Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Three: Long Instructions, Loud People, and Lots of Violent Pushing

As soon as we landed, I grabbed my guitar from the compartments that were over our heads and walked off the plane with Joey. We were greeted by our crew manager, Bethany, who lead us to baggage claim. From there, we followed her out of the airport, being greeted by a wave of heat, and to our new "home": the tour buses. There were three buses, one in the front which was the largest, another smaller one behind it, and the last bus was the same size as the second one. Probably both buses for crew members, I assume.

"The list of names that will be on each bus will be posted on the doors. Check both buses. If your name isn't on a bus, then you already know what to do," Bethany says coldly as she waves her hand. "For all the people who are going to be working with the band as crew, find your names and get comfy. We'll be leaving in 45 minutes. Unpack your things and get familiar with your bus mates. You can pick up your shirts and sweatshirts at the merch booth before we take off for the next venue. And don't forget: you must wear them during a performance or you may get kicked out, trust me," she growls. Joey and I stifle a few laughs before we're dismissed to find our names.

"I'll check the names on the bus. Here, you stay here and hold the bags," I tell her. She takes my bags and guitar and I saunter over to the bus. A crowd of people pushed and shoved one another trying desperately to find out who's name was on the list. "Who the hell is Paige Blu?!" a girl shouts. I laugh. "That'll be me!" I raise my hand and take a few steps away from the crowd. Everyone turns to face me. "She's kinda hot!" a boy yells from somewhere in that crowd.

"And Joey DeLino?" the same pissed off female voice asks. Joey walks up to me. "I heard my name?" she walks up to me, lugging the bags with her. "She's hot, too!" the same guy voice says. Joey blushes. "There's only three fucking names on the damn list! What the-check the other bus!" a girl shouts. The crowd scatters and runs over to the other bus, nearly pushing Joey and I over. A girl with long brown hair and thick-rimmed glasses stands and waits. "So you're joey and Paige. You two seem pretty cool. I guess we'll be sharing a bus." she smiles. "Here, I'll take your stuff inside. Would you mind going and getting our crew shirts?" she asks. She comes down the steps and takes the bags from our hands.

I guess Joey was right. There were only a few of us on the bus. Well, it's better than being stuck on a tiny tour bus with a perv or a bitchy brat of a girl, right?

"What's your name?" Joey asks. "I'm Cassidie Loe. Your bus mate and the biggest Panic fan ever. If you don't mind, I'll unpack all your things and put them away for you. I'm kind of a neat freak," she smiles. "Knock yourself out." I shrug. Joey and I leave Cassidie the Neat Freak to the clothes and other stuff - including my guitar. "Do you think that's Panic's bus? The bigger one in the front?" Joey asks. I throw the big bag of crew shirts over my shoulder. "Yeah. Most likely. I hope we get to meet them. I really miss Ryan." I murmur, obviously loud enough for Joey to hear.

"You know Ryan Ross? And you didn't tell me?! What kind of friend are you?!" she hollers. We're friends? Since when? We stare at the bus, wanting so badly to go inside. "C'mon, lets get back and see what Cassidie did to the bus." I say. She agrees and we walk to our bus, our eyes glued to what could be Panic's bus. When we got inside we were automatically greeted by a warming smile Cassidie was flashing. "I'm finished!" she says. "Already? Damn, are you some kind of super hero?" I scratch my head at Joey's comment.

The bus was relatively small, but it was only 3 of us. the kitchenette was pretty cute. It had a small fridge, a mic, and a few cabinets and drawers. Next to that was a rounded table with a booth on the inside and a window behind the booth. The t.v sat across from the table - a cute 24 in flat screen. Past the booth and t.v there were 4 beds, two on each side, all with black curtains draping over them. The beds sat on top of each other. I call top bunk, right side. Joey calls the bunk below mine and Cassidie chooses the bottom bunk on the left side.

Past the beds were 4 drawers set up just like the beds, big enough to fit all my clothes I know for sure. Cassidie smiles brightly and informs us of our designated drawers. She told us that private toiletries and all that good stuff could be placed in the extra drawer - which was under mine.

She'd placed my guitar safely near on the booth behind the table - thank god for careful people like her, right?

Once we were settled in the door swings open. We all look. It was...

"Uncle Bobbie!" I exclaim, holding my guitar and jumping down from my bunk to greet him. He opens his arms and readies himself for a hug. "Heya, Paiger! How's it hangin, doll face?" he smiles. "I'm great! Thank you for the job. It means a lot." I giggle a bit. "Don't mention it. I just came by to welcome you girls and to wish you luck, alright. Oh! And I'm gonna need you to go and put away the groceries on the guys' bus. The crew members that were supposed to completely forgot." he shakes his head.

Joey, Cassidie and I glance at each other before violently pushing past Uncle B and squeezing through the door. We run past the busy people and up the stairs of the first bus -aka Panic's bus. We all stare at the door in front of us. I build up the courage to knock. Only moments pass before the door swings open. And there he stands...
♠ ♠ ♠
Mwahahahahaha...well, there you are. Another sweet little chapter. Sorry Bren hasn't made his appearence yet, but I will reward you with all the Brendon Urie goodness I can! Hahahahaha! See, I can be nice. When I wanna be. Tee-hee.