Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

hapter Six: The Weirdest Thing Happened to Me Today...

Spencer, Jo, and Ryan all gather and whisper their final restults to one another. I bounce my leg, eager to know who'd won. Brendon takes a seat next to me on what seemed to be Ryan's bunk. "You have a pretty voice. I actually wont be surprised if you win," he smiles, trying to butter me up with his niceness. No sir!

"Yeah, me neither. You did good too, Urie," I smile at him. He stares a bit and I wave my hand in front of his face. "Earth to Urie! Hello!" I call out. He blinks a few times and shakes his head. "I'm sorry. You just have very pretty eyes," he smiles at me cunningly. I roll my eyes and exhale. "I'm not letting you off if I win, so don't even try it," I hold my head up high and give him the ah-ah-ah finger. He laughs his cute chuckle-like laugh. "Maybe you should come by and hang with us sometime during the tour. When you're not working," he suggests.

Oh shit! Speaking of working, the groceries! "Hey, the tour manager said there were a few groceries the crew before us forgot to put away?" I say in more of a questioning tone. Brendon's brows furrow and he runs a hand through his lucious brown hair. "Um, no. The frigde is packed already, but thanks anyway," he chuckles. Oh that uncle B...

"The judges have decided!" Joey bounces. Spencer stands up to make it seem like he was the slightest bit more important, being the announcer of the winner. "Brendon," he starts. He smiles brightly. "'s tied." he says. I huff in dissapointment. "How so?" my brow twitches. "Well, being the huge Panic fan I am, I had to vote Brendon. Spencer says that you two did extremely great and Ryan voted for Paige." Joey smiles brightly. "You guys are horrible judges." I fold my arms. What bias people they are.

"Seems like we both win," Brendon smirks as he whispers in my ear. I try to control the shivers he'd sent up my spine. "Nah. I quit. I'd rather lose just to make it interresting," I shrug. "So, I can declair victory?" he smiles. I nod at him and a smile stretches across his face. "Hell yeah!" he high fives Joey. "So what are you gonna make me do, run around the bus in my bra and panties?" I scoff. "As hot as that sounds, I'm saving it for later," he winks. "Is that even allowed?" I ask Ryan. He shrugs his shoulders. "There aren't any rules against it," he says. Thanks Ryan. So much.

I take out my phone and check the time. My eyes widen a bit. "We gotta go. It's almost time to head for the first venue." I stand up and Brendon hands me my guitar. "It was nice jamming with you." he grins. "Likewise, Urie." I reply. Ryan escorts us to the door. "It was great seeing you again. I hope you enjoy the tour." he smiles. "Thanks. You too. And don't be a stranger. I'd love to hang out on one of your off days." "Of course. We have a lotta catching up to do."

The girls and I say our final goodbyes before heading for our own bus. Cassidie plops down onto her bed and falls back with a deep breath. "I just got the phone number of the Spencer Simth," I laugh at her. "Good lord, Cassidie, will you stop saying that?" I say, taking a pillow from Joey's bed and throwing it at her face. She sits up with her bangs all messed up and her glasses tilted to the side. "You're so dead, Blu!" she hollers. She takes the pillow and launches it ay me. Being the smarty pants I am, I duck and it ends up hitting the back of Jo's head. "You're such a bully," she cries, hauling the pillow at Cassidie's face.

We violently attack eachother with pillows for a while before Cassidie calls time out to read a text. "You left your phone on the bus, Pagie," she informs. I check my front and back pockets. I swear under my breath before rushing to the other bus to grab it.

Ryan closes the door behind me once I'm inside. "Phone?" I ask Spencer. He points to the bottom bunk that was across from Ryan's. I pull the curtain back to see Brendon casually flipping through my pictures. I frown. He looks up at me and smiles. "I told him not to," Ryan calls from the kitchenette. Brendon gives me a sad puppy look: his brown eyes growing big and his swollen bottom lip poking out. "Brendon's sowy," he pouts. I laugh and snatch the phone away. "You'd better be."

Before I'm able to get off the bus, it starts up and begins to move. "Looks like you're stuck with us for a few hours." Brendon's eye brows dance. I face palm and groan. Stuck on a bus with Panic at the Disco - there's not one single normal thing about this...
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Hope I didn't bore you, haha -_-''