Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Twenty One: Because We're the Most Mature Batch of 20-Year-Olds! (Sarcasm Intended)

Well, guys, it's only 10:00 and the bus isn't leaving till 11:00, what do you loosers wanna do?" Brendon asks, sliding into the booth next to Ryan. "I know something!" Joey exclaims from her spot on the floor.

- - -

"Wow, I can't believe they let us take the rental car out this late," Spencer says as we each take a turn sliding out of the car. "I've got the sparklers!" Joey claps excitedly. "Calm down, Jo," I giggle. "Jon, go get us a shopping cart." Cassidie whispers. Jon jogs up to the little place where lazy people put their carts and wheels it back to us. "Who's going first?" Spencer asks. "Me! And Paige is coming too!" she volounteers me. Thank you, Joey. "I gotta watch my girl. I'm goin' too," Brendon joins. "We'll take next round," Spencer places his arm around Cassidie and she hugs up against him. Ryan decides to ride with me and the others. "Fine, then," I shrug. "I'm on the front end of the basket! I wanna be like the girl on Titanic who thinks she can fly while she stands on the railing at the tip of the boat. Paige, you can take the basket part thingy with Ryan, and Brendon you push. Jon, you help push," Joey demands. Wtihout arguing, we all snicker our way into our designated spots. Joey lights the sparklers with a lighter she got from who knows where and we begin on our childish and highly immature adventure in a shoppong cart.

"You ready?" Ryan asks me with a broad smile. "Always," he takes my hand and the cart begins to move. "Hold on, every one!" Joey shouts as she grips onto the cart. Brefore we know it, we're racing through the empty lot in a stollen shopping cart with lit sparklers and a screaming Joey. Ryan stands up and laughs as he waves his sparklers around like a mad man. I can hear Brendon's hysterical laughter over the loud clashing of the wheels against the gravel. The wind continuously blowing my hair over my eyes and face, but who gives a shit? Cuz I don't.

We laugh and giggle at the rush we were getting. Honestly, I thought the cart would have crashed long ago, but by the grace of the shopping cart gods, we were safe. [Not a real god, people XD]. The cart slowly comes to a halt, but our laughing and giggling seizes to stop. "Wow, that was crazy. Where do you come up with this stuff, Jo?" I ask through a laugh. "The immaturaties of my well-developed brain," she smiles proudly. Well developed. I love that girl.

After about 45 minutes of joking around, we were all pretty tired and decided to head back. We had to sneak past a few late working crew members just in case they were the night time snitches we've been hearing about. When we finally got inside Panic's bus - undetected, somehow - we say our final goodbyes and exchange our last kisses before migrating back to the comfort of our bus.

"Gosh, Jo, you and your plans are so weird, but so fun," Cassidie exhales as she falls into her bunk. I climb into mine, my guitar in my hands. "You're gonna play a song?" Joey asks. I shoot her a dumbfounded look. "No, Joey, I'm gonna shove this up my-" "Ah! Don't say it. Don't say it. Some people don't wanna have dreams about that stuff, Paige." Cassidie says and pulls the black curtain over her bunk. "Sorry, Cassie," Joey and I giggle. She joins me up in my cozy little bunk.

"So, you and Brendon. That's gotta be exciting," she squeaks. "Yeah, well, once you look past the fact that he's famous, then, it's not all that different from dating a regular guy. He's sweet, he's weird, he's funny, he's a good kisser," my eye brows dance and Joey laughs. I play a quick chrod on my guitar and sigh. "He's really amazing," I bring myself to say. "Looks like someone's in love," Joey winks at me. I give her a sour look. "No, Jo, no one is in love. We've barely been going out. How could I possibly love him?" I ask. "Love has no real expectancy, Pay. It just...happens," she shrugs, her smile fading into a straight, more serious face. "Are you in love, Joey?" I raise a brow. She shakes her head and blushes like a mad woman.

"No! No! I was just saying that you and Brendon are really comfortable with one another. And the way you two look at each other when you think no one's looking; the way you two kiss; when you hold hands. Everything! It's so cute! You two really do seem like you could be in love," she sigs. "Whatever, Jo," I nudge her playfully and she smiles as she takes a lock of her hair and twirls it on her finger. She yawns, causing me to yawn too.

"I'm gonna hit the sack," she says. "Don't let the sack bugs bite," I smile. She snickers and jumps down from her bunk. I put my guitar away. Joey takes it from my bunk and places it in the extra one above Cassidie's bunk. "Nighty night, Pay. Let the love bugs bite," I hear her giggle. She turns out the lights and I fall into a pleasent sleep.