Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Episode 1: The Pilot

"So? What's she like?" Louis demanded of his best friend the moment he saw those curly locks walk through the door.

"Oh, hey Lou. I'm good, thanks for asking." Harry mumbled sarcastically.

"Well I already knew that, Haz. So tell me, is my future best friend's fake girlfriend at least attractive?" Louis teased. He had thought the whole idea of a reality show was absurd, but management had somehow convinced Harry this was what the band needed to get back on track.

"You just find this so funny, don't you?" Harry turned around, eyeing his mate knowingly.

"Just a bit. But in all seriousness,
is she a decent person?" Harry sighed at the question. She was more than a decent person. He had thought about the situation the whole care ride over to the flat. He hadn't actually expected the random stranger to be such a nice, fun girl. Harry couodnt help but wish that he had met her on different circumstances. Maybe that way they could have become good friends.

"Yeah she is, Lou. Bit of a joker. You'll like her, guaranteed." he announced.

"So how long is it till you ask her to be your girlfriend or whatever?" Louis questioned, staring at Harry intently. His friend had been a acting off since the band's second album went downhill last year, and it often worried him. Louis couldn't help but hope that this whole reality show thing might bring back the old Harry.

"I'm not sure, really. I guess I'll ask her a couple more dates from now, or when Jenson tells me too." Harry spoke, wishing Louis would drop the subject. He needed time to digest the date- fake date- he had just been on, and Louis asking questions wasn't helping.

"I think I'm going to head off to bed, Lou. G'night," Harry said, walking into his bedroom. He got ready and laid down, analyzing the night he had just experienced.

Sutton had been so easy to talk to, yet there was still so much he didn't know for sure about her. She seemed as if she was carefree and understanding, but he felt like there was something else missing there.

The worst part of the night though was that there wasn't a worst part. Every moment was perfect to Harry, and that really bothered him. He thought this whole fake dating thing would mean dating some random weird girl that's hard to like. He figured the date tonight would have been awkward and meaningless.

He had thought all of this but ended up being wrong. The date was amazing and had the perfect ending with a spark filled kiss. Harry couldn't help but feel a bit frightened at the thought so he tried talking himself out of it.

"There were no sparks," he muttered. "It was just a kiss. Just a simple, simple kiss."

"And you guys kissed?! Oh my god, Sutton!" Sophie squealed with delight. As soon as I had gotten in from my date Peyton and Sophie had demanded I get into my pajamas and we would have a movie night which really only ended up us being sprawled out on the floor gossiping about the people in our lives.

"I cannot believe that it's your first day in London, and you already went on a date and snagged a kiss." Peyton mumbled grumpily, smacking me with her pillow, laughing.

I laughed as Sophie decided to come to my aid in a very dramatic way. It was true though what Peyton said. It was sort of unbelievable at the thought that I actually already met a guy. Nothing in my life had ever gone so perfectly. Not that I was complaining. It was just- new.

"Do either of you have a boyfriend?" I asked as the two finally sat down out of breath. Sophie shot her hand up, collapsing on her back dramatically.

"Thomas," Peyton cooed, making kissing sounds towards Sophie. I laughed at Sophie's embarrassment.

"Oh, shut it you! What about William? Hmm?" she demanded.

"Who's William?" I asked, suggestively.

"William is no one important." Peyton muttered.

"Oh yes he is! William is in her physics class and she is in love." Sophie announced.

Peyton scoffed at this, shaking her head at me. "I am not in love with William."

"William is sooo cute! William has the cutest hair! Do you think William likes purple on girls? I wonder if William is going to be at the gym? William!" I bursted out laughing at Sophie's imitation of Peyton.

"I am not like that. Don't even listen to her!" Peyton declared. It took a couple more minutes for Sophie to finally stop embarrassing Peyton before the two started to go to bed.

As I laid there, I couldn't help but smile at what a great day I had. I had arrived safely in my dream city, met an attractive guy who had given me one of the best dates and kisses of my life, and met two of the sweetest friends a girl could ever ask for. Life was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah blah blah. I don't like this chapter very much but whatever. I'm sorry if this is coming on slowly, I'm going to try to speed things up some, specially since is now just the ending of episode 1.

So you guys never fail to amaze. I'm so thankful for every single person's comments. They truly mean the world to me.

That being said huge thanks to:
Little Ms Dancer;

Thank you all, and thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! Please continue to comment, and subscribe and let me know if there's anything in particular you want to see in the upcoming chapters!