

I can feel you fading into the walls. You're soft and sad and lingering for a moment, but that moment is soon to pass. I'm sorry for all the things I said. I promise you, I didn't mean them.

Crying always made me feel weak. I would hide my face in pillows to keep the tears from falling from my pathetic eyes to my blemish marked face and I would pretend I was laughing when I was sobbing. I don't like this feeling. Please don't hate me.

You told me that sometimes you lie to people, you tell them you're going to sleep when you're really not. You get bored with conversations. You get bored with people. You told me you've never done that to me. Where do you really go when you say you're in bed?

I don't like when you leave but you leave all the time. And if you loved me, you'd stay. And if you loved me, I'd know. And if you loved me, I wouldn't be saying "and if you loved me". I'm difficult. It happens.

I don't really know where you are when you sleep. I don't really know who you are when I'm not there. I don't really know if I can trust a single word you say. You close your eyes when you say that you love me. You look away. You ask me why I can't look at you, but I never ask you why you can't look at me.

You only said you loved me one time before you left tonight. I counted. Am I no longer worth the three or four I was worth before? The answer is, I was never worthy. I already knew that.

Sometimes I just wish it would end but then where would I be? You said life got bad when I was gone the first time. I don't know if I believe you. I don't know if I ever will.

I don't know where to go. I don't know what to do or say but I miss the way things were when you held me close and shook when you spoke. You were so nervous. Now you leave earlier each day.

What's the point of visiting when you leave ten minutes later? What's the point of driving all that way, all those miles, when you're just going to leave quicker than you came? I can always hear your car from the road. It shakes as badly as my hands whenever you leave.

I want to break your heart like you break mine everyday. You're fading into the walls. Come back. I'll be anything you want me to be.