Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Episode 3: The date

Harry and I sat there grinning at one another like fools until we were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Well that's strange. Will you excuse me? I better make sure it's nothing important."

"Yeah, of course. Um, where's your bathroom?" I asked.

"Down the hall to the right. I'll be right back." I watched as he walked away and began down the hallway to the bathroom. Unfortunately, there were two doors on the right which lead to me having to guess which one was the bathroom.

I turned the knob on the first door and opened it. "What the-" I shrieked at the sight of a naked guy standing in the room. I was so in shocked I couldn't do anything but stand there and stare.

"Sutton, are you alright?" Harry asked, coming down the hallway.

"Oh so you're Sutton." the naked man stated, finally clothing himself.

"Harry, why is your girlfriend watching a naked Louis?" an Irish guy questioned behind Harry. Harry slapped a hand over his forehead, groaning.

"Well, this date just got awkward." Harry stated.

"Oh, how cute! You're on a date! Hey, you guys should come out with us tonight. You know, avoid anymore awkward spills on the lady parts," the Louis guy suggested. I held in a laugh as Harry narrowed his eyes at the guy.

"What? The walls aren't sound proof, you know. So, let's go then! Were meeting up with the Zayn and Liam too." Louis announced, shuffling the all of us out the front door before Harry or I could object.

Thirty mintutes and one random, awkward car ride later we finally made it to our destination which I found out was a pub right on the outskirts of London.

The four of us headed inside, Niall and Louis who I learned worked with Harry took the lead. "Hey, wait." I paused at the door as the two walked in ahead of us.

"I'm sorry, they ruined our date. We don't have to go in if you don't want too." I smiled.

"No, that's okay. It wasn't ruined. We can think of this as a second date, part two." I offered. The curly haired man laughed, opening the door and motioning me in.

The two of us spotted Louis and Niall sitting at a booth next to two other guys. "Hey, Harry. Who's your bird?" a dark complected guy questioned.

"Guys this is Sutton. Sutton these are some other friends that I, erm, work with, Zayn and Liam." he introduced. I sat down beside Niall and Harry next to me, as the boys began to catch up.

Harry sat at the booth with his friends and potential fake girlfriend, thinking. He really did not want Louis to whisk him and Sutton off to the pub, specially because there were no cameras around.

In his flat there were cameras positioned in all the right places, but there were none here at this stupid pub. He wanted desperately to make up an excuse to leave before the whole date episode was ruined, but he couldn't think of one good one.

Louis kept shooting him knowing glances, and he partially wondered if his friend was doing this on purpose. He knew perfectly well that his friend didn't exactly agree with this whole situation, but would he honestly try to sabotage an episode? Harry doubted it more than anything.

His thoughts were interrupted when Sutton mentioned she had to use the ladies room. He let her out, and sat back down, anticipating all of the comments his bandmates were about to make.

"Well, your fake girlfriend seems nice." Liam joked, taking a sip of his drink. Harry groaned.

"I need you guys to help me quickly think of an excuse to take her back home."

"Whoa, there. You're already planning on banging her? I thought you were just suppose to take her on a date." Zayn questioned surprised. Harry shook his head in annoyance at his friends, his anxiety starting to get the best of him.

There was only so long they had before the whole episode would need to be redone. "No! There aren't cameras here, but theres cameras at my flat. I need to get her back there before the date is ruined." Harry insisted.

"You might wanna hurry up with that excuse, Haz. Sutton looks to be pretty cozy with that block at the bar." Louis mentioned, eyeing the brunette behind him.

Harry turned around slowly to eye who this guy was and all but yelled in anger when he realized who it was.

Maxwell Thompson was someone Harry had grown to hate over the years. He still wasn't sure how he had ever crossed paths with London's ultimate player but when he did, he knew he wasn't going to be friends with him. Maxwell had a reputation of pursuing girls who were in a relationship or any girl that Harry liked.

It suddenly dawned on him that this was the ''Max' Jenson had been talking about earlier this morning. The anger began boiling in the pit of his stomach as he realized Maxwell was going to in on this whole act, and if Harry knew the American asshole at all, it was that he was going to plan on ruining this for Harry.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out, and turned back around to face his friends. What the fuck was he going to do now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I don't have to time to proofread so I'm sorry if there's mistakes and all that jazz.

Big thanks to all who comment I always appreciate your feedback.
Shout outs to:
Teenage hearts

You guys never fail to make my day so thank you. Hope you enjoyed, subscribe and let me know what you think!