Status: This Story is ACTIVE! ^-^ Enjoy~

It's Time for Us to Take a Chance

Chapter Seven: Pft, A Fear of Thunder? You've Gotta be Kidding!

Night time had finally taken it's reign. The band and I had done so much together already. I had Ryan call Allyson. She completely freaked out. She even made him promise to get Brendon and I together, which didn't seem to bother Brendon at all, while as for me, I was blushing like a mad man. The guys are a joy to be around. They were like a family. Ryan, being the slightly more mature brother; Spencer, the Dad; Jon - in some not gay, totally weird way, the mom and Brendon the puppy eyed baby trapped in a grown man's body.

"Hey, Ry, I'm gonna go shower. Do you think I could borrow a shirt or something for bed tonight since my clothes are on the other bus?" I ask him. He nods and begins to search his drawer. He pulls out a button up shirt and tosses it to me. "Don't be a creep," I say - to Brendon especially. He throws his hands up defencivey and smiles a bit. "No creeps here," he winks.

After my short, but ever so relaxing shower, I throw on the button up shirt, but realize I have no bottoms. I call out to Ryan. "Hey, Ry! Can you grab me a pair of sissors really quick? Or a knife...or something sharp?" I almost whine. It goes silent for a while before Ryan's hand pops through the door holding a knife. "Be careful," he says. I roll my eyes.

I take the knife and rip my jeans into shorts. Feeling pretty accomplished with myself, I exit the bathroom, taking my clothes with me. "Sexy," Brendon smirks. I scoff and turn go over to the small dirty clothes hamper and throw my clothes inside. "I'll wash em when we get to the first venue," I stretch my arms and plop down next to Brendon on his bed, which was bigger than I intended it to be.

"So, where am I sleeping?" I ask. Everyone glances at eachother nervously. "Really guys?" I raise a brow. "I lost my teddy bear. You can sleep with me." Brendon pouts. Honestly, that was pretty adorable. I smile at the childish man.

"You're cute." "So is that a yes?" he perks up. "No." I state bluntly. He pouts and I laugh. "You can have my bed, Bunny," Ryan smiles. "Bunny?" Jon snickers like a little girl. "Yeah. I called her that ever since-" "Ah, no. No need to discuss the reasoning behind nick names." I laugh sheepishly. "Tell me!" Bremdon bounces in his seat. "No! It's humiliating," I fold my arms across my chest.

"You're afraid of thunder?" Brendon asks randomly. "No! Not anymore." I blush a bit. "Good, cuz theres a thunderstorm in San Francisco tonight and-" As if summoned by the thunder god that hates me so, a loud burst of thunder sounds, nearly scaring the pee out of me. I shreik and slip under Brendon's covers. The guys laugh. "Not anymore, hu?" Brendon asks. I punch his arm and pout. "It's not funny. It's a phobia." I whine while peeping from under the thin sheets. Brendon wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly. "It'll be alright. There's nothing to be afraid of," he whispers. For that second I felt safe. He was so warm and the sound of his voice sent chills throught my body. The tencity in my body fled before I realized I barely knew him and I didn't want this to go somewhere it had no buissness going...

I push him away and sit up. "I'm fine! I don't need a-"


God damn it, San Francisco! Out of all the days you had to choose to be on your period, you decide to pick today?! San Fran barely even has storms! Why the hell is today so special?!

My body shakes and I cover my ears and anticipate the next boom. "Paige, are you gonna be alright?" it was Ryan. I turn and maul the boy. "It's just so loud!" I cry. He chuckles. "It's alright, Bunny. You'll be fine," he reasures me. "You can sleep in my bunk tonight," he says soothingly. "I don't wanna sleep alone." I say over the pitter patter of the rain falling. "But I-" "Stay with me, Ryan!" I shout, gripping onto his shirt for dear life. The thunder claps again and I wince, biting my tongue to keep from crying out again. "Alright." he finally agrees.

I climb into his bunk and he follows after me. I take my phone from my back pocket and unlock it so the light could keep me company. Ryan sits up beside me, stroking my back and huming lightly. Just like that night... I
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Haha, the title isn't as long this time! XD