood - not like I was going to go that far with him anyway.

"I-I'm so sorry." I say, covering my face trying to avoid the eye contact that could have been made. "No. I'm sorry. It's too early," he whispers, seemingly to himself. He removes my hands from my face to show the smile he'd placed on thoes perfect lips. "Are you alright?" he asks. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. I-I'm just so-" "Used to it. Yeah. Knowing with what you had to live with, I kinda know why," he says. My eyes flutter closed. I feel him get off the couch. He takes my hand and sits me upright. I open my eyes and he hands me my shirt.

After I slide it back on, he lifts me up, earning a few giggles. Brendon carries me through the door to the bed room of our hotel and sits me on the bed. Cassidie sleeps lifelessly on the other bed and the bed farthest away from mine was completely empty - Joey's bed. She's probably still out with Spencer and Ryan. Hope she's having fun...

"I completely understand if you don't want to say," Brendon startles me with his sudden talking. "I want you to tell me," he scoops me up and places me in his lap and I snuggle into his bare chest. "What happened. When you were living with...him?" he asks quietly, like he'd regret even thinking up the question. I hesitste to answer. No one's ever asked me this before. Well, except the police officer that put him away, but other than that, explaining what Jerffery had done to me was completely new.

"Every day. Usually when I got home. He'd be waiting for me in my room. Mom would be working in the office or in the hospital, sick as a dog. That gave him more time what he...wanted with me," I pause. There was a lump in my dry throat. I hadn't noticed I'd started crying until Brendon began to wipe the tears from my burning cheeks. "If you don't want to tell me, I'm completely fine with that. But just do me one favor," he pauses for a breif moment. "Cry," he states bluntly. "Cry it out. You keep all your feelings bottled up inside, scared to let anyone see. But I'm here now and theres no need to be afraid. So just... Cry."

He holds me tighter as my sobs grow into a full blown bawl. He strokes my hair and I hug him firmly. He was right. I was too afraid to cry and when that fear was distinguished, I'd ended up pushing the pain to the back of my mind, tightly locking it away, and sealing it to the back of my mind. I'd grown so numb to my feelings I hadn't realized how badly I was hurting. And now - right now - I'd finally apprehended the feelings I managed to tuck away so deeply within me. Now I could let them out. I had him. He was the blanket that I yerned for when I was that lonely, scared little girl, getting sexually harrassed by her mother's new husband.

He was the band aid I needed to protect the wounds I knew that needed to heal.

He was boyfriend.