Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Nineteen: Haters and...Well, I Don't Feel Comfy Saying the OTHER Word in the Title

"Did you get the Red Bull, Jo?" I ask as I scan the fruit isle. "Yeah, I got it. Didja get the bread and cheese, Cassie?" Joey directs her attention to the girl blabbing on the phone with her rock star boyfriend. "Haha, yeah! She's so, wait, hold on. What, Jo?" she places a hand over her phone and eyes Joey. "Did you get the bread and cheese, Sir Gabbs Alot?" Joey smiles kiddishly. "Yeah! When we got here," Cassidie informs. How completely reassuring! "Good! That's everything. Now, lets get outta here," Joey insists.

We make our way up to the line, only to be confronted by two little girls, about 13, 14. "H-hello. A-are you Brendon Urie's girlfriend?" says the older looking one. She had curly orange hair with amazing green eyes. The other one had blonde hair, dark roots, was slightly pale, but had dazzling brown eyes. "Um, where'd you hear that?" I crack a smile. "It's all over the web! They've even gotten pictures of you guys at the beach!" she smiles and displays to us a printed page from a blog with pics of Brendon and I. The title reading "Brendon with Hot New Babe?" I smile a bit. "Yeah. That's my boyfriend," I say, quite proudly, may I add.

"Wow! You're so pretty. C-can you sign my, um, printed blog sheet?" she blushes. Why would she want me to sign it? I'm not famous. I take the sharpie from her hands and use Joey's back as a temporary table to sign the little girls paper. "There you go. And what might your names be?" I ask. "I'm Sapphire and this is Skylar, my best friend," she smiles. "Pretty names for pretty girls," I try to be nice. "Listen, I don't need your compliments," the blonde one snaps. "And I don't need your attitude," I snap back.

"Dude, Paige, she's just a kid," Joey places a hand on my shoulder. She was right. "Yeah... I'm sorry, Skylar," I smile. "Look, just...just don't hurt him, alright! His other girlfriends always end up breaking his heart, so just, be nice!" she bursts. "Breaking his heart?" I mutter to myself. I look down at the teary-eyed girl. "I'm just tired of girls hurting him, okay?" she veils her face in her hands and sobs quietly. "Skylar, are you-" "Here, kid," I take off my crew shirt and hand it to her. "Joey, give me yours too," I say. She strips down into her tank and hands me her shirt.

"Are you coming to tonight's concert?" I ask. "Of course!" Sapphire's face beams. "Then wear these. To get backstage to meet the band. Tell them you're friends of mine and show them these shirts, alright?" I ask. Sapphire nods vigorously and holds back a shriek. Skylar takes the shirt without a word. "Hey," Cassidie stops her. "You could at least say thanks," she says. Sapphire jumps up and down and, in a high pitched voice, says thank you about 23 times. Skylar wipes her face and thanks me with a hug.

"I wont hurt him," I whisper in her ear. She pulls away from the hug and smiles.

- - -

"Well, I've done my good deed for the day! Time to get back to messing with you fuckers." I say, plopping down on the couch and kicking my feet up into Joey's lap. "You really made those girls' day. Aren't you happy?" Cassidie asks me. "Yeah, I guess," I shrug. "Such a heartless person," Cassidie smiles at me. "Yeah, yeah. It happens," I wave a hand at her.

The door opens with a creek and a brown haired girl pops her head in. "U-um, Paige Blu, one of the tech crew members wants to see you," she says and shys away from the door. I groan and pry myself from my comfy spot on the couch before exiting the lounge backstage and into the frantic halls. A girl with shoulder-length blue hair waits for me. Her baggy sweatshirt reading "tech crew". She holds up a piece of folded paper in her hands. A frown scowl on her pale face.

"You wanted to see me?" I step up to her. She unfolds the paper and begins to read aloud. "'She's such a slut, just like all the other ones; 'she'd better not break his heart, or she dies'; 'what does he see in her! She's so...dirty looking'. And those aren't even the mean ones. And it says here you were the one who put your step-dad away for child molestation. People could really use that against you. You'd better watch your back. These crazy Brendon fan girls can be really mean," "How the fuck do you know about Jeffery?!" she grins at my anger and I use every ounce of strength in me to not to rip her arm off and beat her to death with the soggy end! (ILY if you know that threat! ^-^)

"Shame you don't remember me, Paige Blu. Ah well. I guess hitting puberty can change a girl...well, not all girls," she eyes me. I push her against the wall and grab her throat with my free hand. "If you continue with your prissy shit talking, I'll-" "Bunny! We need you, come on!" Cassidie shouts from the cracked door. I let go of the bitch and back away. "You're lucky, you damn broad." I scowl at her before walking off. The nerve of haters these days!