Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Two: That Awkward Person Who Ends up Sitting Next to You

"Uh, excuse me," someone taps my shoulder. I look up to a girl with blonde hair (past her shoulders), blue eyes, wearing all pink. Weird... "Is anyone sitting there?" she asks pointing to the empty seat next to me. She had a voice of a younger kid, but the face and developed body of a girl just my age. I shake my head in responce to her question. "Do you mind if I sit there then?" she asks with a perky smile. "I don't see why not," I shrug. She slides down into the seat next to me - away from the window. Awkward silence... "So, um," she starts again. I face her. She started into my eyes as she spoke. "What's your name?" she asks sweetly. "I'm Paige. Who are you?" I reply.

"I'm Joey DeLino. I just wanted to know who I'd be sharing a bus with," she admits. I glance around the plane. From what I could see there were about 30 seats crammed into the plane. All of them filled and working for the tour, I know - since this is a private plane. "How would you know if you were sharing a bus with me? It could be any one of these people here," I say. She scratches on her head and blushes a bit. "I asked around before the plane ride. There are only a few other girls that'll be on our bus. Other people have another bus or are just helping our with tonight's performance."

Stalker much?

"So, how'd you get this job?" she asks, trying to change the subject. "Well, my uncle, Bobbie, is the manager of the tour and I work at Honda. He said that if I wanted to go as crew then I was more than welcome. So I took the job. What about you?" "My mom works at Honda. She wanted to stay home with my baby brother, so she convinced her manager to let me go instead. So, here I am,"

She had it easy. I had to work to show I deserve to get the job. Of course the other interns at Honda wanted to go, but I was the one who worked their ass off to earn up to get enough hours to be let off for 3 months. "You have a good mom, then, hu?" I ask jokingly. "Yeah, I guess. What about you?" Is she seriously asking about my mother? "Well," I start. Am I really about to tell her about my mother?! "When I was born she got really sick. After my dad left us, she got remarried to a douche named Jeffery.," I shutter at his name. How I hated him so...

She nods. "Is your mom o-oh my gosh!" she interrupts herself. "Your ring, it's so pretty! Where'd you get it?" she exclaims. "I-uh, my mom gave them to me before she put me u...before I moved out." I caught myself before spilling my secret. "Wow," she admires the golden long ring on my index finger. "It's amazing! Is that real gold?" she asks, completely oblivious to the lie I'd fed her. "Yeah. It's pretty old, though. I-"


"Good afternoon. This is your pilot speaking. I would like to thank you all for the peaceful flight here on the new 39 seating HondaJet (which doesn't exists in real life, I don't think). I hope you all had a great flight. Please enjoy the Honda tour and the wonderful sight of San Francisco, California. I'd like to ask for you all to please buckle your seat belts as we descend into San Francisco," the pilot saves my ass.

The clicking of seat belts were heard throughout the plane. I look out the window. The world seemed to grow nearer and nearer as we draw from the clouds. I heard Joey wow from my left side of me.

We were finally one step closer to Panic! One step closer to seeing Ryan again.
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Ha! Another chapter has been posted. I'm kinda onna roll aren't I? Oh well. Please fee free to tell me whatcha think n all that good cheese. Well, on to work on the next chapter for you dearest readers. Thanks and enjoy!