Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Eighteen: If I Told You, It Wouldn't Be A Secret Anymore! So Leave Me Alone!

The smell of frying bacon and scrambled eggs brought me to a happy awakening, which was quickly ruined by Joey and Cassidie's faces staring down at me like I was some foreign object from Tellytubby Land or something... "Soooo," Joey sings. "How'd it go?" I stare at her, completely unaware of what she was talking about. "How did what go?" I ask. "And where's Paige?" Joey rolls her eyes. "She went to give Spencer, Ryan, and Jon their breakfast! Now, tell us: why did she cry? What'd you do to her?" Cassidie wiggles her brows around like two caterpillars, wriggling across her face.

"I didn't do anything. I just wanted her to get her feelings out."

"What feelings? Why was she having feelings? What feelings were she having?" "You already said that." Joey shoots questions out faster than a gun can a bullet, that's probably explaining why she's erpeating questions... "I, well, I-" "Did you make her cry on purpose? Was that why you wanted her all to yourself? Did you hurt my little Paiger? Do I need to-" "She was telling me about her sexually abusive step-dad, god damn it!" I blabber out... Oh, fuck! She's gonna kill me.

Joey and Cassidie gasp and cover their mouths. "And she told you before she told us? What the hell is that?! She knew us longer!" Cassidie screams. "Damn, Brendon, are you serious?" Spencer and Jon enter the room just as shocked as Joey and Cassidie. I groan and over my face. "I wasn't supposed to say anything," I huff. "I can't believe she never said anything," Spencer grabs Cassidie by the waist and hugs her. "You guys can't say shit about it, either," I growl at them. "What do you mean, she is so getting confronted for not telling us about this!" Cassidie folds her arms.

"No!" I snap at them. "She can't know I told you. She was pissed when her mom told me. And I don't want her to be so upset. So, please, don't say anything... And don't start treating her differently, either," I sit up and stare them all down. They glance at each other before fixing their eyes on me. They all agree not to breathe a word about the situation. And that's when she returns, Ryan at her side.

She stops smiling once she notices the gang was chilling out in her bedroom. "What the hell are you guys here?" I asks. "We were just interrogating our new boyfriend. Telling him how he'd better not break your heart, or we'll break his face," Joey smiles cutely and interlocks her fingers as she sways from side to side. She's such a little kid. "Well, breakfast is done," Paige looks around the room awkwardly. "Great! I'm hungry as hell," Cassidie moans. She leads Spencer out of the room, followed by Jon, Joey, and then Ryan. Leaving me alone with Paige.

I pat the bed for her to come and sit with me. She rolls her eyes, climbs on the bed, and plops down on her knees so we're face to face. "I missed you this morning. It was upsetting not being able to wake up next to you," I grin. She smiles. "Well someone had to put breakfast on the table." "Screw breakfast, I'd rather lay with Bunny," I tackle her to the bed, earning giggles and laughs. She's beautiful, I swear. From her colorless hair, to her shocking blue eyes, to that sweet, but totally bad ass smile. This girl is gonna drive me insane!

By the end of our little tickle fight, I ended up towering over her. She smiles and pulls me in for a kiss. "Go eat," she says when I pull away. "Aren't you hungry, too?" I ask. "Nutella, waffles, orange juice, sausage, bacon, toast, and eggs. I'm done till lunch. Speaking of, I have to go out and get food for the road," she taps my nose with her finger. "So, get off me so I can have something to feed you with later on," she says. I back up and she slips from underneath me. I chase after her through the door and out into the living room. "Brendon! Stop!" she yells, pointing a finger at me. I take her by the waist and lift her into the air. She laughs aloud.

"Get a room!" Ryan calls out. "Get a girl!" I shoot back, winning a deadly glare from Ryan. "You're such a dick," he smirks playfully. Paige breaks from my grip and skips over to Ryan. "It's okay, Ryan. Brendon's just being an ass," she kisses him on the cheek. A wave of jealousy washes over me as I watch, but I maintain a bogus smile and take a seat next to Jon, in front of a healthily filled plate of food.

"The sound check is at 7, guys. We're leaving at 5:30. Be ready to go, okay? The girls and I are gonna be back soon. We have to go shopping for some snacks before the show tonight. See you soon," Paige pulls Joey up from the table, but she holds onto the plate, still stuffing food in her mouth as she's dragged away. Cassidie smiles and waves at us. "Be good, you guys," she says and blows us, er, Spencer a kiss before closing the door behind her.