Status: An action/romance Frerard

In the Collision of a Kiss

Chapter One

”Which one are you gonna get, Gee?” asks Frank.
“I dunno,” shrugs Gerard, “So much to choose from…you?”
“No clue,” he shakes his head.
They stand there in deep concentration, weighing out the pro and cons. They’re in front of the slurpee machines in 7-11.
“I like the cherry one…” Frank states.
“You always get the cherry.”
“I know.”
“I like the blueberry.” Gerard says.
“You always get the blueberry.”
“I kno-”
“Oh my god!?! Will you guys just pick one?!” Mikey says, throwing his arm in the air. He’s already gotten his, and doesn’t understand why this is such a difficult task.
“Just go wait in the car, Mikey..” Gerard sighs in annoyance.
“You guys do this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME we come in here, and get the same one every time!”
“Go. wait. in. THE CARRR. MIKEY!” exclaims an aggravated Gerard.
“Fiine!” Mikey lets out, as he heads for the car. Frank tries to hide his laughter, for Mikey’s sake.
“…..Soo I think I’m just gonna go with the blue shock.” Gerard blurts out.
“Yeah, and I’m gonna go with the cherry.” Frank decides. The guys grab their thirty-two ounce cups, and proceed to fill them up.

Meanwhile at the front of the small convenience store, a tall man with a muscular build walks in, followed by three others who look just as similar. All of them have either a hood or mask on, and surround the cashier’s counter. Something’s not right…

Back at the slurpee machines, Frank’s rummaging through the containers of unorganized straws, “Seriously!? Are none of these long enough!”
“Shh!” Gerard elbows Frank, “Look…” he nods up in the direction of the front counter.
Frank stands on his tip-toes to peek over the shelf of chips with Gerard. “What are they doing?” he whispers.
“Think they’re going to rob the place..” Gerard answers, narrowing his eyes.
“Stop talking so damn loud!” hisses Gerard.
“Okay, okay, I’m sor-“

Suddenly, in one swift motion, one of the men pulls out a gun, and empties two bullets into the young cashier’s head! His blood splatters all over the back wall and counter, as he drops dead!

“HO-LY SHIT!” Frank and Gerard scream, wide-eyed, while their slurpees crash to the floor. The men immediately turn their heads, having heard them, the witnesses.

Terrified, the boys slowly start backing away. Gerard glances over his shoulder and sees a door, and on impulse grabs Frank, hoping it’s a way out. Bursting out the door, which luckily leads to the back alley, they run at a speed they didn’t know they were capable of. Not far behind, the men and their bullets chase after them. As bullets ricochet off an old dumpster, a car comes to a screeching halt, right in front of them, stopping them mid-stride at the end of the alley. It’s Mikey! Gerard jumps in the car after Frank, and Mikey floors it before Gerard can even close the door.

Frank sits, slouched in the back car seat with Gerard, both trying to catch their breath.
“What the fuck happened in there!?” Mikey yells, speeding down the road. He checks the review mirror, the coast is clear.
Gerard finally answers after Mikey glances back at him. “They shot him…he’s dead“
“Gerard…” Frank wheezes weakly.
He turns to Frank and his chest fills with panic, as he sees blood soaking the fabric of Frank’s shirt and thick trails of it running down his right arm. He’s been shot.