Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Episode 1: The Pilot

Celebrity Talk Network Inc.- London, England: 7:12 p.m. August 30, 2013

"So, does everyone understand what their roles are, and what they need to do?" The dark haired man in his pin striped suit, questioned the crowded room as he took in everyone's faces.

This was an experiment he had been waiting to conduct since he got the job as a CEO at the worldwide famous Celebrity Talk Network, a channel solely based off of celebrity scandal, and reality tv. The idea he had come up with, was one that could make or break his career in the business.

But after careful consideration, and many months of planning he had finally decided it was time. He gathered in the Taylor Family, who had volunteered their youngest daughter to be the main character of the show, the group of actresses that would soon become her 'classmates' and 'roommates' at the university she would be attending, and of course the handsome popstar that would soon become her 'boyfriend' and his best mates.

Every single person in the room was needed for this whole show to become a success, and luckily for William Jenson they had all been doing a wonderful job at figuring out their roles and perfecting everything. Though none of them could actually plan out their conversations with the main character, they had a full out understanding of how they needed to act, and what they needed to do.

The only person missing in the room was the main character herself, Sutton Taylor. Of course, she had no idea what was taking place at the moment. All she knew was that she had just been accepted into her dream school, Oxford University. What she didn't know was that in the next couple months of her life she would be secretly filmed everywhere she went, and would shortly become one of the worlds most famous reality tv star.

The idea was golden, really. Following the life of an American girl, unknowingly, while she dealt with different life issues. The public eye would surely fall in love with her, after all she was a likable main character.

"Great," he smiled, turning towards the woman who would be in charge of making sure all of the cameras were placed and working properly. "Diane, when you're ready count us off, and Harry get ready for your cue."

"Right. Everyone in place?" she waited for the nods given from everyone who would start the beginning scene, and continued. "Okay, The Sutton Show ready for airing in: five, four, three, two, action!"

"Hi, welcome to Cafe Mocha, what can I get you?" I couldn't help the sigh that came out of my mouth as the British girl behind the counter questioned me. What did I want? I honestly had no idea. If only I had remembered to put my contacts in at the airport, I might have been able to see the menu by now.

"I reccommend the vanilla latte with caramel drizzle," I turned back, startled by the sudden deep voice coming from behind me.

The guy was pretty attractive, though I did tend to find all men with an accent of some sort, cute. His curly hair was messy, as if he had just woken up, and his green eyes danced around happily. "Oh? Well, thanks. Um, yeah. I guess I'll just have what he said."

The girl behind the counter nodded boredly, and gave me a wait number. As I waited I couldn't help but walk over to the big window in the front of the cafe. Since fall was evidently coming, the once green leaves began to turn their pretty shades of yellows, reds, and oranges. That was more than likely the biggest reason for why I loved the season so much.

"First time in London, yeah?" taking my eyes away from the beautiful scenery outside, and glanced at the same guy who had helped with my order.

"Yes, actually. It's really beautiful here." I couldn't help but notice those dimples that shown, as his white teeth peeked out from behind his pink lips.

"It is. Just wait till it begins to snow. That'll really take your breath away."

I grinned at this, "I've never touched snow before."

The guy shifted his body more towards me in a shocked manner, "You've, never touched snow before?"

"Nope! Where I'm from all year long it's warm,"

"Really? If you don't mind me asking, where are you from exactly?"

"Florida. Orlando to he exact," I smiled, thinking back to all the tall palm trees. I was really going to miss seeing them every day.

"That's one of my favorite cities to visit. I'm Harry by the way,"

"I'm Sutton," I replied, biting my lip as I looked out the window one again. I couldnt believe that I the first couple of hours I had been in London, I had already managed to meet and introduce myself to a pretty decent seeming guy.

"Sutton? Now that's a name you don't hear often. I like it. It's...different." Harry grinned once again. "I know we just met and all, but would you want to go out sometime. I'd love to show you around the city,"

I silently freaked out at the question, anxious to call my sister back home and blab to her about this guy. "Y-yeah, that sounds nice."

"Splendid, how about I meet you here tonight. Say around, six?"

I nodded my head in agreement, "Alright, well I'll see you tonight then, Sutton."

I stood there frozen, as I whispered goodbye to his recreating figure. How is it possible that I, Sutton Taylor, had actually managed to get myself a date? It was only the morning and today was already feeling lucky. I just hoped my roommates were at least friendly.
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Yeah, sooo I'm not too happy with this, so if I find the time I'll probably come back and change it. Also sorry for the late update, I'm still trying to figure out where I want this story to go.

Huge thanks to the Liesel, ProudThespian, and Clara for your comments they mean the world to me!

Another thing, I'm currently trying to fix the layout, someone mentioned to me it seemed to be a bit big and I agree, I just get very frustrated easily, so I'm slowly trying to get it where to how I like it

Anyway, thank you for reading! Please subscribe, continue to comment, and maybe recommend!