Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter One: There's Always That ONE Person Who Screws the Mood!

"Y'know, Paige, you'd better find a way to make Brendon yours. But - and I don't care if you two were best friends in high school - you'd better not lay a single hand on my baby Ryan's head...," I laugh nervously to keep her from continuing. "That wont happen. Bunny likes me," Jake says from the back seat. I giggle at hi child-like remark. "Whatever, fruit loops. You're like bird shit compared to Brendon Urie...speaking of, I'm not allowing you to come back until you're Mrs. Paige Urie. NO acceptions," she says, intencely serious. I laugh at that wild? No. Crazy? No. Maniacal (that's the word!) imagination of hers. "You're insane," I say with a smile.
We arrive at the airport with a good 20 minutes to spare. Knowing Jake and Allyson, I was going to need it.

"I don't believe you'll be gone for 3 months, Paige," Allyson whines. "Yeah, I know right. Y'know, I will call sometime." I smile. Allyson takes my hand. "Yeah, I know you will," she threatens. Jake magically appears at my side. "I put your bags on the belt. I thought you may have wanted to keep your guitar as a carry-on, though. Employees here can be kinda shitty," he smiles proudly at his good deed. I take the case from him and we continue on to my gate.

"Let's jam!" Allyson exclaims randomly as we wait. Another thoughtless comment made by the broke girl... "What? No. In an airport?" I say. "Sure. Hell, I've seen hobos recite poetry in subways. Why can't we jam in an airport?" she asks. Knowing Ally, I don't doubt that she's seen something like that, either. "It's the least you could do for sticking me here with this sugar plumb fairy," she gestures to Jake. "I. Am not. Gay!" he stomps. Some people stop and stare. "Nothing to see here!" I say to them and they continue on with their seemingly busy lives.

"Alright. I'll jam with you," I say, trying to avoid any other random outbursts like that again. Ally claps excitedly and drags me to a spot by a window that showed some planes landing and taking off. She sets up shop and I take a seat next to her on the ground. Quickly she unpacks the guitar and chooses a pick. "You wanna play, or should I?" she asks. "I guess you can," I shurg. "What song? Any ideas?" "Turn it Off? Feelin' a little Paramore-y right now," I smile. "Great choice, love. 1. 2. 3. 4..." and she begins.

I hadn't realized the fairly large crowd that'd formed around us - due to the fact I was completely tuned out because of the amazing song and I had my eyes closed the entire time - so I was pretty baffled by the sudden aplause. My guitar case contained 37 dollars, 78 cents, a buisness card with a phone number on the back, and a condom. Yay...

The crowd dispursed and we collected our things - for some reason, Ally told me to keep the condom. Stupidly, I listened to her and tucked it into my pocket. An ongoing clap caught my our attention. We all face a young man, abouut my age, wearing sunglasses, a black jacket, and a red shirt underneath. He had insanely large lips that curled up into a smile. If it weren't for thoes glasses, I bet he'd be kind of cute. "That was pretty good," he states in a deadly familiar voice. I face Allyson who was also trying to pin point who this guy was. "Pretty good? That was awesome. I mean, c'mon, 37 dollars in a buissy airport like this?" Jake states, floding his arms across his chest.

"Not to toot my own horn, but I could probably make way more than that if I performed at an airport," he smirks. Allyson takes a step closer, but I block her before she could go any further (knowing Allyson, she was probably .05 seconds away from ripping his nipples off). "Who the hell do you think you-"

He looks at his phone, bluntly ignoring the fact I was snapping on him the way I was. He smiles and looks up at me. "Maybe some other time. My flight is gonna be here soon. See ya round." he waves before jogging off and getting swept away by the buzzing crowd. "That dick! I can't believe he just did that! who the hell does he think he is, God?!" I stomp my foot, utterly pissed off.

"I was this close to removing his sorry little nipples!" Allyson says, squinting her fingers together really close. (See, what'd I tell you?) After a while of talking and laughing about my trip, my flight was called. Allyson hugs me tightly. "Remember, boxers and Brendon. I want them both in your possesion when you get back," Allyson smiles. "Of course, Ally," I giggle. Jake randomly hugs me and whispers, "Don't listen to her. You like me." I laugh a little and return the hug. "Of course, Jake." We break the hug and I carry my guitar over to my gate and wave at the two.

As soon as I was to dissapear onto my plane, I'm stopped by a boy with messy hair, a backwards shirt, and unzipped pants stops me with a tap to the shoulder. "Hey, I accedentally dropped a condom-" "Here." I say, quickly handing him the condom from my pocket. He exchanges it for a 20. "Your song was great," he says before scurrying off. I face Jake and Allyson they shrugged before laughing. This was gonna be a long three months.
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I am warning you now! My titles are long because I love the fact that the song titles of Panic's songs are extremely long, therefore, I was swayed by the longness of their song titles and decided that making the titles of my stories long, there would be some kind of...resemblance or something, shit, I don't know. But either way shot or long, I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading. Comments are loved. Messages are loved. ^-^ Happy readings!