Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Episode 1: The Pilot

You know all of those cute, quirky movies that Disney channel always come up with? I honestly felt like I was living in one.

I really didn't think things would be going so smoothly for me, specially on the first day of being here in London. Not only had I managed to meet a rather attractive Brit, but my apartment- or flat- was so cozy.

It was a perfect fit for three college students- perfect walking distance to campus and the shopping center. Not to mention a fabulous coffee shop right around the block.

I had been so worried about having terrible roommates on the plane ride over here, that I never factored in that my roommates might just be really awesome. And that's exactly what they were.

Sophie and Peyton were the two girls that everyone would want to share a flat with. Sophie was a year older than me, but had the charisma everyone wanted. Her tall, lean body made it apparent she was athletic, and she had already promised to take me down to the sports center soon.

Peyton was just as lovable as Sophie, with her killer smile and loud laugh. She was the type of person who would always be cracking jokes, and I couldn't have been more thankful.

The two of them had been so welcoming and sweet, I felt like I had known them for years. Hell, I had already told them about me meeting the Harry guy from the cafe, which ultimately lead us to where we were now- Peyton's closet, trying to figure out what I could wear.

I had been so focused on moving my things in and meeting my roommates, that I had lost track of time. Not to mention, what I was going to wear. Luckily, Peyton and I were the same waste size, and Sophie and I shared the same top size.

"Ooo! This will look fabulous with Sophie's red shirt. You know what I'm talking about Soph?" Peyton questioned, throwing a pair of dark washed jeans on top of the never ending pile of pants covering her bed.

"Oh my gosh yes, that would! Oh! And you should totally wear those cute black sandals you brought with you Suds!" I just nodded, completely lost at what they were talking about. I never had such close girl friends back home, that I wasn't qute used to all of this clothes searching that Sophie and Peyton were doing.

"Okay, I'll go get those, and the shirt! Sutton, try on these pants!" Peyton spoke, eagerly thrusting the jeans into my hands. I just laughed, and walk into the bathroom.

Two hours later I was finally ready to go meet up with Harry. I left the flat as Peyton and Sophie loudly wished me luck. When I finally arrived at the cafe, I spotted the curly brown hair I had seen this morning and grinned.

He turned around to see me walking in, a smile breaking out on his face. "I was almost worried you wouldn't show." he grinned.

"Now where would my manners be if I ditched the nice guy who helped me order coffee this morning?" I questioned, inwardly slapping myself at my awkwardness. I really needed to get a grip.

Harry only chuckled, "You look lovely. Are you ready to go? I figured we could walk down Picadilly Circus for awhile, and get to know one another."

I nodded excitedly, "That sounds fabulous. Will there be elephants?" I questioned, as Harry held the door open for me to leave.

"Love, why on earth would there be elephants there?" he asked, amused as we began our walk down the street.

"Because it's a circus, right?"

Harry stopped walking to laugh, grinning widely at me, "If I'm not being too forward, you're really cute." he spoke, "But no, Piccadilly Circus isn't actually a circus. It's a sort of shopping center."

Great, Sutton. Way to be an idiot. "Psh, I knew that. I was just testing you, silly!" I tried, holding in my laughter as best as I could.

"Oh you were, were you? Well, did I ace your test?"

"Yeah, actually. One hundred and ten percent correct!" I grinned.

"Hmm, ten percent extra, huh? You must really like me then. " Harry teased. "Ah, and here we are. But watch out for the elephants, they tend to go crazy."

I'm not sure what it was, but it was like with every joke Harry said, I couldn't contain my laughter. "I don't even doubt that."

"So tell me about yourself, Sutton. All I know is your name, and that your from Florida. But who are you, really?" he turned his head as we walked down the crowded sidewalk, anticipating my answer.

"Well, I'm actually a mass murderer." I said matter of factly.

"A mass murderer? Really?"

"Nah, I'm totally joking." I chuckled, "But for real? I'm a college student by day, wizard by night."

"Oh a wizard, huh? So does that mean your friends with Harry Potter?" Harry questioned, as the two of us stopped to look at though a window at the random clothes in the shop.

"Eh, more like Draco and them. I like kicking it old school with the bad kids." I joked.

After three hours of non stop jokes and telling each other about ourselves, Harry and I made our way to my doorstep. Harry nudged my shoulder playfully, as we came up to my front door. I nudged him back, and he stood there in front of me with a sheepish grin on his face.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Sutton." he started, seriously. "I had a really good time tonight. So thank you,"

"No, thank you Harry. I'm really glad I met you," I smiled innocently. As soon as I thought about the nice night I had, I felt his soft lips on mine. He pulled away, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, and let out a soft breath.

"Can I see you again?" he questioned, as I bit my lip.

"I would really like that," I handed him my phone to put his number in. As he handed it backl he sent me one last smile, and walked away.

"Episode 1, is a wrap! Good job, Harry. You really wooed her." the director spoke, as Harry walked out of the flat building. He looked over distractedly, and nodded.

Harry had felt something strange tonight while he was out with Sutton, he just didn't know how to feel about it. "Good job, kid. Make sure to call her tomorrow morning, and text her that you had a good time. Got it?" one of the workers reminded him.

Harry just nodded, his mind still on that kiss he had just shared with her. Her lips had felt so soft and gentle on his own. It was like he could still feel them there.

"Alright, Harry. We'll see you tomorrow. Make sure to make your next date for Tuesday, got it?"

"Er, yeah. Okay, see you later." and with that the crew carried on secretly filming the three girls gossiping over the date, and Harry made his way back home, more confused as ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really suck at posting. I'm sorry this took so long!

Huge thanks to: sharmindoreen, ProudThespian, Clara, kierstlovesyou, Liesel. I'm so grateful that you guys comment, and enjoy this story. I hope I don't disappoint.

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