Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Five: Serenating to the Guy Who Almost Got His Nipples Removed by Your Best Friend

"And what song are you gonna sing?" Joey asks sweetly. "Ignorance. A good ol Paramore song." I shrug. I mean, it's not too difficult, but it has a great umph to it it, am I right? "Good luck. You're gonna need it." Brendon sings. I roll my eyes and set my guitar. A tambourine shakes and I automatically turn to Spencer. "To add a little somthin'." he smile. Ah, good ol Spener's got my back. I count to myself before I start. "1. 2. 3. 4...

"Hell yeah, Paige!" Cassidie cheers. Ryan claps along with the others. "You're better than 3 years ago. I see you've taken my little practices to the next level." Ryan jokes. I playfully punch him in the arm. "You got private lessons from Ryan?" Joey asks all buck-eyed. I laugh a bit. "We were best friends, Jo." I say. She smiles and accepts the nick name I'd just stuck to her. "Alright, Brendon, your turn. After that we'll deliberate and all that." Jon says. I carefully hand him my guitar. He throws the strap over is shoulder and sets himself up. "And you'll be playing..?" I raise a brow.

"I guess I'll have to pull out the big guns for this one," he smirks at me. I cross my arms, even though I could feel my very knees buckling underneath me. And I'm sitting down! He's! "And what might that be?" Joey asks. "Time to Dance," he says matter-of-factly. Damn. That song do carry some big guns...
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go! Is there enough Brendon in there for you yet? No? Well, don't fret. There'll be more to come. Just you wait.

Oh! And Please enjoy thoes videos that took me exactly 2 minutes and 42 seconds to place nicely up there for you. Haha. Sorry the Paramore one isn't live like the Panic! one...and sorry you have to hear the annoying crowd singing along with him. I personally hate that...with a passion. Anywho, please enjoy :3