Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Episode 3: The Second Date

Celebrity Talk, Inc.- London, England

"Peyton, Sophie. Nice of you to join us." William Jenson states sarcastically.

"Sorry, Will! Sutton didn't know how to get to uni. God, I swear the girl is so dumb." Peyton spoke with a roll of her eye at the thought of her so called 'roommate'.

"Eh, not a problem. So, now that everyone is here. Let's get started. I've watched over the first two episodes, and they are both fantastic. Sutton doesn't appear to be catching on at all. Now Harry, you're next date is tonight correct?" Harry turned his attention to the sharp dressed man, and nodded.

"Uh, yes, sir. But where exactly should I take her?" It wasn't as if Harry didn't know how to properly take a girl on a date, but the more he thought about the whole situation, the more he realized how easily one little mistake in say the venue of their date, and the whole ordeal could be jeoporadized.

"Ah, yes. Diane and I were talking and we think you should take her for a night in. Cook her dinner, get her to open up some. As much as we've seen Sutton these last few days, the viewers still don't know much about her. So Harry, that's your goal."

Harry nodded his head, and William continued, focusing now on the two girls next tit he curly haired lad. "Now girls, you two are doing an excellent job at being her roommates. But there's a problem."

"Problem?" Sophie countered.

"You see after looking over Sutton's latest texts it appears she hasn't stopped messaging that boy, Max. Now, I was contemplating what to do with him last night, and I've decided that what could make a better plot twist then adding an extra love to Sutton's life. Which of course means, we need Max to come in and sign a contract, so he can be on board. Think you can get him too?" Sophie nodded eagerly, exciting for some drama to come in. Even though it was easy for Peyton and her to act like complete best friends to Sutton, it would be a lot more fun if there was more shazam in their acts.

"Wait." Harry started, realizing suddenly just what the three of them were talking about. Panic started forming in the back of his mind, that he may just be replaced. Although he didn't know his actual feeling for Sutton, he didn't want to be cast aside, specially when this whole thing was to get the band back up in the spotlight.

"Yes, Harry?" Mr. Jenson said, raising his eyebrows at the younger man.

"I- I um, thought that it was agreed I would be Sutton's boyfriend." Harry spoke up, nervously.

"Oh, Harry you will be, eventually. But that doesn't mean that we can't add a little love triangle in the middle. Makes for good television, trust me." the curly haired lad nodded, accepting the idea that he would eventually be the number one love interest.

"Alright, well that's all. Good luck on the date tonight Harry."

"Hey, you made it! No trouble finding your way, I hope?" I smiled at the brown haired, Brit.

"No, surprisingly not. Your directions were quite accurate." I told him, allowing him to gently take my black peacoat off my shoulders to hang up.

"Well, what can I say? My nickname is actually Mr. GPS," Harry joked, leading me through his nicely styled flat. I examined the white walls, the black furniture, and the cute family pictures he had hung about. I was starting to realize how much his family was important to him, which I couldn't help but smile at.

"So I hope you like spaghetti. I figured I could go with something super fancy and risk you not liking it, or I could go with something easy." he told me, as we entered the kitchen.

"Oo, I must have forgotten to mention. I'm allergic to spaghetti," I teased.

A look of panic crossed over his face at my statement, "Shit! I feel so dumb. Well, we can go out. Oh, god, I'm sorry-"

"Harry!" I cut in, laughing. "I'm joking. Spaghetti just happens to be my all time favorite Italian food." he smiled, relieved and pulled the wooden kitchen chair out for me.

I sat down and tried not to blush at how much of a gentlemen he was. I mean, seriously, why couldn't all guys pull my chair out or take off my coat, or even cook me dinner. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to get such a well mannered guy.

"And bon a petit!" Harry grinned, setting down a white plate filled with the noodles and sauce, and a roll.

"This looks amazing, Harry! Thanks!" he motioned for me to dig in, so I obliged, tasting his delicious pasta.

"So, Ms. Sutton Taylor. Tell me, what are will be studying in uni?" Harry asked.

"Physcology, actually, though I haven't decided what branch yet. What do you study?" I asked. It suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea what Harry actually did or where he went to school.

I looked over at him concerned as he starting choking in his water, "Are you okay?"

"Ye-yeah, sorry. Swallowed wrong. Um, I'm not in um school at the moment."

"Oh, well what do you do then?" I asked.

Harry's eyes went wide at my question, "Uh, um, what do I do? What do I do. I, erm, well, I am um, in the music business." he finally manages to get out.

"Oh wow really? That's awesome! What do you do?"

"I um, well you see, I just, you know, well, um-" he reached to grab his glass but knocked it over. The cold liquid spilt out and onto the gray dress I was wearing as I gasped.

"Shit! Oh, god, I'm sorry, Sutton! Crap, oh god, let me get you some napkins." I should have been angry at this. I should have been annoyed at the fact that my dress was now wet, but for some reason, I just wasn't. In fact I found the whole situation quite humorous.

"Here, here some napkins. Man, I'm sorry." he said as he started patting the wet spot.

I looked down at my croch, where the water had just so happen to landed, "Um, Harry? Maybe, I should do-"

Harry quickly realized that where he was indeed patting, and went bright red, "Oh, yeah. Sorry! God, I'm an idiot."

"Don't say that Harry! It's quite funny actually. It's just water, anyway!" at that moment, I looked up and met Harry's green eyes.

It was in that moment when we were both staring at one another, and we were both grinning, that I realized just how real this all was. I was in London. I was on a date with an amazing person. This was real. This was my life, and in that moment nothing could ruin my mood.
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Hey guys sorry this took so long, I didn't have any time last Sunday but it's out now. There will be another part to their date in the next chapter.

Thank you to all who gave feedback, I say it every time and I promise you I mean it ever time when I say that it means the world.

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