Status: Active

The Sutton Show

Non Recorded Day

"So Suds, when are we going to meet this little boyfriend of yours." I couldn't help the blush that creeped up on the back of my neck at Peyton's words.

"He's not my boyfriend." I muttered as she laughed.

"Oh, darling. Not yet, but he will be. I mean from what you've said, he sounds smitten about you." I smiled at this, silently hoping this was right. Harry had been on my mind since the date we had two nights ago.

I felt my phone buzz, and went to open the text. "Is that lover boy? You've been texting him all day. Maybe, you're the smitten one, yeah?" Peyton chuckled.

"It's not Harry. It's Max." I explained, typing a reply back.

"Um, Max? You mean Sophie's friend Max?" I looked over at her confused at the worried tone in her voice.

"Uh, yeah? Is that not okay? He seems like a pretty nice guy." I stated.

"And he is a nice guy. But- but what about Harry?"

"What about Harry? I'm not interested in Max. I just think he's a nice person to talk to."

"Well don't." Peyton retorted.

"I'm sorry?"

Peyton sighed, stopping for a second to look at me. "Look, Sutton. I just, I don't think this whole talking to Max thing is a good idea. That's all."

"What's up, girlies!" Peyton turned her attention from me as Sophie approached us outside of the store she was just in.

"Nothing, just talking."

"About what? Anything interesting?" Sophie questioned.

"Peyton doesn't think it's a good idea that I'm texting Max as a friend." I explained. I watched Sophie and Peyton stare at each other, silently communicating between each other. I had no idea what was going on between the two of them but by the glare Peyton was giving Sophie I could only imagine it was bad.

"Well, don't listen to Peyton. She doesn't know anything. Max is a fabulous person, so you should definitely keep texting him." Sophie recited, linking her arm in mine as we began walking down the street.

"Or you could just stop talking to him, and focus on friends?"

"Why should she stop talking to Max? It's not harming her or Harry so just let her do what she wants, Pey."

"Fine. Sutton, do what you want. Just don't say I didn't tell you so." I watched as Peyton walked away from us. I turned towards Sophie confused.

"What is she talking about Soph?"

"Who knows. She's just being dramatic."

"No. Absolutely not. You didn't tell me this other 'love interest' would be Maxwell. I am not doing this." Harry proclaimed, dropping himself into the cushioned seat in front of the mahogy desk of William Jenson.

"Harry, come on. Let's talk about this. Sure, you and Maxwell don't exactly get along. But- but think of it this way. In the end, you
will end up with Sutton, so it will be sorta like you get to rub it in face. Haven't you always wanted to do that?" William reasoned

"Well- well yeah. But how do you even know she'll fall for me in the end? What if she actually falls for Maxwell? Then, what?" Harry asked.

"It won't happen. I can assure you that."

"Jenson!" Harry and William turned towards the door as it swung open to show a very annoyed looking Peyton.

"Peyton. What can I do for you?" William asked, looking apologetically at Harry as the boy just waved in acceptance.

"What can you do for me? You can explain something to me. Like why on god's earth is Sutton texting Maxwell Thompson, and Sophie wanting her to be best friends with him? Because as far as I'm concerned were suppose to be talking her into falling in love with Harry!" Peyton demanded.

"I told Sophie to encourage her to text Maxwell." William replied, calmly as both Harry and Peyton stared at him alarmed.

"Excuse me? You what?" Harry questioned.

"Look, to try to spark up some drama for the show I told Sophie she should try to be on board with this whole Sutton talking to Max thing." Harry and Peyton could not believe what they were hearing. Harry couldn't help but feel like he was ultimately going to replaced on this show if he didn't do anything about Maxwell. If Sutton began liking Max more than himself than he didn't know what he would do. He didn't even know what that meant for his and Sutton's fake relationship. If she was texting Max, did that mean she was cheating on him? Harry hadn't been so confused in his life at the moment.

But it was Peyton who was dealing with the most internal conflict. She and along with everyone else could understand why Harry would be upset about Max talking to Sutton. It was her that people wouldn't understand her sudden disdain, and how could she ever explain it? It wasn't as if she could come out and tell everyone 'oh yeah. I really don't want Sutton talking to Max because I like him'. She had to act as if she didn't go weak in the knees at the mention of the American's name. If Sutton fell in love with Max, she really didn't think she'd be able to continue on the show.

"Look you two. I have it all figured out. There's really no need to worry. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with someone." As if on cue there was a knock on his office door, and Peyton and Harry made their ways towards the door.

As the pair walked out though, they couldn't stop the sinking in both of their stomachs as Maxwell himself walked into the office.

Once the door was closed, William grinned at the American boy in front of him. "So you wanted to see me, Will?" Max stated, taking a seat on the opposite side of Jenson.

"Yes. You see, Maxwell. I've told Harry over and over again that he will end up with Sutton by the end of the show." William started.

"I don't understand, sir."

"Max, I want you no matter what to try to capture Sutton's heart."

"You mean you want me to try to get her to fall in love with me and not Harry?" Maxwell questioned slowly.

"Yes that's exactly what I want you to do. Think you're capable of doing that?"

"Oh you have no idea. Believe me, sir. She'll be falling for me in no time."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey strangers how's it going? This took wayyyy longer than it should have, so I'm sorry about that. I don't know why but once I hit the sixth chapter of a story I always get writers block and have no inspiration to update. Which sucks because this is like my favorite story yet but I feel like it's getting really boring.

Anyway, if you have any thoughts, or whatever feel free to drop them up in that little comment box up there.

As always the biggest thanks to these wonderful people. I can't thank you enough. If it werent for those who comment I would probably never try to update this, so thanks.
Shout outs to:
teenage hearts

Hope you all enjoyed, let me know what you think. I hope every one who celebrates has a fabulous Christmas, and those who don't have a merry Monday and tuesday.