Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Seventeen: Finally! It's My Point of View and I can Tell the Story!

-Brendon's PoV-

Stroking her hair as her mournful sobs turn into nothing but silence. She sniffles a few times before fully falling to sleep. I smile at her. All those trapped feelings were finally being let out. I hope she feels better after that. More...comfortable, I guess. The door from the small living area opens and I sit still, a little nervous about who was going to walk in.

Joey pops her head in, before completely entering the room. "Why is it so qui-" "SH!" I hush her loudly. She covers her mouth like a little kid and takes a seat next to me. A smile inches from ear to ear as she watches Paige sleep cuddled up into me. "So, I guess the blog was true, hm?" she looks at me. "They are now," I whisper. She claps her hands quietly and bounces on the bed. "Wow! I'm so happy for you two! It's only been a few days and you're already dating?! Wow, that must be exciting," she almost squeals.

"Shut up, Joey!" Cassidie groans from the other end of the room, shifting herself in the bed. Joey examines Paige and her entire demeanor changes almost instantly. "She's been crying. What did you do?!" she whisper-shouts. "Nothing. She was just feeling down about her past and I told her to cry," I shrug. "You told her to cry? What kind of boyfriend are you?" Joey scoffs before leaving for the bathroom. If only she knew...

I gradually stand up and lay her on the bed, not wanting to wake her. Success! I sit down on the edge of the small bed and brush her hair from her face. Gawd, she was amazing. Gorgeous, smart, short-tempered, she was Paige. My girlfriend. It seems strange, though: Joey was right, we'd only met a few days ago. How could she possibly start to like me so suddenly? Was it because of the publicity? The fame she'd get? No! Brendon, shut the fuck up! You are not gonna put yourself through this. You'd know if she was using you!

The shower starts and Paige sticks out her hand and grabs my forearm. "Don't leave. Stay the night with me," she groans through her sleep. Her eyes slowly flitter open. She's such a lite sleeper. "Lie down with me," she smiles. "I don't want to be alone tonight," she says, her eyes slowly closing again. I chuckle. "I'm serious," she pouts. Oh, that face!

"Alright, fine. But as soon as you're asleep again, I'm gonna let you get some rest," I compromise. "Fine," she agrees. She scoots over and I lay next to her. She opens her eyes and stares down into mine. She truly was gorgeous. "You're so pretty," I smile. "Haha, you are too, princess," she giggles a bit. "Why, thank you. My mom sure does think so," she laughs at the joke and brushes my hair with her fingers. I grab her by the waist and pull her closer. Her body heat slowly warming me. We stare at each other, only letting the sound of Joey's shower break the silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, though. Just a moment where you sit back and take in all the things that you have. Like, for me, Paige. I had her. I took her in. She's great. Really, she is. Her lips. Her smell. Her smile. Her hair. Those eyes. That laugh. Her voice. All thoes things together...perfection

Before I know it, my eyes clamp shut and I'm caught in a hazy dream.